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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Done what all do. Nothing substantial found. And now? When will all the other bars on Soi 6 be raided and carried to police station. Seems a case of missing connections/bribes. Being ferried: are they thrown in barred buses and carted to Pattaya? Carrying ankle tags to avoid fleeing? Hypocrisy to it's best.
  2. As much as Lt Col Surachet. Have you got the hidden message? Schools usually >end< at age 18.
  3. The pest of reversed pictures. About 80% of Thai girl selfies are reversed. Samsung is the culprit. But that leads too far.
  4. All works fine (app and desktop website) Do you own a calendar?
  5. Had a bad night? This joke doesn't trigger my humor. Reversing on a motorway/freeway/autobahn is one of the most severe traffic violations.
  6. 1000 Baht. That will tell her a lesson. What a joke!! In other countries it's multiple incl. driving ban for a certain time, mental check and education before possibly regaining driving license.
  7. Before one travels half of the world from his nanny state to an authoritarian/military ruled country it might be worth to read travel advice from their foreign office or similar sources. Just fed German foreign office advise to Google:
  8. Doesn't the report say that nothing was found? Denunciation shooting to the dark? There is a separate thread on checks at Soi 6 but not mentioning the particular case. https://aseannow.com/topic/1291482-pattaya-police-scan-soi-six-to-prevent-underage-workers/
  9. In other countries the road would be locked with gates, minors not even allowed to walk down. But here it's a "tourist attraction" and families push the strollers in the evening (like WS). What a laughing stock. Those under 18 are coming from upcountry brothels where they serviced before seeking for better income options.
  10. And which is not required for such routine checks. Easier options. The video is 1:48 min. Too much to watch and understand?
  11. If you had watched the video you knew that copies or photos on the mobile are sufficient. I have no sympathy for foreigners going out here (particularly the hotspots) without any ID/copy. And I still find it better to have paper copies too. To be cynical: before you fly from the scooter and smash your head against a power pole please have some ID with you. Don't be the unidentified foreigner lying dead on the pavement. I never go out in Pattaya without at least paper copy of passport/"visa"/personal data/contact phone numbers and a business card of the hotel I am staying. I don't tend to be drunk as a skunk and not finding my way back but there are other circumstances where you might become helpless/unconscious.
  12. So many sleepless in Pattaya. Yes still a chance that something came in his way. Bloody poles but even "mile"stones can kill. A 63 year woman from our neighborhood fell with her motorbike and hit hear head against a milestone. Neck broken. Exit.
  13. I get worse results with WiFi 2.4 GHz (about 50/50). Much seems to depend on the quality of the mobile WiFi, signal strenght etc. Your numbers look good for this kind of connection. Whether you can tweak out more with 5 GHz might also depend on your neighborhood (many WiFi hotspots on the list?)
  14. Quite a mess and haven for ill minded people/criminals. Similarly open at Nong Khai into Laos. You could just walk through. No one would stop you. A mate once thought it would be unnecessary to check in to Laos. Just do some duty free and then drive back over the bridge. No, Thai immigration declined him without a Laos stamp and sent back.
  15. Wow, that's the official name for the Bangna - Chonburi Expressway. You never stop learning.
  16. Indeed. Would be quite a loss.
  17. Maybe you could elaborate what is unreliable about the 3BB speedtest. It's a customized OOKLA speedtest to their test server in Bangkok. For me it gives plausible results any time. Currently 796 / 428. Not the ideal 1000 / 500 but I will surely not complain about it (also as I am not alone on the router). Seems every user has his preferred speedtest. To be able to compare all would need to use the same test to the same location. E.g. OOKLA to "Frontier" Los Angeles: 140 / 81, ping 254 ms
  18. Just tested on my mid range Android phone connected via 5 GHz WiFi (1G/500). Completely ok. Not much to complain.
  19. 1 GB / 300 Mbps What does it mean: you have a fiber connection to a 3BB internet switch with that speed. Whether it is somewhat OK is tested by: https://speedtest.3bb.co.th/ It requires a device/PC connected to the router by >cable<. Don't expect anything close to 1GB via WiFi. What you measured are "real life" connections to overseas servers or mirrors in the region (or tested via WiFi on a mobile?). A complete different and hard to compare task. 50/60/70 Mbps is completely ok for any interactive use (streaming video in highest quality e g.). The 1 GB is mainly useful to supply multiple devices/users. For a single user it will rarely make any difference to a slower package.
  20. Alcohol only? I doubt it. Look how he swings, hits, throws and walks straight out stepping over the rubble. Psycho by nature or drug fueled. Lock up until damage paid and money for return ticket collected. Big red stamp and kiss goodbye.
  21. As written, a 2 yr temporary is issued for 2 years by calendar date: The following 5 yr licenses is issued by the usual 5th birthday after application rule. What you see is my 2 yr motorcycle license issued 7 July 2015 to 7 July 2017. On 20 June 2017 went for 2yr->5yr. Issued until my birthday in 2023 (not quite six years, June to March). In the meantime I have another one until 12 March 2028. I could NOT go after birthday because I was traveling and needed a valid license.
  22. And when did your 2 year expire? Common knowledge, sure. But so what?
  23. It's called Schengen/EU. Netherlands for example. Can't tell the number of countries. No immigration check, no stamp. And that since long. In the late 90s or so I drove with my Thai wife to Switzerland and from long past memory I expected passport check at least. Nothing. My last stamps in passports where from communist east Germany, USA and then Thailand.
  24. And the infamous motorway 6? Thousands of tons of ready to drive concrete are baking in the sun since years. Long before Covid. Misleading signs incompletely covered. What a monument of incompetence and corruption(?). Maybe they will again open a short stretch as a holiday gift. I know some of the mentioned roads quite well. Did the mistake to go via 2,362,1,9,7 to Pattaya in beginning of March. What a terrible traffic particularly pestered with heavy trucks on #1. Next time either fly again or go the "mountain route" (304, 331,7) keeping away from Bangkok.
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