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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. I see the same "PHUCKET ROAD". It vanishes after zooming in. And the label at the actual road is correct (Phuket Rd). So the above about overlay sounds plausible. If I click on PHUCKET ROAD I get some text description about the lively "Phuket Road".
  2. KhunBENQ


    That definitely works at selected checkouts. And all the years I never saw plastic card handed and signature or PIN entry.
  3. I always book on the local airline sites and pay locally (bank transfer or Thai debit card).
  4. Laos offers some "green zone" travel for certain nationals joining a booked tour. No idea how to come back without quarantine.
  5. Just wasted some time in another deleted thread. No regular individual tourist/visitor traffic. Border still closed for that. Only commercial/goods traffic.
  6. In that case you might save a few Baht. Are you over 60? Senior tariff a Thaismile (usually saves over 100 Baht). Flight in February for 995. 1100 for "juniors".
  7. Haven't used them ever. All I can tell: all Vietjet flights to Suvarnabhumi from Jan 23 to today (12:00) were in time, often far ahead of plan (landing upto 30 min early). Some departing 10 min before schedule. So be in time! Like most places traffic at KKC is very quiet. The new KKC airport looks heavily oversized at the moment The new park deck is hopefully open now? I always fly Thaismile. VietJet might be looking cheaper in the beginning but compare until you actually pay (checked baggage needed?). With AirAsia you have to pay for payment even for bank transfer. Brazen. Don't know about VietJet. A mate had bad experience with them but that was pre Covid, 2019 or so from Phuket to Bangkok. Left waiting for more than 5 hours.
  8. Not perfect . Enough chance for bike riders. A popular sports in Thailand. Some mishaps though.
  9. Painted lines are a laughing matter. What you need in this country are motorized tank barriers. 10 seconds advance warning.
  10. Have not seen a change of rules regarding early renewal. Three months. The grace period for late renewal is one year without extra effort. One to three years late requires written/multiple choice test redone.
  11. Totally deserted . From live video of this evening. https://youtu.be/Vn2ZMeGNN-s
  12. For the foreseeable future no Chinese tourists to expect. Chinese returning from abroad (if allowed to travel at all) strictly have to undergo 14 day quarantine. That even applies to airline staff. Just read an article about a "hero pilot" who served about half of the year in quarantine. One return flight -> 14 day quarantine. The ridiculous Chinese zero Covid policy will become a big big fail and will cost more trillions to world economy. Have you read about the terrible conditions for the forthcoming winter Olympics? Not sure whether I want to watch those ghost games.
  13. From the article: Bryde's whale (/ˈbrʊdəz/ BRUU-dəz Brooder's), So kind of a phonetic misunderstanding. Bryde is a Norwegian(?) and pronounced similar to bruda. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Bryde
  14. OK. Not my area. Here we have such on highway #12 and yes they are OK. Is there a chance that some Ferrari flew by unnoticed?
  15. And quite accurately. I know because after having new tires I tested my speedometer (with km-marker and stopwatch). Against the rule my speedometer shows the speed very accurately (instead of having a margin showing a higher speed). I don't gamble on 500 Baht tickets and pay them (two in ten years). Dispute the accuracy of their speed camera? Good luck with that. Take it to court. I can't because I am over 60 and will not survive the ruling.
  16. It's not limited to Thailand. The bloody "pandemic" causes major disturbances to global trade. Euro inflation is at a historic height. Energy prices skyrocketing. That pork prices have almost doubled here might have specific reason like the swine flu and hoarding. Demand for chicken rising -> price rising (chicken legs from about 50 to 65/kg as an example). And what does Thai Baht do? Rises and rises
  17. Ran my phone through three scanners now (built-in McAfee?, Avira and Kaspersky). Nothing found. Case closed for me. Another example for security SW causing more confusion than doing good.
  18. A lot of complaints and a Huawei support thread that went silent after a month in 11/2020.
  19. Sorry, did an edit after finding that built in scan (which I did not enable). Result is the same, nothing found.
  20. Using it since years. Multiple times scanned the phone with antivirus SW (on demand) and nothing found. Just did a scan with the built in security scan and nothing found (Samsung phone, Android 8.x). Former scan were with Avira.
  21. In 2017 I did a motorbike license from scratch. It's not rocket science and saves you a lot of hassle. I don't know whether the theory (multiple choice) test has become more difficult in the meantime. Practical test is a joke. Some circling on the office yard. Basic preconditions: Non O visa, proof of residence. Queue (waiting for appointment) might be long. (just seen poster sandyf was faster)
  22. This morning I did not find a trace of this news in the Thai language sites. Does this say something about new gag orders or do I overestimate this silence?
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