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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Braindead driving on opposite direction. Saving a few hundred meters risking/loosing life. The road is a good four lane divided highway. I drove there often. But reckless driver manage a head on collision.
  2. Highway 1 and 2 up to the northeast yesterday about 11 AM: (times are for some trip from Rayong)
  3. ? In Thailand from 50. For years I used 800k+ at Khon Kaen. Then 2023 I used income statement from consulate (still available for me). Last time (Oct 2024) I used the 12x transfer method with account statements. Not a single question about source asked although I have pension notice at hand. But the transfer method makes me independent from consulate and frees the 800k.
  4. Until some years ago I would tell everybody how safe Thailand is. You can walk every street in the dark even in Pattaya. I would be much more reserved nowadays.
  5. May I be the first to celebrate 😖
  6. Yes a Russian in Pattaya loved Christmas so much. Complete off-topic: read about such a case in Germany on a super sports car. New TikTok trend?
  7. Sorry for the stupid question. Just reread the title 😁 If your mail allows to see the details of the sender address before opening then this is usually a quite strong indicator.
  8. By email? Check the sender address (not what is displayed by the mail client). You opened the WISE app on the phone and see no problem. So obviously spam/fishing.
  9. Good to see the CNG cylinders unharmed. That would give a hell of a fire
  10. Careless pickup driver with limited visual and brain features. Click Rider at warp speed. Deadly encounter. If all such events would be reported here it would fill a subforum.
  11. Not seen or heard of in 13 years. Mass testing is done at entertainment values, checkpoints. But a whole village...
  12. Bought a new TV. 4k Smart 4k is interesting. Smart YouTube forget it. 20 sec Thai language screaming about cream. No thanks. Notebook connect and all good.
  13. As long as I can watch ad free with Brave browser and download everything with WinX Youtube Downloader I don't care.
  14. But they more like this as a minimum from their sponsor. 30000? A bachelor fresh from college won't make that. Many master degrees won't earn you that. Lower level officers won't make that.
  15. 0.0001% for less than 155 cm. Hopefully the women are not that picky about "his" size 🤣
  16. Very good observation. Yes "Pattaya" and "Jomtien" are common because English dominates while "Chom Thian" is following the rules used elsewhere. Who has ever seen Phatthaya?
  17. Would be more confused if these funny nicknames would take over. Just found on Google maps 🤣 Now walk on 3rd road and look for the sign😁 (which actually shows the close to unknown designation "Soi 25").
  18. Next: tourists confused by too many Thai people in Pattaya.
  19. 28 Satang for a Ruble 😲 Remember when it was close to 1:1 with the Baht.
  20. Of course just an arbitrary picture from the net showing a sign on a booth. From "sometime". Wanted to show the difference between the topic (money exchange in Pattaya) vs some tourist statistic babble.
  21. Have you ever been to Pattaya? Ever seen the signs with the important currencies at the booths? USD, GBP, EUR, AUD and ? Obviously not.
  22. Then be shocked. It's their main business to collect foreign currency. And GBP is one of the most traded in Pattaya. Seems you never seen what piles of notes banks and other businesses have in their drawers. Bought my first car in cash, Went to the bank and asked for the million. They put the bundle on the desk within a minute, You are US American?
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