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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. If you believe he knows everyone who lives in UK, it could be. Highly unlikely though.
  2. Some Joe and Jane expats appear to have a low, imaginary, opinion on ALL the British public, yet hate it when they themselves are all tarred with the same brush.
  3. I guess you don't realise you are arguing with someone who knows exactly how the system works. You should give up on this one.
  4. I agree. We are discussing food in Thailand.
  5. It comes from a butcher in Thailand, as do the majority of the meat products on the list.
  6. Can you read? Items shipped from UK may have increased due to GBP AND shipping costs. I believe the bacon does not come from UK. Therefore, in reply to your question " What's that got to do with bacon" answer is "Nothing". If you wish to order i think you should. If you don't, go back to sit under your bridge and have a sleep.
  7. It's nice to be on a thread where experience counts without the usual " do you have a link to that?". ???????????? In my experience, Manstons and Prime are as near to a "British Banger" you are going to get, unless you make your own. We are on the Isaan thread so NookiesDelights or BuriramPieMan would be the best places to contact. Making your own is not difficult but you need to chose a good time of day because of the heat. I had a sausage stuffer, to speed up the process and I bought collagen skins from Makro. I would mix the filling, leave in the fridge overnight and stuff the sausages early in the morning before the hot weather arrived. That was for making over 10kgs of sausage. For lesser amounts, not so much planning needed.
  8. I agree. 17 post newbie. New account, old poster.
  9. You don't understand, do you? Every six weeks there is a delivery date to that town. A meet up. You order in advance and then meet. For the first delivery you wouldn't know the exact date. You'd need to contact Nookie first. You could be lucky and be making an order the week before he's due. For subsequent deliveries you have the goodies you'd ordered your first time to keep you going. You keep a record of the next delivery date and order, up to you exactly, but I would say a couple of weeks before the delivery date. If you are in so much of a hurry you could go to his place and pick up your order.
  10. For the final time. You agreed. I pointed out what was avoided in the article. You have agreed by, twice, saying you can't see it either. No error on my part. If it is an error, you are also wrong.
  11. I made a point about the article. You agreed. Now, you'd never agree with made up stuff, would you?
  12. You really can't see you are proving my point, can you? Looks like you've twisted and turned so much you've disappeared up your own a#@........
  13. Sure. Have a read. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/22/we-lost-about-100000-one-year-on-britons-count-cost-of-the-mini-budget
  14. This is an open forum. No need to inform you of anything. Although you'd like to think is necessary.
  15. Careful. You're sliding right. Love to start the day with a laugh. Thanks.
  16. So they've lost £100k. My parents were selling their bungalow at the time too. They reduced by 10% as that was what estate agents and the market suggested. 100k as 10% of a property puts the value of the property at £1m. Not a great loss to take. Especially as they seem to have done it to pay for something you, Chomper, don't believe their Dad is entitled to because he has wealth. Had the headline read " wealthy family sell house for £900k to pay for Dad's care" you'd not have given it time of day. As for the guy losing £100k from his pension pot in 5 days. That again points to a huge pension pot, working on the %%% equivalent of mine. It's very surprising the Guardian are reporting on these people and you are linking to it. Oh, hang on a minute. It's not, is it. Only the losses of 10% are mentioned, made to look substantial by using monetary figures, not the value of the remaining 90%.
  17. No one would believe them? So all those that hate him, feel he makes them cringe, think he's creepy....etc, didn't think so 15 years ago? As someone who feels he is a bit weird and cringe worthy, I'd have to disagree. I've never liked him. However, just because I don't like him doesn't mean I think it's right to believe the accusations of "alleged" rape and harassment against him before there has been a fair trial.
  18. There is nothing stopping you, if you meet the visa requirements. Much the same as living in Thailand.
  19. All government schools are free for 12 years of education. If you think it's limited to temple schools you should withdraw your comments from this thread. Suan Kularb, as an example. Rated top 5 in Thailand. Any teacher, with any degree from any country can teach there with a waiver from KSP. All top provincial schools, most rated within top 100 in Thailand the same. Direct hire of teachers, no dodgy agency involved. There is no guarantee of certain, equal levels of education or training. If you are looking for a school in Thailand where every teacher has a home country teaching licence you'll be looking for a very, very long time. Not that it matters. There are many great teachers in Thailand. In my experience, especially when teaching languages, good expat teachers outnumber good Thai teachers by a very large ratio. Yet, all Thai teachers in government schools have a teaching licence. Go figure.
  20. I was referring those entitled to NHS care. Even old people. All are entitled. No wriggles, no twists, no turns. What I wrote is fact.
  21. I did forget to post the bit I previously posted "some non UK citizens". No need to have residence status. However, nice to see you are in agreement with regards all UK citizens are entitled to NHS care.
  22. No need to try to do anything All uk citizens are entitled to NHS care. That is a fact. Even old people.
  23. It is a fact. All UK citizens are entitled to use NHS. Some non citizens too. My thoughts are not fanciful. They are based on experience.
  24. I didn't say how it is, I said how it should be. It really would be beneficial if you read what is written in comments rather than read what you'd like to see.
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