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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. In the words of P. T. Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute"
  2. Is this why you're not supposed to pee on the third rail?
  3. Oh no! Another calamity.
  4. This kind of thing happens everywhere. Here's a lady doing her driver's test in Argentina. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/06/16/driving-test-crash-argentina-cprog-orig-ff.cnn
  5. Funny. Smoking pot makes me eat less. It's like normally I would eat for example 10 chicken wings but if high after 5 or 6 I'm thinking this is too much. It seems to also have migrated to non-high eating as now I will eat only 5 or 6 instead of the 10. I should write a book “Lose weight with the Ganga Diet“
  6. How long is the charge time to full at home from empty for your EV? I do believe the public charging stations will have a much higher current rating than anything you will get at home. I suspect your answer will be around 10 or more hours. I looked at upgrading the electrical feed on a Canadian property to allow the fast charging. The cost to get just the extra 50 amps was around $10k. This didn't include the upgraded panels. The bottom line is that your scenario is fine if you have lots of time to be plugged in with little usage of the vehicle but is somewhat lacking if you drive a lot and need very quick charging.
  7. I'm sure we could come up with a very similar chart about the introduction and uptake of compact fluorescent bulb. Taking the chart out a few years would show a vertical drop around when the much superior led bulb was introduced. If the OP article is correct, the same drop will happen with EVs.
  8. EVs will be the same as the compact fluorescent lightbulb. A big thing for 20 years then poof, gone. I don't even think they make those bulbs anymore. I don't think Elon will like this if it happens.
  9. Cool. I'll buy one for sure if I'm still kicking. H-2. Hindenburg-2. I wonder if they thought the name out...
  10. After barely surviving his grievous wounds from his mission in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tyler Rake is back, and his team is ready to take on their next mission. --- On the scene. Torrents???
  11. Spy/Master is set during the height of the Cold War and covers a week in the life of fictional character Victor Godeanu, the right-hand man and closest advisor to Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu. However, Godeanu is also a secret agent for the KGB and must escape Romania and Ceaușescu before his cover is blown. With only one shot at staying alive, he uses a diplomatic trip to Germany as a springboard to the United States. Helped by an undercover Stasi agent and former flame, and an up-and-coming CIA agent, Godeanu must elude the KGB and his own country's spooks, fully aware that his defection is putting his family back home in mortal danger. ---- S01 available on the scene. Who knows when it will make it to the regular torrent sites.
  12. I guess that explains all the Harley Davidson riders in the US.
  13. That's not because of your penis size...
  14. Haha. You're funny. Jan 6th was a semi-riot? Maybe if you say it again and again someone will believe you.
  15. Why would one expect Russians to be able to drive properly. Most places there don't allow left turns. You have to make 3 rights. Russia: two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left.
  16. More faux news misinformation. It should be banned as an acceptable source, especially after they admitted to continually providing false information and having to pay 785 million in penalties.
  17. So let me get this straight. You got a ticket from a camera and 3 weeks later you forgot there was a camera there and thought it was ok to break the law in the same place.
  18. So he was trying to steal the honey from the bees and the bees didn't like it. Hmmm. You gotta be smarter than the bees...
  19. It depends on your location, and the floor you are on. The higher you go the slower it gets. I regularly get over 20mb though.
  20. Nope. 30 megabit. And it's actually all that's needed. Gigabit connections are a waste.
  21. I have a dtac 30mb unlimited sim similar to the one mentioned above. When I was using it for streaming, etc my monthly usage was over 300GB with no throttling.
  22. Thanks. Better you wasted the 4 hours than me. ????Maybe this is the new way they are presenting cases where the actual perpetrators are not known. Simply show the current available info and leave it up to the viewers to maybe provide more evidence.
  23. I have a 30Mb dtac unlimited sim. I was recently looking for a condo and tried connection speeds on different floors of the same building. After the 5th floor the speed dramatically decreased. After 7 or 8 it would be difficult to get enough to stream videos. i guess I could test these assumptions analytically, through experimentation and a “scientific method” and come up with some graphs and charts. Maybe this scientific method could be extended to other fields of learning: the natural sciences, art, architecture, navigation. Perhaps I could lead the way to a new age, an age of rebirth, a Renaissance! ... Naaaaaahhh!
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