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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. His defintion is irrelevant it's the legal defintion that counts.
  2. When I am in my country, because it is my country, I can complain about rules I don't like and actively try to change them. When I am a guest in another country I have to accept that I should live by the rules of that country and not try to judge them using the values I derive from "my country". We are not like the "Christion Missionaries" tryng to convert the locals to our way of thinking - If you can't accept that don't be here -
  3. You must have been living in Thailand then actually it's no laughing matter I read 10 million Thais have respiratory problems and a good start to improving that situation would be to get all those pickups and lorries I see belching out clouds of black smoke off the road.
  4. Good news and I do not wish to be contentious but what about the Thai criminals is there a purge on them too or aren't there any in Phuket?
  5. One thing I will definitively give a miss to is a so called "self driving" car
  6. I am afraid it is the way of the world that bad actors (not only violent ones) cause issues for law abiding citizens - look at all the money laundering "regulations" which affect you and me a lot more than the money launderers - look at the call to stop demonstrations against this or that because some participants get involved in violence. Many times Government's responses to bad actors only serve to punish lawful citiizens (and I believe lead to more disenchantment with those that supposedly are there to represent us law abiding citizens - and incidentally that is what some bad actors at the state level want - it surely is a "rock and a hard place" for democracy.
  7. Here we go again - politicians playing politics and not governing for the people - Thailand needs stability.
  8. The above is from your version 8 rev A document (which must have been many hours of hard work - thanks). I have a partner of 12 years (we were apart for nearly 2 years because of Covid). She has a husband who refuses to divorce her she is finacially secure for day to day living but I contribute mostly to the cost of us living together. I would argue I have a moral obligation to support her so would the above apply to any "gift" I would make to her or is that a stretch to far?
  9. Renewed my Visa extension Tuesday (Korat) - no mention of tax situation or tax documents required
  10. Apologies if this has been asked before: I have a tax number because several years ago I legally worked here. Since I stopped working I have not filed any tax return. Does the fact that I have a tax number require me (under the new regime) 1. To file a tax return if I an here more than 180 days but do not transfer any money from overseas ( asset or income) ie live of the money already transferred before 31 Dec 2023 2. To file a tax return even if I am not here for 180 days?
  11. Apologies to you I'll try to find the original post because it's still true
  12. Let's hope it is an upgrade and without consequences for Thursday - Good Luck
  13. So you think "racism" exists only in Thailand?
  14. Actually he did. To Rap To hit sharply and swiftly; strike.
  15. Those were the days!! I passed my test in a ford consul - 3 gear column change and in order to pass you had to go round sharp corners in 1st which had no synchromesh (double declutch) - those were the days THEN now give me an auto anyday - but it is true years ago you were taught roadcraft - not how to pass a theory test.
  16. Gatwick sucks for me too (I live in Scotland) but maybe Kuala Lumpur and a connection? For the last few years I have been using Manchester BUT I still have those pesky BA vouchers (from Covid cancellations) to use!!!!
  17. Not to take away from the seiousness of the issue but given the increasing frequency of similar events, a pertinent question is: Why do people resort to violence so quickly these days (even for the most trivial of reasons)?
  18. I grew up with gearshift cars and didn't have an automatic (CVT or otherwise) till I came to Thailand. Now I prefer "automatic" in any form.
  19. In my bedroom I have a Mitsibushi Mr Slim recommended by an industrial aircon engineer, bought 6 years ago I set it at 26C it has a quiet fan setting and I cannot hear it in the night. Other rooms where noise is not so important have other brands Haier, Samsung the latter being the noisiest.
  20. Did the renewal today all forms pre-filled and pre-signed - got to the bank at 8:30 first in queue - got to Immigration 9:30 second in the queue. BUT what you can't plan for - their internet down! (Korat) eventually got out about 11:30 otherwise smooth and painless.
  21. Which would you prefer when you spend your money - a scowl, a look of disdain, a blank face or a smile? You always seem to be complaining Bob. Find the good things in your life an you'll be a lot happier and feel less put upon by the world
  22. Unfortunately there has been (as far as I know) no research correlating IQ with ethics, morals or even common sense. The human form is a complex beast and using one test to eliminate a certain section of a population can't be called genocide but seems to be pretty close.
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