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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Not much to do with kids drinking, imo. Seems to be more of a reaction to scapegoat alcohol for the horrendous road carnage that puts Thailand under the spotlight internationally. Nobody can be arsed to actually enforce traffic (and other) rules here, so hey, lets partly-ban alcohol..
  2. I'm looking forward to spending a couple of months there in April-May, next year, scary-variants permitting. Fleeing the oppressive heat and humidity here at that time for usually great weather in UK around start of Spring. Luckily, I still have family and friends in the UK, even after spending nearly 30 years away. I'm quite looking forward to it, tbh.
  3. Of course. Covid-19 is now a trillion dollar industry, with bio-tech companies starting up and being funded in the US; San Diego probably now being the world's bio-tech center. If Covid disappears, where do these new start-ups and vaccine / testing kit manufacturing plants (and all the investment billions) go?
  4. Yep. Another CCSA white-coated Govt mouthpiece talking himself up. All the focus on "cases" and "infections", yet no real spike in hospitalizations or deaths. Please.
  5. When you see stray soi dogs wearing football shirts, that is the official start of "Cool Season".
  6. Yup. Life is like a box of chocolates. -It doesn't last long if you're fat.
  7. Yep. It's a very unpopular Govt trying to enforce compliance through fear-mongering and xenophobia.
  8. Was quiet here last night (Banchang, Rayong), but quite a few people at the local beaches setting their kratongs off into the water. (Hopefully, not the foam variety). Fireworks (for sale) have been banned here for a few years now, well before the junta seized power. -As I recall, the small town of Mahachai (S.W. Bangkok) had a huge fire and series of explosions due to an extensive cottage-industry production of illegal fireworks in the center of town. Sale of squibs prohibited afterwards. ???? I think there are some planned firework 'shows' around the country in the larger towns this weekend?
  9. Ooh, very dramatic.. With a 99.6% survival rate, Covid is hardly a "plague" is it.? It's another corona virus variant, added to the common cold, influenza (remember that?), and others that we have survived and become immune (naturally) to. But you think your liberties are going to be curtailed by the "unvaccinated" and these same people will be forcing booster jabs on you? Righto..
  10. If you actually need an Orwellian-sounding "Ministry Of Culture" then you probably don't much actual culture to begin with.. Especially one headed by the scion of a criminal family.
  11. But you are the one calling for a similarly-segregated society..
  12. Add this to the already-voluminous litany of <deleted> spouted by this Govt's legions of white-coated experts. "Wear masks inside your own homes and cars; wear masks while making love to your wife / partner; dogs and pets can transmit Covid, etc etc". ???? The hilarity continues apace.
  13. Poor feller obviously traumatized after being run over by a short bus full of kids armed with Biros.
  14. Obviously not the ones owned / protected by his own minions, or the RTP. -Will be a nice little Christmas / New Year bonus for them, I imagine. Probably extending the ban to Chinese New Year, to be announced mid January
  15. Meanwhile, the billionaires that flew into COP23 in their private jets to lecture us about further limiting our lifestyles are buying up the beachfront property. Nice place, Jeff. ???? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/jeff-bezoss-78m-hawaiian-getaway-a-home-for-the-man-who-has-everything-zfhv8rstd https://www.propublica.org/article/obama-and-the-beach-house-loopholes
  16. Yep. I've been here nearly 30 years, and as far as I remember education has always been the last issue on any political priority or budget list..
  17. No massive profits in prevention or cure. Like the opioid (Oxycontin, Fentanyl, and other generic synthesized heroin 'painkillers') phenomenon in the US, the total point is dependency. When you have the huge financial and lobbying power to sway the CDC; FDA; Congress and Govt, we may be looking at forever mandates / invented 'variants' etc for very long time,
  18. If you've seen any major social or sporting events from US or Europe on tv recently, the mask-wearing mandate seems to be over already. How long do you propose to keep wearing yours, here?
  19. Yep. That's it. Worked a treat for us. (So far..)
  20. Had problems with ants until about 1 year ago, the "ARS" stuff really did a number on the species (small brown variety) that periodically swarmed our kitchen and garbage bin. I don't doubt they will be back at some time. Hardy little beasts. ???? It's the termites you have to worry about, though.
  21. Usual rubbish being spouted by some paid flunky. "Quality tourists", "eco-tourism", "family friendly", etc. ???? Nothing really changes here, despite the new talking heads making the same old announcements.
  22. "Covid-Denier"? ???? You assume the rather childish bi-partizan ("us v them") take on a lot of issues, don't you? When all this Covid malarkey finally disappears, I hope you find something else to fill your time.
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