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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. You want to tell that a 5 character password is a good one??? You think some nerd sits at the keyboard and does his tries??? Passwords are cracked from stolen/leaked data on the server or man in the middle ("wire tapping"). It's done with highly specialized hardware. For ALL six character password their respecting hashes (the encrypted form stored on the servers) are available in tabular form. Cracking a 5 character password is in the millisecond microsecond range. The following picture assumes some kind of computing power of the cracking machines: https://www.betterbuys.com/estimating-password-cracking-times/
  2. I will move to QR code stuff if forced and be able to handle it. But please: can someone educate Thai people that you can prepare for online payment. And not start digging for the phone only after the cashier has finished the cart. Then swiping up and down and back and forth to find the app... While I fight to keep my temper and control my facial expressions.
  3. Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn Bank massively shutting down branches not only upcountry. Just look at Kasikorn in central Pattaya. Three branches closed. My K account's "home" has moved twice. Up here Kasikorn has massively shut down ATMs. Bangkok Bank simply closed the micro branch in the only (Lotus) mall with no substitute (not even an ATM). And that from the biggest private bank. A former bank teller at Krungthai since long lost his job and now operates the mom/pop shop at the opposite corner.
  4. The major BigC malls in Khon Kaen, Udon etc. have frozen pizza Casino brand. You can bake them with a normal oven (200 C+). Reasonably priced and not too bad. Original Italian style at "Sofia" in Udon Thani. Unmatched.
  5. Make sure they DON'T walk to the "Visa on Arrival" hall. This is for a few dedicated nationalities and includes a fee. They have to follow the crowds directly to the immigration checkpoints.
  6. Nothing to do with personal taste of driver or the like. Taxis have some "color code". As far as I remember pink is a cab from a big company rented on a daily basis by driver. Green/yellow is self-employed driver owning vehicle. Most recommend to stick to those.
  7. Have the phone number of the hotel at hand and let him talk to them if he has problems. Some hotels also have name and directions in Thai language on their website. A printout can be helpful. Many hotel names sound so similar, consist of same/similar words. Good chance to mix it up. Once a shared van drove in to Royal Cliff in Pattaya (high end luxury hotel) and I knew something is wrong. Of course a misunderstanding
  8. Absolutely NOT. No fee. Being asked to show financials for Germans is extremely rare. They don't like beggars or homeless I assume. Never experienced from 1994 to 2011. (never asked for at land border) Never mentioned by any mates/families arriving from Germany, Good to have a return or onward booking within 30 days after arrival. But also very unlikely to be asked at immigration. Only the airline looks for that and much more likely, Passports for all persons required even for children. Whether it has to be valid for at least 6 months is a disputed topic.
  9. There is exactly one password that you have to remember and that is the master password. That's how all the tools work. In private secure space it's OK to write that down somewhere. And as you will use this frequently you will remember it after a while. The masterpassword must never be used for any other purpose than opening the password safe. Never use it for any online/external service. This in mind you might reduce the complexity somewhat. A popular method to have a masterpassword to remember: take some motto/phrase/verse that you remember like (from another post): "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." Now take either first or second character of each word (first if only one character): LilrabTkybymkm You can well write down the complete verse and put in the cabinet.
  10. Big thumbs up. Most all password that are easy to remember are junk. Everything shorter than 12 characters is weak. Enter your password in Google search. If found dump it. I use generated easy to read passwords of 14 to 16 characters. Easy to read: <AZ><az><09> Like g9aSfgfjUSEGoXqq, 5LR1JzO7oAuOHFKJ ... Nerds say 20 characters is necessary. Using strange characters &^(#)$&*($... is outdated and only gives headaches. Length matters Generating passwords with "PasswordTech": https://pwgen-win.sourceforge.io/
  11. Fully agree. And what's the difference? You always need some "master" key/password to open your password safe/list. My sensitive data is a textfile in a container encrypted with VeraCrypt. Stored locally with three backups on other notebook. mobile phone and external drive. I open it with the masterpassword and the rest is pure manual "work" (copy/paste). Additionally I print the text file incl masterpassword on a regular basis and lock it in the safe.
  12. Do you know that this is/will would be a decision for autonomous driving? Steer into power pole/moat and probably kill you, run over motorbike or frontal crash with a (mini) bus?
  13. Maybe someone can confirm. But never reported here that I can remember. Sounds like I am wrong: https://twitter.com/RichardBarrow/status/1528658385935437826
  14. Ok, didn't know about that. The chaos and queues currently seem to result from new security screening.
  15. Depends on how far and convenient your immigration office is. With the reported terrible chaos at Suvarnabhumi departure I wouldn't want another task to do. Often the zone 2 entry is closed (saw that on my own), so there must be some walking detour to do. As far as I know you don't get a multiple re-entry permit at the airport? Only single.
  16. Unfortunately that does not apply for the 2 year temporary license. It's exactly 2 years from date of issue. DLT "e-learning" is recommended. Results in a "certificate" to be printed or shown as QR code on the smartphone. Then no video watching at the office. Only physical tests (eye, reaction). https://www.dlt-elearning.com/
  17. That's the pragmatic way to go. Nowhere does it say you have to wait for a reminder.
  18. Same to me. There is whole bunch of "accessibility" functions. There are a couple of videos about it. This one refers to Android 12. I have 13 and can't exactly reproduce what is described. But this screenshot from the video would well explain that they don't allow the app to run with such feature on.
  19. The month of April often comes with ground breaking innovations.
  20. The peanut butter bomber. And really, how much better can you hide your Semtex Nothing compared to my big tube of Swiss mustard A short moment of inattention and it landed in the wrong bag. Get over it and be happy it was not a 5000 Baht perfume for the lady.
  21. Quickly blaming the van driver is easy. But did you read and understand this: In other words, a truck will never slow down/break for motorcycle in the way, just pull over. Oncoming traffic has to see where to go. On the rare occasion that I ride a motorbike on an open highway I drive as far left as possible not caring about white lines, hard shoulder etc.
  22. This Bangkok public mass transport was and is a joke compared to leading countries/cities. Tiny network, highly complicated fare rules split into multiple operators. Paying on a station by station counting for single rides on the crowded BTS. "Red line", 41.3 km, 25000 passengers per day, 2000 Baht a month
  23. TomTaxi service worked for me both ways a couple of times. Always waiting, proper limo. 1000 Baht all incl. https://www.tomtaxiservice.com/
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