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Everything posted by tgw

  1. my advice would be to complain to 3BB that you can't connect with some apps. I suspect 3BB to apply traffic shaping, which may break encryption, for example by using a dynamic shared IP system that could change the client's originating IP at every request. I believe 3BB support has a "switch" with which they can exclude your account from that.
  2. the best tyres will be those that will allow you to avoid an accident on a wet highway. and driving slow on a Thai highway is incompatible with safety.
  3. all part of Putin's evil plan to conquer the world. debunked? links please ? ( I have many more links to back up that Ruzzia interfered in Brexit, UK elections and Scotland referendum, Trump elections, etc.)
  4. https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofDefence.UA/posts/pfbid02ehHUHQfeijPfTVWWK6SPK29cd8iNne9Ep8iRJFStonst3GMetUstEz5t1pc3Tbxwl UA air defense intercepted five out of five Ruzzian kalibr missiles. well done. seems UA air defense has received some upgrades ????
  5. one link of many: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/07/the-great-british-brexit-robbery-hijacked-democracy and this broadcast shown on ZDF (reputable German public TV channel) I believe you can turn on English subtitles Putin's fingerprints are all over it
  6. foreigners should not involve themselves in their host country's politics. I think that's a sensible rule.
  7. working in a higher position for a Russian oil & gas company is more hazardous than driving a motorcycle in Thailand...
  8. From my experience, face in Thailand is all about appearances, superficial image, the egoistic need to "win" or the need to not publicly lose. Totally different from Japan.
  9. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/washington-post-ukraine-lures-russian-missiles-with-wooden-decoys-resembling-himars ???????????? now we know why the Ruzzians reported destroying more HIMARS than were actually delivered to Ukraine ! USA and Ukraine say the Ruzzians destroyed zero ( 0 ) HIMARS.
  10. War crime or not ... I'm pretty sure Ruzzia doesn't care at all. Instead, their media are busy doing this pathetic kind of thing: https://www.facebook.com/ukraineworld.org/videos/622485665992961/
  11. We have to put the Ruzzian Orcs' actions in perspective with other things we consider crimes. For example, some reckless drivers have been charged with murder in Western Europe, and driving recklessly isn't even the same thing as recklessly using weapons that were designed to kill. If we charge reckless drivers causing deadly accidents with murder, what should we charge the Ruzzians with ? Is anyone still in doubt that Ruzzian soldiers firing missiles that can't be properly aimed shouldn't be charged at least with attempted multiple homicide ? We can add aggravating factors, since Ruzzians are informed by their media that the goal is to commit genocide. Also add acting from base motives, since many Ruzzians fight with the goal to pillage, but since the Ruzzians upped military pay, money also a motive. To summarize, premeditated murder charges with aggravating factors and base motives seem perfectly justified.
  12. I'm this kind of programmer: * full stack web developer and unix webserver admin
  13. I'm a programmer. No chance in hell I would get in a self-driving car in real traffic.
  14. the power of any magic lies in the mind of people who believe in it.
  15. corruption is one thing, murder, torture, war crimes are another entirely.
  16. I recently bought a used i7-8700k desktop from a company (a steal, for 180 CHF considering 32GB and SSD, mobo, PSU, case, etc.) and swapped mobo and cpu in an older computer of which I liked the case and was unable to make the installed windows' key work. I was about to call Microsoft support to get my older key re-activated (that always worked before), but then I saw Windows Pro keys being sold for 3 CHF, which was cheaper than making a call. Bought one and it's working. These keys aren't stolen, they are recycled from older systems. This is Switzerland, after all.
  17. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-21/russia-probes-car-bomb-that-killed-daughter-of-putin-ideologist interesting snippets: "the vehicle belonged to Dugin, who had intended to travel home with his daughter from an event but “went in a different way.” " "If evidence emerged to show Ukraine was behind a plot to kill Dugina, “then we should talk about the policy of state terrorism implemented by the Kyiv regime,” said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. " "the murder of Dugina may lead to further radicalization of Russian society, she said. " Other things with interesting timing : * Ukraine's national holiday, the Independance Day, is 24th August. * The personnel of Zaporizhzhia NPP is still on Ruzzian-ordered leave (https://gur.gov.ua/content/na-zaes-prodovzhyly-vykhidni-dlia-ukrainskoho-personalu.html /Ukrainian) * Zelenskiy warned that Ruzzia might do something "especially nasty" to Ukraine around the date of Ukrainian Independance Day celebrations. it seems (speculation on my part) the car bomb was set to detonate when a certain speed would be reached by the car, as it exploded just after Dugina entered the highway. it would be interesting to know which groups are familiar with using that kind of device. as for the reasons for the assassination, we can do some "what if" thinking. what if Dugin had decided to call for the war to end and prepared to publicly come out with this message ?
  18. true, yet when someone doesn't pay what the business wants, and he's already got what he had ordered, the business is obligated by law to accept legal tender, because it's the official way to settle debts. the only way for businesses to force people to pay using non-money is by making customers pay in advance.
  19. people who have money, regardless of their age or nationality, will hold back the tide. lack of data protection is also why central bank issued crypto currencies will not be able to achieve total adoption.
  20. the best thing is to boycott places that don't accept cash, or to not pay and let them sue you, because legal tender is legal tender. the forced use of electronic payments will curtail personal freedoms even more, don't let businesses and governments do that to you.
  21. doesn't look like a tank. looks more like an IFV or an amphibious troop transporter.
  22. very good news if true ! about the other story about 20.000 Ruzzian soldiers stranded near Kherson and their commanders fleeing, I wouldn't take it at face value, since it could be part of a plan to make these soldiers panic, a sort of self-fulfilling news story.
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