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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. Are you sure he isn't teen?😀
  2. Instead of the government having to pay, why not insist those on tourist visas have accident and health insurance. So many people believe 'It wont happen to me', and don't bother with insurance.
  3. They won't be for donations that's for sure.
  4. A Tad under whelming. Klaus. Try this one..
  5. Is there a law against riding unicycles on Thai roads? I am not sure, but I believe these guys were, as stated, in the wrong lane. I would also argue the point of the 'right lane is reserved for vehicles traveling at high speed'. As to the 10,000B fine? Well over the top, or is it because they are foreigners!? BUT. As we all know the rules are made up to fit the case in question! You can't do that there here!!!
  6. " credible links/sources", would be very difficult to come by, as governments have ways and means of hiding what they don't want people to know. On the other hand, look at the number of elderly who were discharges from hospitals into old peoples homes. How many of them are known to have died? It was into the thousands.
  7. Try 'Clip Grab'. Downloads video and music so you can store it wherever and listen at leisure.
  8. Drastic but very effective.
  9. A digital wallet would obviously require a phone. If the object of this wallet is to help the poor, where do they get their phone? Or perhaps the phone belongs to a third person, which would be very dubious for the correct person the wallet was provided to?
  10. That statement could quite easily be taken two ways. I don't think we are talking spears and bows and arrows, but?
  11. Yes Crossy, I do know that. However, pressing the send code is what initiated the 'Too many attempts'. Thanks anyway.
  12. I have had a similar problem. Not been able to login due to wanting a verify code, but no code sent. Been like it for days now. Have tried three time on the same day then ii blocks me out and say too many attempts. If I can't get in by 5pm today it will be goodbye Lazada.
  13. You haven't met any of the Woke cry babies as yet then, obviously?
  14. A serious loss of face for a foreigner! Her next move could well be a Go Fund Me page?
  15. Perhaps Luxembourg was the wrong choice. My point being, the present education system is centred around Thailand with the rest of the world almost completely blocked out. Questions are discouraged as it may show up the teacher as not knowing, thus losing face. Try showing a Thai worker a better way to do a job and you get, 'Oh! Yes, I see.' Then as soon as you turn your back they return to doing it their way, because that's the way they were shown by a fellow Thai. Just one instance, I asked the electrician to install the light switches the opposite way up to their normal. The answer I got left me speechless. "Cannot, I have to twist wires, cannot." The mentality of a child doing a supposed tradesman's job.
  16. But ask any one of these students to point out Luxembourg on a map and it would result in getting splinters in their fingers from scratching their heads.
  17. Could you please give a demonstration.
  18. 'Tones are what the Thai language has.' Every language has tones, even English!
  19. A definite case of, 'Should I rush the rush job you want rushing, or rush the rush job I was rushing when you rushed in'?
  20. It appears anger management is required?
  21. That is your personal experience. You are also assuming the commenter you refer to is also American? Could it not be possible the SS referred to is not from the US?
  22. I heard!? Its a good idea to verify the info before putting thing in writing. The grape vine is always growing.
  23. Yes, Hypochlorite is a bleach, but is comes in different strengths. For full strength it has to be 14 grains per gallon (UK) Also bleach is NOT a stain remover, it is an optical whitener.
  24. I do believe the Indian guy has the quote the wrong way round? Surely it should be 'No Honey, No Money'?
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