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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Ok, so you completely missed my main point - instead nitpicking over nomenclature. Never mind, I can't be bothered.
  2. And reported in the main stream media (which was, supposedly, biased and told not to report bad stuff from brown people). Did you have a point?
  3. Ah, so the investigation is complete (made more difficult because of the complaints over the police use of force when one of them stamped on the head of one of the accused) and now charges are being pressed and the police complaint dismissed. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c627e37v21eo Pretty much that is how the justice system works and is supposed to work, all good. Where's @JonnyF??
  4. Fair enough it is beneath the dash but from the picture is looks like right next to the pedals so not somewhere I want an exposed bolt. Having said that I had never looked down there on any car I have owned, maybe I will check tomorrow beneath the floor mats - maybe it is common.
  5. I'm a big BYD fan and when I get round to changing my car I'll probably go for a BYD, but I think saying just get an acorn nut is not the right answer. No car should have protruding bolts so close to your feet - BYD need to do better. They should be installing the nuts, not the customer.
  6. Hilarious. Must have taken you ages to come up with that.
  7. I have better things to do than argue about nothing for absolutely no reason. Bye bye.
  8. What the Hell are you talking about and why the attack? Why would I lie about something so trivial?? The article I shared was for the route and was correct at the time of publishing nearly 12 freaking years ago! Thailand was confirmed to have a slot on the 2015 calendar by Bernie Ecclestone himself. Good enough for you? What is your problem exactly? https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Global/Issues/2012/12/20/Events-and-Attractions/Bangkok-GP.aspx And if anyone is interested this was the approved circuit on Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?msa=0&mid=1l7qC8cFD0dMJz_7wp4uyUiFLVrc&ll=13.755163157151644%2C100.497163&z=15
  9. They actually had an agreement with the FIA to be added to the calendar around ten years ago and it was a street circuit around the Grand Palace, Rattanakosin etc. It would have been great, but then politics got in the way. https://www.sportskeeda.com/f1/2015-thailand-grand-prix-track-route-approved-awaits-fia-nod
  10. Ah, got it. More shifting of goalposts, thanks, all good now.
  11. My God you are an incessant bore. And your ever shifting "two tier" goalposts are getting tiresome. I thought "two tier Kier" let brown people off but white people get the book thrown at them. (As if the PM tells the courts what to do). And here is a white person escaping prison and it is still "two tier Kier"! Make your mind up - you are all over the place, driven by your hatred of an elected government that isn't super right wing. And the sentence seems right to me - quite harsh for throwing a milkshake. 13 weeks suspended sentence, a fine, compensation, community service and "rehabilitation". Would you like them to be hung drawn and quartered too?
  12. Seems I must have missed all your constructive comments somewhere. Do you have a link to one?
  13. Hey look what I found! A Thai selling a car. https://www.facebook.com/share/17wCPQWLyu/ So, are Thai ICEV buyers offloading them, didn't like the fuss of driving to petrol stations, didn't like the poisonous fumes, the noise, the smell, the lack of performance? Just more nonsense from Transam. People sell cars. Sometimes they trade up. Sometimes they can't keep up the payments. But oh no, Transam has to make up some stupid reasons instead.
  14. So he wasn't born in England? You've obviously researched him as it seems important to you so tell us all about it. Also tell us why it is important to you to make the distinction you did and what it is based on (other than him having a brown sounding name).
  15. If it works. Last time it took me 90 minutes to get through. Massive queue for the scan gate, (two operational), it didn't work, I had to go and queue up for the one IO who was working. Absolutely disgusting and disgraceful mess arriving at our main point of entry for foreign tourists. Suvarnabhumi is infinitely more efficient.
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 122 seconds  
  17. Here comes another one.....
  18. Simon, I have only been to Myanmar once and that was a quick trip for work so I have nothing meaningful to contribute here. I just wanted to thank you for your posts - I really enjoy reading them and you are doing a lot of good for a lot of people. Please keep them coming. It's also reassuring to know there is a corner of this forum which is worthwhile and positive.
  19. I don't think the thrill of gunning it with such incredible and instantaneous acceleration would ever get boring, even if it is momentary. Plenty of places to enjoy it, albeit it briefly. The fastest EV I have driven was 0-100kmh in 4.5s (I think) and it was intoxicating. Fastest ICE road car I have driven was 3.4s, also intoxicating......but different. I prefer the instant oomph of the EV.
  20. Who do you need to prove it to? It's all in the database. I have been in and out of the egates a few times now. Super fast and easy going out, go to a usual IO on return, stamp, no problem. (On 12 month non O extension of stay with multi entry re-entry permit).
  21. EVs are just so boring, bland, no character. 905bhp. 0-100 in 2.7s. And it looked absolutely stunning in the flesh although I think would have been better in yellow.
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
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