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Everything posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Very suspicious circumstances. Obviously the Thai wife has got to be a prime suspect at this point.
  2. I went there back in December 2018. It was ok. It looked nice and all but was definitely a bit on the pricey side. Then Covid hit 14 months later and just haven't been back. Sad to hear that it had gone downhill.
  3. As usual, anytime Cobra Gold kicks off, expect an increase in USN personnel in Pattaya. ST/LT prices will definitely be up while they are there.
  4. No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. The man made a trip to Thailand, some time in the past, and has been enthralled with Buddhism. He is probably sending hundreds of pounds a month to assist the temple building at his favorite Thai Wat. Then he makes trips to Thailand to seek more spiritual bliss and to renew his energy. I'm sure he likes to check on the progress of the construction that is going on at the Wat. Yes, this is definitely what is going on.
  5. That's what I would do as well. Try out different places. The only thing to take into consideration is the rainy season, the summer season, and the cool season. You can't compare staying at one place in August & September with another place during December & January and saying it rains all the time whereas the place you were at in December and January it doesn't rain.
  6. They dump raw sewage into the gulf not far from where you would be swimming at. This has been documented to death in the news and discussed forever on this platform. Feel free to do a google search and you will find a lot of information about it.
  7. Would it be possible to not retire and move this April to Thailand? It seems that maybe continuing to work for a couple more years might put you in a better financial position. However, if you do want to retire I would look at a few other places. Pattaya and Jomtien have good beaches but the water is another story. You really don't want to go into the water at either beach.
  8. Here we are on page 3, 72 replies in, and we still don't know what the law is for motorcycles on Bangla Road at 3:30pm.
  9. They don't have Zebra crossings in the US but they do have crosswalks. If he was in one she will definitely be in some serious trouble.
  10. Why do the Thais always insist on doing that goofy looking "arm in arm" with others as depicted in the photo?
  11. 200 Million arrivals? They must be smoking that legalized weed before they have their meetings!
  12. I got bit by a small puppy in 1993 while out my morning run. Puppy was attached by a leash to its owner. At first I didn't think anything of it as it just jumped up by the back side of my right knee. About 400m later I had to stop at a traffic light. I looked down at my leg and saw a small trickle of blood. Needless to say I was very <deleted> off about this as I knew I had to go to the hospital and have it taken care of. The puppy's teeth were so sharp it just went in and out without much damage. I went to the hospital and they took care of it. Cleaned it really well and got my shot as well. Had to follow up with about four more as was the practice back then. Nurse asked me if it hurt while she was cleaning and I said, "yes, the dog biting me didn't even hurt this bad or for this long".
  13. View Talay Pattaya 2B was completed in November 2002 so they have had a sprinkler system for just over 20 years.
  14. Perhaps the wife could offer up some insight into what had been going on with him the last few days?
  15. If a girl/woman is employed by a bar and serves drinks to customers..............she is a bar girl!
  16. Yes, there is a certain segment of the population in Thailand that loves to put ketchup on a pizza. To me that is something far worse than putting pineapple on a pizza.
  17. A six month tourist visa would eliminate the need to do "border bounces" and take the chance of some immigration officer saying that you do this too much over an arbitrary period of time. Plus, you don't have to stay the entire six months. You could just stay 3,4,or 5 months. It covers a lot of options and makes it easier to stay legally in the country. I can't see why someone would be advocating for doing a "border bounce" when a longer visa would be much simpler.
  18. "It came amid rumours that Palang Pracharat and Pheu Thai have done a deal for Thaksin to return after the general election, scheduled for May." Well that's easy to fix. A certain someone will just suspend the elections scheduled for May to prevent Thaksin from returning.
  19. I've been to Koh Tao once more than 20 years ago. I see no reason to go back. When the police state that a farang committed suicide, it just seems odd that he hung himself with his hands tied behind his back.
  20. Agreed! A six month tourist visa would be very helpful to many "snowbirds" that only want to stay in Thailand during the northern hemisphere winter.
  21. The owner of the building will put it up for rent again. "Fully operational Chinese restaurant ready for rent". Then collect the 1st and last months rent, deposit, key money, etc. Then wait until he notices a lot of Chinese workers and calls his friend in immigration who comes in and shuts them down again......just like last time!
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