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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. What's a stone? Some sort of metric measurement?
  2. The best way to run window$ is not at all. Try out linux from a USB stick without destroying your windows environment. For someone not familiar with linux, try some ubuntu derivative like linux mint. Download a live cd version, use the appropriate software to load it to the stick and boot from it. You'll be amazed with what it can do. It won't come with MS office, etc but you'll have open office, etc which work just as well if not better than the M$ stuff.
  3. I got a ticket for wearing one a few years ago. Luckily I had an expired license from the Philippines in my wallet and gave it to the officer to hold while I was supposed to be going to pay the ticket. Never did find that officer again... Not that I looked.
  4. I'm in pattaya and have a 3xx Real open face helmet with visors that's still a bit small for me. Used only a couple of hours. If it fits I'd let it go for a very reasonable price. PM me if you want to check it out.
  5. Much easier to use your phone app and scan the qr code. And there's no yearly fee like there is on your atm card. Withdrawals at atm machines work with your phone too.
  6. This kind of nonsense will continue until they fix the gerrymandering of the districts. She and many other right wing loonies are in districts where a piece of string running as a republican would get elected.
  7. Oh. So you're a white supremacist then. Nuff said.
  8. Maybe not. It might not be your odor but something else about you that they disdain. As I don't know you, I can't hazard to guess what it is. All I can state is that I don't have the same reaction from the locals as you.
  9. Sounds to me like you need to take more showers. The examples you state never happen to me.
  10. Was this it? https://www.kawasaki.co.th/en/motorcycle/ninjazx6r
  11. You do know that canola oil is rapeseed oil, right?
  12. You're likely to need a state DL for the new address to change it. They're getting quite picky. Currently, state DL's address has supposedly been verified by the state and is therefore used by most of these companies. You may want to set up a fake base address in the US. Full time RV people use them all the time. BTW, Vanguard closed my brokerage account when I was using a foreign address.
  13. One more thing on the original topic. I suggest people buy used/refurbished Thinkpads, not new ones. I'm currently using an X250, about 10 years old I think. When did Lenovo get sold by IBM? I'm looking around for an X1 carbon. Maybe they're too new and i should rethink it. A 15 year old Thinkpad is more than sufficient for what the OP was looking for.
  14. Damn. Now it's out there and everybody knows. ????
  15. Enlarged member, or rock hard member.
  16. Most people don't know what research is. The majority these days think it's scouring the internet looking for some moron or website that agrees with their preconceived views on anything. There will always be someone on youtube that has your views and most can't see through the BS. Thanks for all the info you provide. Quite informative.
  17. You need to be selective when buying Lenovo. The Thinkpads are high quality with the mil-spec ones being best imo. The IdeaPads are consumer grade and the same quality as Acer, etc. Mil-spec laptops are built more ruggedly than normal, and are designed for easy field repair. User and repair manuals, specs, etc. for all Thinkpads are available on thinkwiki.org for anyone lucky enough to have one.
  18. It was built to withstand the pressure. They forgot to check the best by date though, as the technology used to build it degrades with time and repeated submerge cycles. The idea that they went quickly without foreknowledge is probably incorrect as one guy was saying they had declared an emergency and started ascent before it imploded. Yes, they went quick when it happened, but if this guy is correct they knew it was coming.
  19. Vegetable based fake meat is garbage and should have never been invented. Lab grown meat is the future. The cost both financially and to the environment is tremendous for getting actual meat from live animals, including growing feed, growing animals, etc., etc.. Lab grown meat: no antibiotics, no parasites, much cheaper to produce, etc.. You may not like it, but in a few years it will be everywhere. Get used to it.
  20. Yes, those lying conservative outlets should all be locked up.
  21. More faux news propaganda. Give it a rest and stop posting all the drivel coming out of that cesspool.
  22. Probably very common. I guess it explains the quality of service in many of these establishments.
  23. That's what she said!
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