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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. As a child I was much interested in astronomy. Should I have gone this way? I could predict that the sun will explode in x billion years and no one can hold me responsible ????
  2. Even for Thailand such a late announcement would be unusual. It would have to be communicated to embassies, consulates, airline database etc.etc. And now contradicting my own argument: do you remember the extreme confusion about COVID test/certificate requirement still needed after October 2022? I think it was overthrown within two days and led to much confusion, people denied boarding etc.
  3. Nothing to shed on just that they usually stick to official rules. Selling times: 11:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 24:00 (midnight). No sale on Buddhist holidays and other dry days. But really: if you are on motorbike tour there so many roadside mom/pop shops, street food places to buy a beer. They often don't take it too serious with the rules.
  4. Timing Chain โซ่เพลาลูกเบี้ยว Timing belt สายพานเพลาลูกเบี้ยว Timing chains should last longer than 100k. I had a similar difficult discussion at my Mazda dealer/service at 140k. Now I have a handwritten notice on the bill saying 180000 km. I have not made the effort to decipher handwritten text You could do a last try with your dealer and then follow advice for a "farang friendly" garage. I know that there are such in the Pattaya area. Was too lazy to go there on last visit.
  5. The problem is that I feel unwell to be the only (farang) without a mask at 7/11, malls etc. After a few days in maskless Pattaya I do first stop at a pump in Isan and basically all people walk with masks even on the parking lot. When you see people here without mask it's usually not the rural folks but neatly dressed city dwellers. Down with the masks where they make absolutely no sense! Funny enough: mask on the motorbike can be argued about. With that amount of dust and stinky Diesel fumes it might make sense
  6. ? You sold cars and the new owner has not been registered in the blue book? (which is only possible at the DLT) Or was there an "agent" involved.
  7. ID cards for adult Thais are valid for 8 years (8th birthday after issue date). Similar to Thai DL one can get up to 9 years if going just after expiry (which is the birthday). ID cards issued after the age of 60 are "LIFELONG".
  8. Yes. But your question sounded like there is some exceptional situation where the number might be changed. And as written I am not aware about.
  9. I don't know about a legal way for a person being Thai national by birth. Citizen ID being determined at the birth certificate. Changes could happen for foreigners becoming permanent residents and naturalized persons? But happy to hear more insight.
  10. As far as I know you can go to any PEA office for the billing purpose. One major office is on the Hua Yai rd. near Soi 7. Here: https://goo.gl/maps/prE6D8d68dCRU7ga7 Should be closer than the Naklua office far north? Streetview is from Jan 2022:
  11. Have ever been to a nudist camp? After that you won't be too eager for more pics.
  12. So in Berlin you will then see topless women (and don't assume it's the young aesthetic figures first) side by side with burkini swimmers (no joke!).
  13. As I wrote in another thread: China will build two new coal fired plants per week(!). Wladimir will supply coal for a friendship price. They now have about 900 gigawatts of coal based electrical power alone. US has 25. Total(!) installed electrical power in Germany about 218 GW.
  14. Stuffed full. And I don't understand what your question means in relation to the crazy strike actions planned in Germany. Air traffic and long distance rail traffic coming to a halt. They would simply not be able to land in FRA or MUC. Even tomorrow (Sunday) no Lufthansa flights to/from Munich. Government has lifted weekend driving ban for heavy trucks.
  15. Sports, Hobbies & Activities forum? Badly misplaced?
  16. I would be dead sick in a few days with that. In the night we have the AC in the bedroom at 26. Never have ACs running 24/7. Though currently at 40 C (104 F) more usage during the day. Two storey house with three persons, currently four. BTW: 4 Baht/unit is a thing of the past. Our latest bill was 1557 Baht/275 units = 5.7 Baht/unit. And 275 units is less than the highest scale that starts at 400 units. Next month I expect a much higher bill (highest ever was ~3200). Granddaughter is on visit and in worst case we have up to four ACs running. Three through the night.
  17. On third floor of the green 10 storey building?? The red and orange marked stuff is for children.
  18. Yes, just found a Facebook post from yesterday. With Google translate: They reduce the schedule to every Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pfizer Total cost 1380 Baht for foreigners. I don't want to use more of the automated translation without manual check.
  19. Indeed. In Pattaya it's some troublemakers as drunk as a skunk. In Phuket it's crash pilots on Patong hill. No statistics needed for number of tourists.
  20. And the Chinese build two new coal fired power plants per week adding to the existing base of more than 900 GW (USA about 25 GW). So rest of world, increase your efforts!
  21. No need to regularly renew. Would cut into profit. Renew when snapped. Easy. Big wai and point to the disclaimer that customer signed before jump. I read an article in German and that also sounds much different from "all OK" by hospital, never had accident before bla bla. One big bunch of liars.
  22. I use PEA app monthly to pay via Bangkok direct debit and it's not rocket science. Of course I need to logon to Bangkok Bank like in similar online payments. Why PEA is not on the list at Bangkok Bank while MEA is?
  23. It might be worth to go through this recent thread: (this thread is from July 22 and from what I read things have not improved particularly through some new security screening system)
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