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Everything posted by mania

  1. Actually they achieved as useful idiots exactly what the coup/junta wanted them to achieve. An excuse for yet another coup/overthrow that in turn allowed the usual pigs to once again belly up to the public trough & enrich themselves at the expense of the Thai People
  2. I am sure some do but...Not all My sister for instance is now 70 works in medical field (imaging) She keeps working & I ask her why? She say's she wouldn't know what to do if she didn't work (kind of a slave mentality IMHO) But at the same time her company uses golden handcuffs to keep her too because it is so hard to find reliable folks these days. They keep paying her more & more to stay....The older generation had that reliability show up at work daily in spades usually. But again I retired at 54 & always ask her wouldn't she like to do something else...anything? Folks are all different I guess. I always said work to live not live to work
  3. Well of course she must change her govt ID as well as passport if she has one Secondly I do not know about the EU but when my wife originally came to the USA & after went for citizenship I would say it was an added hassle for sure as my wife had twice done what your gf is contemplating Reason being is FBI wants all previous names listed & proof/time etc of change & reason for background checks I imagine the EU probably has a similar check To be honest if it were my decision I would advise Thai's against it especially for silly reasons such as "luck"
  4. It sounds like the old TM30 ....which is not the same as the 90day check in
  5. I thought for sure Chiang Mai Immigration would make the list πŸ™„
  6. If this goes forward it will likely be the same cluster f@ck that the marijuana was....meaning not well thought out & everyone that supplies the brown envelops to the right offices gets to open mini C's everywhere πŸ˜‚ Not to mention as others said household debt will go thru the roof when every somchai & his girl borrow from loan sharks to play πŸ™„
  7. Next time be safe & get a business visa πŸ˜‰
  8. The worst of the worst Just glad your ok as that is not an easy one to survive. Wishing you a Speedy Recovery!
  9. Actually that you ask this is pretty telling Folks with healthy nutrition habits actually don't crave such & the way your describing it says you do πŸ˜‰ Similar to exercise for some folks it is a pleasure but for others it is a chore But that aside...you should do what you want to do life is short live it as you like. That is why the 82 year old guy you mentioned in your OP is so happy & probably a likely reason he is still going strong.
  10. Sad but true Also due to the fact the US News is basically censored Only when we moved to Thailand & started watching Al Jazeera did we see a more balanced news that was not trying to hide things or at least gave a better non-biased report of things About being blind to decline most have no choice & yes many are blind due to having their noses so firmly attached to the grindstone to keep making all the payments they have on all the toys they own...Sad really We actually are living back in the US now but we are not "normal" Americans. We own outright do not watch TV nor get excited about politics / take sides as both wings are from the same bird. We also still live in Thailand 3 months a year But yes we also feel America is in decline now even for folks like us as we see less & less maintenance being done on infrastructure & we sure notice that. Here in Thailand they are developing & for now at least labor is still cheap enough that they can develop & keep what they have maintained & clean.
  11. They have done very well for me. I do not just buy & hold but use the G/S ratio For instance I would buy Physical Silver (back up the truck type of buy) when the G/S ratio was 55/1 I then traded it into gold when the ratio was 35/1 which was like buying physical gold for 3-600 bucks/oz when it was already 1200-1600 spot Why? Because I bought silver at 9-12 oz when G/S was 55/1 Then sold most of that load of gold when prices were near 2k I do agree in recent years it has been quite quiet in both PM's but they are in fact doing what they do best & that is provide a hedge against inflation. But if for instance you bought gold back when it was 35-55/1 you could have swapped into Silver when it neared 100/1 (it is now 85/1) Which is building wealth very safely About BTC sorry & yes I see it does very well at times but for me it is vaporware & nothing more than the current tulip mania But if your doing well with it great! Just remember the difference is BTC is in fact just another form of musical chairs. Gold & Silver have been money for 2500 years All else including the USD & every other form of Fiat is just currencies. Which is why the Central Banks all still hold gold
  12. That's the line they hope you'll bite πŸ˜‰ But do a proforma & see it basically washes either way Use a simple example like 1k at age 62 Then see what you made & then start the 66 or 70 version with their payout Remember to pay back first what the guy at 62 already got before you start to calc the greater benefit of waitingπŸ˜‰
  13. If road bikes & actually cyclist then Cycling Chiang Mai has some great tours Super nice owner https://cyclingchiangmai.cc/
