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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Maybe it's related to that mysterious data breach at their (former) US partner bank? I got this email but seems I am not affected, expecting money (EUR -> THB) tomorrow afternoon. The mail also warns about possible pishing mails with personal details and that I should check transactions carefully. https://wise.com/de/help/articles/1Tyvn34K9tp08aZ0y0Hqe0/data-breach-at-evolve-bank-trust-in-the-us
  2. There are threads about that topic again and again. May try to find later.
  3. I am also satisfied. A nice addition is the AIS Wifi (smart login) in shopping malls etc.
  4. Gomo is indeed not a substitute for a fibre optic connection that I have. For me a mobile SIM is just for use on the road/shopping. I have the 150 GB package and even if I use that up before the year is over I fill up (online) with a new package and still cheap. 100 GB in one month: there are SIMs/packages available for that with 10 to 30 Mbit/s. But I am not up-to-date on that. They became much more expensive during the last year.
  5. No way. The name and location is in every report except this one. It's newly opened as a live music club on LK metro. Second venue on the left coming from Soi Diana. Closed for years and being a big Gogo before which was named after fancy French sparkling wine.
  6. Good luck finding a Made in USA/UK computer. Even assembled in these countries from Taiwan/China parts would rise cost significantly. Some people are not aware that the vast majority of consumer/computer chips comes from TSMC Taiwan. Build with huge machines from ASML Netherlands costing up to 400 million USD each. Even Intel lets certain chips produce at TSMC! Chips shipped to communist China for assembly, making iPhones and millions and millions of cheap mobile phones, motherboards, graphic cards... you name it. Don't even think what happens if these two companies are sabotaged/attacked.
  7. Just saw late sunrise down south at 6:15. Happened at 5:40. Total darkness? Not really. Up here it's lit up at this time. Adding to that the road has lights. The truck is parked half into the left lane, half on the edge. Road is wide and it needs a good sleep to bang into.
  8. After reading Pak Thong Chai district I knew this would come. Such "mountainous" roads are not for Thai drivers. I like this road.
  9. I think staring at the mobile is a major reason for many of these accidents. I always wonder how the delivery guys on motorbike survive while always staring at their mobile during the ride.
  10. Brake failure, brake failure, brake failure... That happens in a country with vehicle inspection that is laughed at.
  11. A mate has the same problem. Been rejected endlessly in the past without reason and now rejected with wrong entry date. At KK immigration he asked and of course no clue. Just saying that the reports are bounced at Bangkok (IT). Local immigration does not see it in this case. It speaks volumes for Thai government/administration/workplace culture that no one cares. Seems Bangkok IT does not look into the results/logs of the system otherwise they should note that many reports are rejected for the ever same reason. Local immigration will not inform/contact Bangkok (as they sure will have relevant contacts). Don't risk loss of face, don't look like a troublemaker, bad for the career. I suggested my mate to use postal report. Worked for me in the past. As he is a stubborn goat he won't follow
  12. Definitely north of Pattaya municipality. Just some market in Banglamung district. Pattaya ends short before 36/Suk. -> Rong Po Market north of Pattaya
  13. After some "investigation" I found that this might be about Vietnam cuisine? Could mods move this?
  14. Too much alarm, too often. This wears off. Currently very little going on. https://www.ventusky.com/?p=11.1;102.3;4&l=rain-3h
  15. Depends on DLT offices. Pattaya is notorious for ignoring YB. Up here find since years.
  16. I have done that for 10 years or so and last time they "let me through" but reminded me next time book update same day. Seems it's up to the office(r).
  17. Here immigration gave me a reminder that the book (fixed deposit) update has to be from same day. Fortunately at Bangkok Bank this can be done at the counter without any transaction. Even the update machines will do if you insert them a second time after seeing not transaction at first attempt.
  18. At least here it is no problem. Always used previous day. What they want is a bank book update from same day. (you could have withdrawn the millions overnight )
  19. A lot of wrong informed people. Can't tell how often this was clarified in the forum. The only condition for the account: shown balance could be withdrawn in full at any time. In this case just loosing accrued interest which is not shown on balance before due date. Good to see your report. Would call it off-season report
  20. Stupid dealer. Seems uninterested. Driving license is utter nonsense. You can buy in your name and let your partner drive. Go next door. Bought a new car recently. Passport with visa/extension. Yellow book/pink card. Buying on finance denied. No surprise. Paid by bank transfer from the mobile. Where was that BTW?
  21. A slang term describing what many feel when dealing with Thai government offices 😊 "PITA stands for "Pain in the a**"

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