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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. On central beach Pattaya, March 23. Couldn't they tell earlier! Now it's too late to change my travel plans... to another date.
  2. Be aware that some calendars haven't updated April 12th special holiday. It was announced mid February: https://tna.mcot.net/english-news-1319369
  3. Friday April 12 is an official public holiday. 11th is last day open. Reopen Wednesday April 17.
  4. Unknowingly I learned how simplified Napalm is made. Put a leaking benzene container in a styrofoam box 😯 What I found was a half melted styrofoam box and a slimy substance that burns slowly 🤣
  5. What kind of visa, how long is the permitted stay (stamp in passport,arrival date/permitted date)? As mentioned you could be eligible for a normal 30 day extension. At these times I would not risk a single day of overstay. Immigration uses the tiniest bit to create some headlines.
  6. They open up visa exempt to Russia, China, Kazakhstan etc. 90 day to Russians. Do they expect that hordes of wealthy Russians will throw money for an expensive 90 day Phuket holiday?
  7. A young teacher recently approached me about volunteering at school (even knowing that I am not a native speaker). I was sorry to decline and tell her about the hassle with immigration and work permit needed (and likely a formal qualification).
  8. And the theory test (multiple choice on a PC like terminal) is the point with the highest failure rate. What I have seen the Thai theory test contains a lot of legal/insurance/registration stuff.
  9. The difficult part in Pattaya may be getting an appointment for the tutoring, theory test and practical driving test (hovering around the office yard on a "traffic kindergarten"). Up here it's done in two days. There are driving schools which can speed up and simplify the process for a fee.
  10. And ask them whether they ever heard about "timaticweb" which is THE source for airlines doing document check. Just did an example similar to what the OP wrote and of course the simple answer is: At the occasion ask them to replace their lazy and incompetent hotline staff with AI. Of course they say 6 months because they don't even bother to do an individual check. (and even the 6 months for tourists is disputed, valid until the booked return flight) Timaticweb is not directly available to non professionals. But some airlines give you access indirectly like here: https://www.copaair.com/en-cr/timatic/
  11. Unlikely because the QR is the link to your test result and shows the same as after the course. Wrong date is mysterious. No idea except checking the settings on your device.
  12. Just coming back with my new "6 year" license. The majority of people did not have the QR code from the elearning. They had to spent time watching video and/or tutoring. I was out at 9:30 (office opens 8:30 and just walked in). Spent some time waiting for the documents entered to the IT and start of eye/reaction test. This was not at a Bangkok office. But quite obvious you can save time at the office by having the QR code.
  13. They travel as there is no tomorrow. This is the Pattaya(!) delegation (not the Thai delegation) at the (not too important) travel trade show in Berlin. It includes the Chonburi governor(!), the head of Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization, deputy major of Pattaya and even some people who deal with tourism 😄 (from "Chonburi PR" facebook) And of course HE also used the chance for a little walkaround there:
  14. Came to my mind today: the e-Learning is NOT a >mandatory< prerequisite. It just makes sure that you can get the license without any tutoring/watching video at the office. Simplifies/speeds up the process.
  15. Yep, and that is found in the car registration book. For speed traps: how could the camera find out that it is YOU at the wheel. The car is caught and fine addressed to registration holder. Checkpoints: that's a different matter. Usually paid on the spot with a receipt.
  16. Some made from 304 stainless steel. Better?
  17. Spare parts at the usual home stores? Good luck. Never seen such tiny bits. I guess a good walk in Bangkok Chinatown could help. I have ordered such stuff at Lazada. BE AWARE: there are at least four different size parts looking similar. The joke as such: even the diameter of the knurling wheel(?) is in two different sizes. Had one too big for the handle.
  18. Ceramic. At Lazada you can even get the tiny bits separately. Order two dozens or shipment will be more expensive than the goods 😄
  19. You were faster. A big +1. I have seen times when the first entrance to international departure was closed due to congestion. It's the way to the re-entry desk. Now try to skip the queue.
  20. Friday 12th has been declared an extra public holiday. So the official holiday period alone is 12 to 16 (two substitutes for Sat/Sun). Pure traffic chaos/party on the beach (road) no later than the 12th. Whether the chaos will continue even after 16th? Not sure.
  21. 800 Baht for a gang bang event with "plus size" women. Tastes differ 🫣 Plus size is a nice new woke word for the super fatty. Just look at the beauty in the picture.
  22. I will know in three days. The English website of DLT does not help much. Daughter (Thai) had confirmed I needed it.
  23. Some food for thought: https://www.nationthailand.com/lifestyle/travel/40032145 My Instagram tells me that still Japan, South Korea, Hongkong Singapore, Taiwan are popular destinations. All visa exempt for Thais. But don't expect that every young woman travelling alone will be let in easily. South Korean immigration seems outright racist/harrasing. China and Russia visa exempt for Thais. China (Shanghai) might be of interest. Russia: Vietnamese were visa exempt long ago and Moscow became a popular transit for human trafficking. Continue to Europe over land. Likely down now. Turkey also visa exempt and also a potential trafficking route.
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