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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Just a guess based on your constantly negative posts. No. By, as you said, striding out with your hand out whether there is a car coming or not. Expecting everyone to yield to you. That is a superior attitude. As I said before, this is Asia. Do I wish people would treat zebra crossings like they do in the UK? Yes, and I usually stop myself (I only don't when it is dangerous - either someone right up my tailpipe or if I can see someone behind me in another lane that doesn't look like they'll be able to stop: that would be more dangerous for the pedestrian than me not stopping). But this is Asia, the culture is different, the driving standards are different, if you think you can change an entire continent's style because you are more important than them and you'll cross regardless, you are nobody's hero, sorry - you are just silly and entitled.
  2. And there we have it. You're one of those angry old men who invites trouble. I hope your luck continues because one day it might not. You are in Asia, things are different here. Thailand is slowly getting better and people do occasionally stop at zebra crossings in Bangkok - that was unheard of a few years ago. But you need to have your wits about you. You also need to not be an angry idiot who wants to prove a point - no-one cares and no-one likes a superior attitude.
  3. I love most BYD models, but that looks dull as dishwater. Definitely designed with taxi fleets in mind.
  4. You said it well. The AN boomers don't like it because they are old and extremely grumpy and generally hate their lives here. Songkran is a time of happiness and fun. I just got home from a few hours around Bangkok with my son - my 28th Songkran and still love it. You see the occasional old doddery boomer getting angry but that just makes it more fun. Either go with the flow and join the fun or stay at home and be miserable, don't combine the two. Songkran is a pretty special festival for more than 99% of people.
  5. That's a very good point, and usually overlooked.
  6. Okey Dokey, thanks for sharing.
  7. Nope, no nerves struck, but let's be clear - you are not posting views, you are posting nonsense, that's why I have to pull you up. Different views are welcome, just say you have tried one and you didn't like it and I think everyone would be happy with that. Just don't make stuff up - it's an easy rule to follow really.
  8. Yes, things can fail in any type of equipment. Time will tell how reliable EVs are long term, but current trends show them as more reliable as ICEVs as they are much simpler, more efficient machines with far fewer moving parts. Just think, you put a litre of fuel in an ICE. It needs to be mixed with oxygen, burned at precisely the right millisecond in a chamber that has pistons going up and down thousands of times a minute, a camshaft moving valves open and closed hundreds of times a second, you need fuel pumps to get the fuel in at the right time, injectors to spray it, oil pumps to lubricate the whole system otherwise it will seize, you need cooling systems to stop the whole thing from overheating, you need exhaust systems to extract the poisonous gasses, catalytic converters to try to remove some of the more noxious stuff, a gear box to deliver it. All that to make an axle go round and round, and you have lost maybe 70% (or more) of the potential of the fuel you put in. An EV you put electrons in a battery, that is fed to a motor which spins an axle. Much less to go wrong and so much more efficient. Oh, and guess what, businesses have sprung up to replace faulty ICEV parts. They are called garages, not sure if you've noticed them.
  9. Went like a rocket. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Oh my......
  10. Are you just being obtuse for the sake of it or are you really that dense? Your iPhone 6 will charge to 100% of it's current capacity which may, or may not, be significantly degraded from when you bought it, depending on many factors. The SoH of a battery is scientifically measurable. It is the difference between the capacity of the battery at its current state vs when it was new. It is not what your readout says on your iPhone as that tells you the state of charge based on its current capacity, not its historical one. Benefit of the doubt: being obtuse and annoying. Probably more realistic: dense (and I'm not talking about the battery). You should definitely stick to diesels and the almighty Suzuki Celeriac, I think the technology in an EV is beyond you.
  11. You are ignoring everything I say. I'll help you - just look for the big words in bold. I test drove a C300 diesel. I was very much inside the car when I did that. I have been a passenger in diesel S Class Mercs and 7 series BMWs. Again, I was inside the car on each occasion. I have a pair of ears that are attached to my head. The cars are not "quiet as a mouse". They are just quieter than diesels used to be. The Merc C300 was so unpleasant I immediately cancelled my order - I couldn't live with it on a day to day basis, plus it was completely soulless with its rattly 4,500 rpm red line. An hour ago I drove a brand new Ford Everest Titanium - it belongs to a friend. My God it is awful and noisy, inside and out.
