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Germans content with national direction ahead of vote - survey


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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It's incumbent on you to provide the proof. 

As for being the biggest crime in human history. I think your claiim has serious competition from several parties, including the crime against humanity committed by Nazi Germany.

Declassified information from the British Foreign Ministry is proof enough ?

The Memoires of Winston Churchill ? [Probably one of the biggest war criminals ever according to British Historians].

You might want to read it before commenting on it.

The documentation of the Court case of Ernst Zuendel from an American Court in 1986 ?

Documented statements from British and American Politicians from the early 1930 ... well documented in the

Newspapers back then.


You might have to read a book or two to find out what really happened.


I can assure you that most of what you [and me !!!] have learned in school [which in my case was quite a lot sadly]

especially about recent history was very inaccurate to say the least. If not plain on its head. [most likely].


Recent publication from British historians make no doubt of the fact that it was not Germany that wanted WWI or WWII.

And it is actually accepted ... apart from German Historians of course.


The truth is out there. Go and find it for yourself ... it's the only way it's possible anyway.

Don't believe me anything ... question everything and then go and find the truth !

It's an interesting ride. Much better than wasting time on some stupid TV show or Facebook.

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By "British Historians" do you mean David Irving? He has been extensively and conclusively debunked over and over again.

And it always easy to find a few crackpots who write books to support virtually any point of view.  

And it's pretty easy to tell where you're coming from since you have managed to morally equate WW1 and WW2.

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38 minutes ago, brain150 said:

Declassified information from the British Foreign Ministry is proof enough ?

The Memoires of Winston Churchill ? [Probably one of the biggest war criminals ever according to British Historians].

You might want to read it before commenting on it.

The documentation of the Court case of Ernst Zuendel from an American Court in 1986 ?

Documented statements from British and American Politicians from the early 1930 ... well documented in the

Newspapers back then.


You might have to read a book or two to find out what really happened.


I can assure you that most of what you [and me !!!] have learned in school [which in my case was quite a lot sadly]

especially about recent history was very inaccurate to say the least. If not plain on its head. [most likely].


Recent publication from British historians make no doubt of the fact that it was not Germany that wanted WWI or WWII.

And it is actually accepted ... apart from German Historians of course.


The truth is out there. Go and find it for yourself ... it's the only way it's possible anyway.

Don't believe me anything ... question everything and then go and find the truth !

It's an interesting ride. Much better than wasting time on some stupid TV show or Facebook.

Unfortunately what you say is true.  I've come across it going through bits and pieces.  I've been able to understand it now though.  You don't have to prove anything to me.  It'a all on the web.  

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On 9/6/2017 at 9:18 PM, shanesox said:

What Merkel did 2 years ago letting in million plus immigrants and many of them terrorists! Those who support her in Germany should be ashamed. Hope the families of those affected let them know !

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

The people are sheep.  They get the government they deserve.

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15 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Unfortunately what you say is true.  I've come across it going through bits and pieces.  I've been able to understand it now though.  You don't have to prove anything to me.  It'a all on the web.  

What gives you and brain_150 away is your coyness. You don't even cite the name of 1 author to back up your contentions.

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29 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

By "British Historians" do you mean David Irving? He has been extensively and conclusively debunked over and over again.

And it always easy to find a few crackpots who write books to support virtually any point of view.  

And it's pretty easy to tell where you're coming from since you have managed to morally equate WW1 and WW2.

As WWII is a direct result from WWI according to Winston Churchill [not me ...] they have to be seen connected.


BTW: David Irving was not "debunked" as his facts, based on Archives were never proven wrong.

He was just discredited as were all who speak out against the lame stream media's view on history.


If you want to find the truth just look for all the books that have been censored [especially in Germany !!!] or burned [in the US in the 50th !!!] and then ask yourself: what makes these books so dangerous to the current ruling class ?


If the truth would be so clear then censorship would be completely unnecessary !

So, there is obviously something wrong there ... only people who want to hide the truth need censorship !

Countless examples for this especially nowadays ... look for the recent youtube or facebook censorship

and you find exactly the same thing !

It's happening again and again.

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

What gives you and brain_150 away is your coyness. You don't even cite the name of 1 author to back up your contentions.

Go and look for it .... I don't have to prove anything to anybody. 

I have proven it to the Bundesrepublik Deutschland and they didn't say one word against it

and just acknowledged it ... they know what's going on !

The truth is there for everybody to find. If you want to find it [which you probably don't].

