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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 44 seconds  
  2. So you agree it is falling apart then? Nothing to do with 14 years of Tory rule but all do do with less than four weeks of Labour government? Brilliant.
  3. So it is the UK public's fault these national industries are now owned by foreign governments and entities? If only more of us had bought a few shares....
  4. But if that car belonged to everyone then you had no right to sell it in the first place did you.
  5. Eh? You are playing with semantics. The Tories sold off our national assets and many are now in foreign ownership - including vital utilities, transportation and communications. The Tories. They sold the national assets. Correct? Is it that easy for Labour to come in and buy them back just like that?? Of course it isn't. Hopefully they might take the water and rail companies back for a start, but easier said than done. Edit: this is getting way off topic.
  6. Eh? The Tories sold off most public utilities and most of them are now under foreign ownership - water, electricity, gas, telecoms, rail - many of them owned by foreign governments.
  7. Do I? I don't remember mentioning it once. But if using big words and punctuation makes me seem so than I'm all for it, thanks. By the way, I am am a member of Mensa but I don't like to talk about it.
  8. Er, what?? Men beating up women is bad. (Not getting in to the whole Olympic debate as it has been skewed by both sides, but look in to the facts rather than Daily Mail headlines - it is more complex than most people realise). Immigration should be controlled. No one disagrees with that.
  9. I care because people are smashing up towns (including my home town Southport where people are grieving and don't want it!) and attacking police and mosques and it is all based on lies and deliberately spread misinformation. Speculation on this forum, discourse, reasonable debate is all fine, but deliberate racist lies to stir up trouble, deliberate acts of hooliganism and vandalism are not. Speculate on forums and wait for the facts to come out. Is that a hard thing to ask for? Sickening yobbbo thugs smashing things up are just disgusting human beings, disgusting right wing racists. Let's call a spade a spade. Not everyone who disagrees with me is a racist or a thug. But all of the racists and thugs disagree with me.
  10. Which public utilities were sold by Labour to foreign companies?
  11. Utter nonsense, straight out of Yaxley-Lennons playbook, and based on nothing. I consider myself left of centre (shock horror, it's true). I have happily discussed politics with right of centre people - the ones who are intelligent and can debate like adults. I don't agree with their views but I respect them. They are not neo Nazi, they just have different values than me and that's ok. The "far right" are the tattoed, shaven headed yobbos who are smashing up mosques, throwing bricks at police (and their own gonads), destroying local businesses, and all of this based on deliberate misinformation posted online by other far right yobbos and spread without a single fact check. Just share and then organise a rampage. They are nothing more than football hooligan scum (as is their idol, Yaxley-Lennon). Do you see the difference?
  12. Get a grip man, how am I making him out to be the victim? He is obviously guilty of a very very horrific crime and he deserves all the punishment he will get. My point was it is pointless speculating because NONE OF US KNOW. He might be a radical Jihadist. He might have been bullied or shunned pr humiliated by society. WE. DO. NOT. KNOW. You think you know the "most obvious" reason but admit it, you are making it up, you have as little idea as I do. But then I am not going out smashing up mosques, throwing bricks at police, or setting fire to local businesses. Do you think those people that have been also just decided that "the most likely" (in your eyes) is true?
  13. Yep, that was my question too, but I got jumped on by all the racists who were up in snowflake outrage - how could I say he seemed normal when he killed kids, do I defend child killers, etc etc blah blah. So tiring trying to have a reasonable debate with people who jump to Yaxley-Lennon type soundbites every time. He was obviously a very normal British kid at that age, super normal (externally anyway). Something happened to him between then and now - again the usual mob on here will say he must have been turned by Islam with absolutely no evidence, anecdotal or otherwise. Maybe he was shunned by girls, shunned by other kids, bullied, beaten. My parents live in Banks and it is a very rural, very white, very middle class village. The truth is we don't know what happened so no point in speculating. The police, psychologists and other experts will be doing their best to determine it so leave them to get on with it. (Or maybe just smash up a few mosques, throw bricks at police, trash communities and local businesses just to, you know, take back control. Or something).
  14. Because that is what he does. In every topic. From immigrants to EVs to anything, dodge dodge dodge, never answers a question.
  15. Yep, and thankfully exactly a month ago today, they did.
  16. Ah, so this is where bob gets his "facts" from. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
  17. Because that makes a massive difference to the point I was making doesn't it, him being born 25 minutes drive from the English "border". So anyway, back to the question (that you keep ignoring)......?
  18. Yeah, look at them standing there doing nothing being all aggressive!! A disgrace! (BTW was that you who got clobbered on the head and then in the nuts?) Right wing cliched nonsense. I think I have seen one single poster in these two threads actually write coherent words and put an argument forward. I disagree with everything he said but respect the adult conversation. The rest of you just throw Yaxley-Lennon cliches around.
  19. Nitpicking award of the thread goes to...... A normal British kid then. Better? Now will you answer the question?
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