  12. Thank you. I don't own an EV, I own petrol cars. And, seriously, I think maybe you should get your ears checked if you think any diesel is as "quiet as a mouse". Maybe in your head it is, but not in the real world. In addition to what I posted earlier, two of my immediate neighbours own fairly new BMW 5-series diesels. I can hear them from inside my house whenever they rattle past.
  13. Wow, so not content with making up nonsense against EVs, you're now making up nonsense about diesel cars. Do you work for the same company as Expat Oil Worker? (Even he has mellowed out a bit on the nonsense front these days) Obviously reading is not your strong point. So the C300 that I test drove, and the 7 series and S Class diesels I've been in were clunkers? Righty ho. I mean say you don't like EVs, no problem (as long as you base your opinion on trying one), but you can't expect to be taken seriously when you try to say diesels are not noisy, rattly and smelly. Quiet as a mouse, hilarious.
  14. Rubbish. They've come a long way but are still noisy, rattly and dirty. A few years ago I put down a deposit on a C250 (W205). Before delivery they called me and said they are not sshipping petrol C250s anymore but I can get a C300d for the same price. I said I wasn't interested but they asked me to test drive one saying, like you, they're better these days. I drove one. It was noisy, dirty and rattly. As soon as I got back from the test drive I canceled my order and got my deposit back. Been in heaps of BMW and Mercs since, even 7-Series and S Class. Guess what, they were noisy, rattly and dirty. Diesels are horrible things even today. I have no idea why anyone would ever consider one for a passenger vehicle unless they planned to use it as a taxi.
  15. Considering no-one would have ever heard about this if he had just apologised at the scene, or agreed to walk away without apologising - as offered by the victim - it is amazing how big this has become. And all through his own, entitled, arrogant actions. He just can't stop digging.
  16. I used to like Easy Burger but now find them greasy with - somehow - a greasy bun. Tasty though.
  17. 90% bun, maybe 10% meat and what looks like thousand island which is an abomination and should not be allowed anywhere near a burger. No thanks. Agree with the poster that Nana burgers are great but that's because they get eaten at 2am when you're drunk. Has anyone ever had a sober Nana burger? And if so how does it rate?
  18. When I first moved here in 1995 a group of people from the company I worked at took for me a seafood dinner. I didn't understand where it was back then as I had been here a week but it was out of town. Samut Sakhon is my best guess now, but could have been anywhere. The guy drove like a lunatic: speeding, tail gating, dangerously swerving in and out of traffic, I was absolutely terrified. Could easily have ended like this video. Like others have said I am glad no one else was seriously hurt but would not have shed any tears if the errant driver had a nasty and terrifying end. So lucky that the lorry that crossed to the opposite side wasn't smashed in to, by oncoming vehicles so so lucky. I have a lot of tolerance for the things that happen here, but not for idiots on the road - I wish them all harm.
  19. Yep, and connected ICEVs can be remotely disabled. This anti-China paranoia and all these crazy "what ifs" are just silly. These same people probably use Facebook, Microsoft, Google and all the other apps that collect way more data on you than your car ever could.
  20. So you buy "expensive" air tickets, then can be bothered wasting your time going to your bank, queueing, waiting for cash, then visiting the airline office, queueing and wasting more time to hand over the cash, wait for it to be counted, to save 2,000 baht? Seems your time is not that valuable. I just book directly on the airline website for my "expensive" ticket, pay with my credit card, then pay the full amount in my bill cycle and don't have any added fees - you should try it. Even if there was no alternative to your dinosaur, queueing, time wasting method, and someone said I can save you all that time for 2,000 baht I would take that in an instant.
  21. So the guy who doesn't own an EV and has never used a public charger is saying the person who does own EVs and has used public charges should not be taken seriously. I know who I would rather listen to. This forum never fails to amaze.
  22. KL too. And KL has repeatedly had them over the last twenty years.
  23. Thought I should come back and update this for anyone it might help. I just received a 90 day, single entry non O from the embassy in Vientiane. Applied on Tuesday morning, received this afternoon, and fly back tonight. I had my marriage certificate, wife's Tabien bahn, passport, and ID copies. Also a print out from my bank. They gave the documents a cursory glance and didn't even ask to see the originals although I had them with me. I did have more than 400k in the bank but it had only been there a week and that was clear on my statement. They obviously do not need you to seed the money for two months. Visa fee was 2,000 baht. So I head back to Bangkok tonight then maybe in a couple of months will do the trudge to CW to get a 12 month extension of stay as by that time my money will have seeded for the appropriate time. Thanks to everyone in this thread who offered help and suggestions.
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