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American actor Geoffrey Giuliano who went into meltdown in Big C Pattaya posts video response - and it could be his best performance yet


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1 minute ago, Thechook said:

What has he actually been in, definitely have never heard of this American actor.

He's a bit player. But he also bites! 

I'm kind of stoked for him. This is his 15 minutes of fame! 

Edited by Jingthing
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He must have watched too many Hollywood movies ... where the villain is soooo often French.


This reminds me of something Winston Churchill once said, about the love/hate relationship between the American and the French, and I find his insight really impressive :


"Americans think that the French hate them, and they are wrong. The French think that Americans like them, and they are wrong too!".


Bottom line, this guy is downright pathetic. Stupid, arrogant, impolite ... and a tragically ridiculous xenophobe. A wild combination !





Edited by Yann55
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1 minute ago, Yann55 said:

He must have watched too many Hollywood movies ... where the villain is soooo often French.


This reminds me of something Winston Churchill once said, about the love/hate relationship between the American and the French, and I find his insight really impressive :


"Americans think that the French hate them, and they are wrong. The French think that Americans like them, and they are wrong too!".


Bottom line, this guy is downright pathetic. Stupid, arrogant, impolite ... and a triumphant xenophobe. Some combination !



I've encountered some super rude Frenchmen that you can tell are totally biased against all Americans, and don't bother at all to differentiate between them individually. Not saying all, but you're tripping if you're trying to sell that French disdain for Americans isn't a thing. It most certainly IS a thing. 

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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Well, I am an American, and I say this mentally ill person is doing a lot of damage, not only to Americans, but to all expats in Thailand. (except the Russians, there is no fixing them) :cheesy:

Uhmmmm....nope.   No damage to all expats................ :)

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I've encountered some super rude Frenchmen that you can tell are totally biased against all Americans, and don't bother at all to differentiate between them individually. 


Up to now I used to think you were a rather intelligent person, Jingthing. I'm therefore disappointed to realize that you're willing to stereotype so aggressively and in such a dumb manner. I guess it proves Lord Winston's point, however : that the hatred you Americans feel for the French is completely beyond rational thinking.


I've encountered super rude people pretty much everywhere I went (and I've been to a lot of places) but I didn't go on generalizing their attitude to all their countryfolks. For example I do not think that all Americans are as biased and aggressive as you are, at least on this particular issue. Shame on you.



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11 minutes ago, Yann55 said:


Up to now I used to think you were a rather intelligent person, Jingthing. I'm therefore disappointed to realize that you're willing to stereotype so aggressively and in such a dumb manner. I guess it proves Lord Winston's point, however : that the hatred you Americans feel for the French is completely beyond rational thinking.


I've encountered super rude people pretty much everywhere I went (and I've been to a lot of places) but I didn't go on generalizing their attitude to all their countryfolks. For example I do not think that all Americans are as biased and aggressive as you are, at least on this particular issue. Shame on you.



How would you know what I've personally experienced as an American with stupid snobby obsessively anti-American Frenchmen (and other Europeans as well)? You wouldn't so take your insipid preaching somewhere else. I never said ALL. 

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The recent hyperbole about making America great again, and putting America first does not help at all. It encourages nutters like this guy, and creates a false sense of pride, in an eroding, declining, downward falling empire. It encourages nationalism. It brings out the worst in people. That is what Trump is best at. Bringing out the worst in people.


Donald Trump. The art of "I can't make a deal to save my life". 

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

The recent hyperbole about making America great again, and putting America first does not help at all. It encourages nutters like this guy, and creates a false sense of pride, in an eroding, declining, downward falling empire. It encourages nationalism. It brings out the worst in people. That is what Trump is best at. Bringing out the worst in people.


Donald Trump. The art of "I can't make a deal to save my life". 

The guy is anti-trump. Bigly. 

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Yes well I hate to upset any one, but well, I do not think what he did was too bad, other than telling us all about how Great Americans were, and that they could do what they like !!! …. 


I have sympathy in his being Filmed and Dealing with the French Guy !!! … And well he did not have too many items really, like TIT, passable in Thailand I think, … like who else does not break a few ? Well, a LOT of the rules !!! ... His shopping did not to me, and he says he did not Push in to the line like the Press said. …. 


No "Keep that Video Camera out of my Face Frog" ???  That would have been enough I think, but well, he still is not too bad in my opinion in either Clip. ...


  Though well I had better start pace myself on the use of the F' word after Hearing his second go !!! … Yes other than the American Bits I thought that he was reasonably Humble also .... (For an American and an Actor) …


Just out of Interest does Pointing a Video Camera directly in to some ones face if, you are not a Bonified Reporter, classifies as assault ??? …  (Like I possibly may have come close to punching the French man, or his Camera, in to his face myself  !!! ???) … Like they tell you to be Kind, and not offend the Locals in Asia with you cameras, so well, why not offer an American the same courtesy, …  like he is a Human being Too ???


Like should we all be under risk, of these smart ass Guys, with their new Video Camera toys !!! …  Like he got the Footage on to Social media, and Picked up by the Main stream Press Quick Smart didn’t he !!! … Like I think that I would like to question the French man who made and distributed the Clip’s Motives also !!!

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while I abhor what the American said and what he did, I do agree that filming another person without their permission is downright rude and then uploading any picture or video without their permission is a violation of rights.  Just because you have a tool that allows you to record and film does not mean it can be used in every circumstance.  I do believe laws in all countries need to be strengthened to stop a person from distributing any video of another person on a public network without their permission.  It's like recording a person's conversation over the phone- in many jurisdictions it is unlawful without notification and if they  object you can't do it.

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6 hours ago, coulson said:

Good for him he'll get his fifteen minutes of fame. Possibly the most exposure he'll get for the rest of his acting career.

I never heard of him. His foul language is typical of a low class jerk.

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I thought I sweared a lot he puts me to shame I need to show my gf this clip to prove im not too bad?, 

Is this guy going out with  a Thai lady? 

Seems so as he is hanging out in THAILAND 

But as I said before the Yanks and the frogs 2 cultures that have very high opinions of themselves 

Not my favorites I must say 

As for thus guy he's in his own little place where he has friends that love him 

He's a peanut  and I think the next stop is his shrink when he goes home I hope he does as it makes us good farangs that respect and do the right thing here look bad 

Not cool and not right 

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Anyone who walks around using vulgar language like this man- especially in Thailand and in front of children shows how uncouth and arrogant he is.  I can guarantee you that Thais look at him as if he was a poor excuse of a human being. I am really tired of seeing Westerners come to Thailand, acting like they can do what ever they want whenever they want and making a complete ass of themselves.


People complain that Thais are not friendly and look down up them- is it any wonder why. A fool like this makes us all look bad

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7 hours ago, coulson said:

Good for him he'll get his fifteen minutes of fame. Possibly the most exposure he'll get for the rest of his acting career.

.......And free publicity too. Milk it for what its worth. As the saying goes: "There is no such thing as bad publicity"

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