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Everything posted by connda

  1. Who wrote that? It's incendiary. What is meant by "The objective of every player now is avoid getting killed?" Really?
  2. You could say that about Liv Tylor too, but even in my "dirty-old man" elderly years I still think Liv is smokin' hot.
  3. I know plenty of heterosexual men who dabble in transsexual fantasies and yet are not bi-sexual as they have absolutely no interest in sexual adventures with men.
  4. Yeah - she's beautiful. However - in all fairness to biological women, there should be a separate category for transgender women. I hate to see 125 years of women's rights go right down the drain. But to be perfectly honest - I really could care less for 'beauty pageants.' But there are women who compete in them and do care. What I worry the most about is that the awards becomes political as opposed to based an merit. But then again - any contest where there are so-called judges who award the final prize can be swayed by politics, as well as money, sex, and other factors.
  5. There once was a chicken in Thailand, Who said, "I ain't laying no eggs man." They pleaded and begged, "Just lay a few eggs," But instead she ended up in the frying pan. ????
  6. Yep. I'm quite happy living here in egg-country Northern Thailand. We get them from locals yolkles who have chicken coups and have been paying 4 THB per egg and I'm yolk happy with the price. ????????????????????????
  7. Contact dermatitis. Cortosteroid cream like Betnovate or Dermovate. But that's just a guess. I could be a lot of things. Go visit a doctor and get a professional diagnosis, and then if it reoccurs you'll know how to handle it.
  8. Anyone else have an irritable wife this morning after election result Nope.
  9. That's pretty much states it. He'll have his day. Like it or not, this is a parliamentary 'democracy' and a guy doesn't win simply because he's handsome and has a ton of cash (although it helps). However - if an Color Revolution erupts because so-called 'democracy' didn't happen the way some want? Well, it won't remain a parliamentary 'democracy' for long. I mean, look at the likes of the UK. Who elected Truss and Sunak? It wasn't an election of the general public. Same will go for Thailand. Thailand? UK? They aren't Direct Democracies like Switzerland. So rioting because "your guy" or "your gal" doesn't get the top spot because the country doesn't elect their PM based on the vote of the general public doesn't make the country stronger.
  10. 80% of the traffic fatalities in Thailand are motorcyclists. The average Thai has no concept of safe driving or defensive driving. And even if they did? This place is a horror. If this is YOUR 18 year old? Buy her a car. At least she'll have metal wrapped around her.
  11. My guess as a completely disinterested party with a background in Geo-Politics? Probably. Duck and cover.
  12. Ad-infinitum. In with the New Boss; Same as the Old Boss.
  13. I could have sworn it was 325 the last time I walked by the TV, but now they have flipped the channel to Lakhon Soap Opera. That's about right. Eh? "When in doubt - distract the Ox and Buffalo with mindless TV." Caveat: I don't care who the PM is. Will it effect me personally? Only if the PM and his cabinet are racists who hate farang. But after living here married to a Thai woman for 15 years. <laughs> Yiaat Piyu abound. What's going to be different? Not much.
  14. Color Revolution funded by "You Know Who," 'eh?
  15. Wife was watching the count less than 1/2 hour ago. What's the disconnect between real-time and MSM reporting?
  16. Well, why not Glap considering the vagarities of the Thai language transliterated? ???? I actually have a pretty good understanding of Thai transliteration which I used to correct Thai English student's mispronunciations of English words. Yeah yeah, but her for a long time and taught enough English. Enough.
  17. Now - Khun "It's My Dead Friends Watches?" There's a leech that need to have a salt bath.
  18. Good. I wish him the best in retirement. It's a good thing to know when to quit.
  19. 99% of the time my VPN is on. 1% of the time I turn if off for sites like Lazada.
  20. Aseannow or Asiannow? "Agghrr. Who cares." Well, one is a forum and the other isn't. Grap or Grap. One is a delivery service and the other is non-existent. Sqwakvfr or Swavkfrq? Who cares? You don't get it - do you? Ok - I'm done. I can't do stupid.
  21. I'm fully cognizant that at the 'end of my life', I may need to board a plane and fly to my home state where I can obtain opioids on the street and self medicate - or - inject too much. Thailand? Unless you are wealthy or really, really well insured? You don't want to die here. And even if you are "wealthy or really, really well insured," you still may not want to die here because these Thais - do - not - care - about - your - physical - suffering - because - IT IS YOUR KARMA. Cement that in your farang mind. Which in my Buddhist opinion? Is Sick and Twisted. But? I'm not a Thai Buddhist.
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