  14. Yeah but that same math works both ways. Anyone "retiring" to place like Thailand on 1k a month or so as you say is nuts++ That person is in no way financially able to pay for medical care If or more likely when he will need it. Que the I can fly always home while having a stroke crowd πŸ˜‰ Back in America that group with a 1k SS check qualify for EBT/SNAP for food Plus United health care gives them another $175 a month for anything Plus Medicaid pays their Part B *& Part D Then to top it off Social Security Supplemental Insurance pay them the difference up to X level (but they cannot leave the country for more than 30 days at a time) https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-17-008.pdf So yeah its not as dire a pic as you paint. Believe it or not most of the car/van living crowds want that life (Gawd knows why but they do πŸ˜… )
  15. Yeah that sounds a little sketchy Holter is always good as they have small wireless ones you wear now for up to 14 days & shower etc with it. It gives a good show of events if your having them often If your young they will likely fade & also if it is certain types like I sad those are not dangerous but bothersome as of course folks worry. But aside from learning triggers to keep from starting you can also learn ways to make them stop quickly Valsalva maneuver usually woks for many. When I was young mine would run sometimes 10+ hours then I'd go to the ER & they would give me a shot of adenocard which stopped it instantly But for me I found if I have one I lay on floor butt close to wall....feet/legs on wall pointing straight up...take a deep breath slowly in & slowly out & it usually stops right away πŸ˜‰ Here is a pic of the new modern type monitor that can track you for two weeks Good Luck & try not to worry too much. These things are quite common in many folks
  16. That is odd ? AFAIK Cryo-ablation first freezes the pathway to check of your system will stay up....IF it goes down the cryo thaws & all is well. If there is no problem after freezing they then will burn which is permanent But in the burn only method if your system goes down after burning a pathway then a pacemaker is needed AFAIK the difference in using cryo is just a safer route & I remember many years ago checking & Bumrungrad had it then All that aside as others have said you may want to check if your psvt is not life threatening then it is just a bother & will eventually fade in most folks. Also folks who have an ablation many times will need more as they rarely hold long term. I have had psvt,pvc's, pac,s on & off for decades now. As others have said see if you can note the triggers...keep a diary. In my case it was mainly stress & I occasionally had alcohol which I no longer drink due to that trigger. Good Luck!
  17. This story is almost paperback worthy Kind of a classic story of foreigners doing business in Thailand One falang partner & his Thai wife screwing over the other falang partner Using a loan shark to borrow against partners share Being on overstay Getting a shady court ruling to be allowed to leave country & "earn" money to repay the falang partner Then grabbed at airport on exit due to overstay Yup this has all the makings of a Stephen Leather Thai Novel πŸ˜…
  18. Born in 2024 will probably all just be called Shim Or she/him/her/them/they whatever the heck it is these days
  19. Well long answer is when you turn 60 your worth 600 baht a month 70 is 700 baht a month 80 is 800 baht a month 90 is 900 baht a month Short answer is not much ???? About the Israel deal as sandy said " It would be delusional to think any government can "protect" it's citizens abroad. " Especially ones that chose to work in a place like Israel
  20. Don't want to be a wet blanket but, What are your plans? I mean how much weight do you want to lose? Do you hope just this injection will achieve that? Sustain that? You want to inject yourself with something designed to manage blood glucose levels and HbA1c in people with type 2 diabetes but use it to lose weight So I am wondering do you plan to also change? Meaning change your diet at all or exercise? Because truthfully these things...all of them, meaning lose weight by taking this pill, injecting this drug, drinking this tea yada yada yada... They all end the same or worse because in the end you actually need to change what brought you to your undesired weight. It is much safer & actually works to change those things. Make the adjustment of calories in or increase the calories out. Good Luck!
  21. This thread & the subject... even if unsure highlights many expats greatest fear. That is the flexible goal posts Does not matter if the subject is about future taxation or the Health Insurance requirements that has been bubbling for years, or even the possible increase in Visa Ext financial requirements. It is the indecisiveness that makes it tough IMO It is this type of tension that is the worst for any expat ????
  22. I would say your not realistic at all if you think your not getting a prostitute as a side girl. You want to pay for sex but dont want a prostitute ???? ok Unlike you Side girls are realistic & know your married, also know what you cannot offer so they are always looking always "working"
  23. That is actually quite amazing in Thailand Because the first question any Thai hospital has before they do anything is ....How are you going to pay?
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