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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. I HAVE this, and need to supply a reference which is my credit card number. Credit cards supply sort code/account number for payments. You need to supply the CC number as reference.
  2. As I said, just an idea. I will phone UK International state pensions tomorrow to see if they can pay into a UK credit card account in my name. I'll keep people posted (if you're interested). So far I have tried all the major banks to see if I can open an offshore current account - yeah sure, if you've loadsa money and will keep it with us. Thanks, but no thanks.
  3. Which would be a fake in my case - and the criteria for validating the address include for example utility bills and credit cards in YOUR NAME for that address. Impossible to achieve. I've been checking all the "big four" international off-shore bank account offerings - they all want you to give them big bucks and leave it in your account forever. No thanks.
  4. But they'll thank you when your cards arrive ????
  5. Because on their FAQ they have the section "Non-UK residents – making changes to your banking" so I assume this is now a genral policy
  6. Unfortunately the wonderful search engine on this site failed to find it
  7. Well, after smugly declaring a couple of weeks ago "my UK account with Barclays is just WONDERFUL" the <expletive deleted> have decided to cull all non-resident accounts it seems.
  8. Smash capitalism! Replace it with something else! We don't know what to replace it with, but we'll think of something after we've destroyed the global economic system.
  9. Hmm. a good friend of mine died from lung cancer after being a heavy dope smoker all his adult life (died at 47). Ok it's just one example but it is not a 100% cure - but the fact he used to smoke it with tobacco probably didn't help - and all day every day for many decades.
  10. There was an "english-speaking" pub in Hang Dong (now closed?) News to me! Triplets Eat and Play is a restaurant but quite pleasant - not a bar as such, and definitely not a "girlie bar" ????
  11. Try sea-food markets......
  12. So why do they make it a media circus to proclaim the so-called "innocent until proved guilty" confess his crimes on TV? With only a confession extracted after an all-night interrogation session when he could well have done due to extreme tiredness? Without any forensic evidence? One would think that the cops picked a likely candidate who fit the crime, arrested him and forced the confession out of him? Anything to get a result!
  13. These "photo-opportunity" re-enactments for the media by the Thai police are farcical. Saying that, if I was allowed near my sons killer in a public place like this I'm not sure how I would react. Actually I am sure but will abide by forum rules. Words cannot express what the father is feeling. What a tragedy.
  14. Well, she's got a great track record - shortest-term PM EVER! who is trying to revive career, says she will ‘show solidarity’ yeah but upsetting everybody. What a study of incompetence she is.
  15. Hopefully the first of many convictions against him? No comment from Melania - that must be a helluva gagging order he has on her.
  16. Wonder if they'd be interested in our place in Chiang Mai? We're looking to downsize ????
  17. Interesting. - I have heard of several stories before (when there was a departure tax of 500 baht) of people who had spent literally every baht they had and had nothing when they got to the airport. What are they going to do if they can't pay? Deport them? Make them stay a month longer? Stupid idea.
  18. The villagers stormed the EC complaining "We got 5000 baht last time, now it's only three!"
  19. Working fine - and the dual SIM will come in handy as I can put another carrier in for travelling.
  20. Thanks for the one or two helpful suggestions I popped the side cover off (indeed a strange way but I did say it was cheap) and the SIM card (old-style full-size) is in and working. Thanks again NextG and MrJ2U!
  21. The tablet is very well thanks for asking
  22. Well done NextG for coming up with a helpful suggestion! Popped open the flap now to explore - wish me luck!
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