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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Those would be answers to why don't you do inmmigration business yourself. The OP is asking why do you do inmmigration business yourself (and gives his reasons for doing it himself).
  2. Well, I don't know about anyone else but I'd rather believe the evidence of my own eyes than something being told to me, no matter who it's by. I don't own the house I live in and I was absolutely able to use the online system and update my TM30 status. As stated in the regulation posted above by @ThailandNinjathe TM3O can be done by the "possessor" of the dwelling in question. That's the category that I chose, and it worked just fine. Plenty of others who are not the owners of their residence, have also reported on here that they were able to do their own TM30 online. There's no need to go there and provoke a confrontation by telling anyone that they're wrong. You can just log onto the system by yourself and do it. So when you're next at Immigration and they check your TM30 status, and they find it's been correctly updated in the system, that's it - end of issue.
  3. According to the site below, that is a feature of depression in men, rather than women. Recognizing signs of depression in men
  4. That paper does indeed seem to show some beneficial effects of doxycycline in relation to dengue. But again, on reading the full paper, what it seems to be saying is that there are results indicating doxycycline has an inhibitory effect on dengue virus replication in vitro - and that when a patient is hospitalized for dengue fever, treatment with doxycycline leads to an improvement in cytokine levels: "within 3 days of treatment and continuing through Day 7." I still don't see where it supports the idea that taking one, solitary doxycycline tablet after a mosquito bite is an effective prophylaxis to stop dengue from taking hold in the first place. As @Lorry points out, it also says that further clinical studies are required, to confirm the effects.
  5. That study shows decreased mortality in patients with clinically-confirmed dengue hemorrhagic fever, after receiving two doxycycline tablets a day for seven days. It does not show that a single doxycycline tablets is effective as a prophylactic measure to prevent a person developing dengue fever after being bitten.
  6. Are you sure you meant to reply to me? I was making the point that this lawsuit was filed by Republicans and Independents, not Democrats.
  7. Reading comprehension not your strong suit, then? The lawsuit was filed by 4 Republicans and 2 Independents, not by Democrats.
  8. You do know there is a difference between climate and weather, right? One of the effects of climate change leaving to an overall, average rise in global temperatures is increasing extremes of weather. This means not only higher highs but also periods of lower temperatures, heavier rainfall (accompanied by floods) interspersed with longer, more extreme droughts. So yes, temporary periods of colder weather are indeed a feature of an overall rise in average worldwide yearly temperatures.
  9. According to the NHS website: Hypothermia So if that reading is accurate, you could be in a spot of bother. However all things considered, including your continued ability to post coherently on here, I suspect it may not be accurate.
  10. Actual, real world experience in multiple countries has shown that culling does not work. As the World Animal Protection organisation says on their website: Stray dog population management It's also ineffective against rabies. The Global Alliance for Rabies Control states unequivocally as follows, "mass dog culling is not an effective method for rabies control." It can even be counter-productive. As the paper below states: GARC position paper on culling
  11. He was sentenced originally to 8 years but that was already commuted to one year by the king. Thai king commutes former PM Thaksin's prison sentence to one year
  12. Another article about Nio/WeLion's solid state EV batteries being available in volume soon. As it mentions, such batteries are safer, charge faster and drive farther. WeLion reportedly expects to send NIO 150 kWh solid-state batteries at volume in Q2 2024
  13. If there was a murder committed here, it was not committed in Thailand. The decomposed legs were found in an incoming shipment from the US.
  14. That does sound a bit pricey considering the alternatives. Just for comparison, at the other end of the scale there was this post earlier in the year. https://aseannow.com/topic/1282268-low-cost-cataract-surgery/
  15. Interesting thought process there - reading between the lines it sounds as if you're concerned that seeing "gay scenes" could somehow cause young heterosexuals to become gay. If so, do you also believe the opposite - that watching heterosexual sex scenes could make young gay people straight? Or does it only go in one direction?
  16. And when I was a kid, there was no depiction of men and women having sex on TV either. (Movies perhaps, but then as a kid I couldn't get in to watch that category of movies, of course). Times change, social mores change.
  17. Did you even bother reading the article? According to it - and as per a statement by the vehicle owner, "under the hood" is exactly where the fire started. Which as you rightly point out, is where petrol vehicle fires normally start. "The police officer who owned the vehicle told reporters that he was heading back from Patong to his house in Mueang Phuket. All of a sudden, smoke began coming out from the engine room in front."
  18. You need to read the sentence in its entirety, to get the proper sense of what is meant here. If you take the whole thing, it's clear that it's talking about the fact that her body was found, "Within the premises, [...] in proximity to the entrance."
  19. The average range of an ICE vehicle according to industry figures, is 320-640 kilometres, so that must be a relatively uncommon ICE vehicle. I've owned many and none had a range anywhere near 1,000km. Most had a range of between 450 and 650 km, depending on whether I was doing urban or motorway driving. Anyway, there are already a number of EV's with a range of 1,000km or thereabouts (I've posted about some of them on other threads) and while they might not become the norm (just as 1,000 km range ICE vehicles are not the norm) I suspect EV's doing 650 km or more on a full charge (like the BYD Seal, for example) will soon be common.
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