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Just now, brain150 said:

Go and look for it .... I don't have to prove anything to anybody. 

I have proven it to the Bundesrepublik Deutschland and they didn't say one word against it

and just acknowledged it ... they know what's going on !

The truth is there for everybody to find. If you want to find it [which you probably don't].

Exactly.  Go do your own research we're not here to serve you.  On the contrary.  Now Ignore again.


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4 minutes ago, brain150 said:

As WWII is a direct result from WWI according to Winston Churchill [not me ...] they have to be seen connected.


BTW: David Irving was not "debunked" as his facts, based on Archives were never proven wrong.

He was just discredited as were all who speak out against the lame stream media's view on history.


If you want to find the truth just look for all the books that have been censored [especially in Germany !!!] or burned [in the US in the 50th !!!] and then ask yourself: what makes these books so dangerous to the current ruling class ?


If the truth would be so clear then censorship would be completely unnecessary !

So, there is obviously something wrong there ... only people who want to hide the truth need censorship !

Countless examples for this especially nowadays ... look for the recent youtube or facebook censorship

and you find exactly the same thing !

It's happening again and again.

Of course his contentions were disproven repeatedly and specifically. richard evans has it literallly chapter and prose in his book. You could look it up. But something tells me you won't.

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1 minute ago, joeyg said:

Exactly.  Go do your own research we're not here to serve you.  On the contrary.  Now Ignore again.


I ask for a name of 1 person and you refuse to reply on the basis that you're not here to serve me. Giving me just the name would have taken less effort than writing out the sentence you did. Such cowardice on your part.

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I ask for a name of 1 person and you refuse to reply on the basis that you're not here to serve me. Giving me just the name would have taken less effort than writing out the sentence you did. Such cowardice on your part.

Wolfgang Effenberger

Jim Macgregor

Gerry Docherty

John V Denson


* Foreign language edited out*



It helps if you speak German :smile:


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18 minutes ago, brain150 said:

Wolfgang Effenberger

Jim Macgregor

Gerry Docherty

John V Denson


"Sie wollten den Krieg"

"Verborgene Geschichte: Wie eine geheime Elite die Menschheit in den Ersten Weltkrieg stürzte"

"Churchill, Hitler und der unnötige Krieg: Wie Großbritannien sein Empire und der Westen die Welt verspielte"

"Sie sagten Frieden und meinten Krieg: Die US-Präsidenten Lincoln, Wilson und Roosevelt"


It helps if you speak German :smile:


Well, I looked it up. Here's a piece of the Amazon summary of it.

"Hidden History uniquely exposes those responsible for the First World War. It reveals how accounts of the war’s origins have been deliberately falsified to conceal the guilt of the secret cabal of very rich and powerful men in London responsible for the most heinous crime perpetrated on humanity. For ten years, they plotted the destruction of Germany as the first stage of their plan to take control of the world."

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the Rothschilds are going to be alleged to be among the chief conspirators if not the actual leaders of this alleged plot.


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23 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

At the end of June 2016 precisely 549 209 people were living in Germany, who had already filed an asylum application without success.
But that does not mean that these people are leaving.
This is currently Merkel's problem.

But apparently a problem that doesn't seem to be weighing too heavily on her reelection chances.

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@Brain 150 and joeyg


Thank you very much about the new, revolutionary lessons about Germany's history :laugh::crazy: !


If you have an open mind you would ask yourself, why the refugees/immigrants would like to go to Germany – from far away -. The answer:  there must be desiderata, what is congruent with the general German feeling before this election.


That the majority of the Germans are content with the general direction of its political leaders has many reasons. Among the most important are the still flourishing economy, freedom, no danger of wars with its neighbors since more than 70 years, and a good social milieu in general. It's a fact that governments/parties are reelected with positive outlooks. Why should the majority of the Germans change this situation of well feeling?


That there are some troubles in spite of this feeling of well-being is normal, too. There is no doubt that Merkel didn't use her brain – but her heart – when she opened the door for so many - far too many - refugees without any control. Most of the Magreb and African refugees are economic migrants, victims of tellers of fairy tails that Germany is a land of milk and honey. The Germans probably think we already have integrated nearly 5 m muslims (status end of 2015) why bother about another million or two ???? I also believe the Germans snarlingly accept the refugee policy out of a guilt feeling from WW 2.


Because of the giant number of refugees/migrants there are dangers and problems to solve in the future. But that doesn't seem to worry the Germans, at least at now – look at the headline.

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1 hour ago, puck2 said:

@Brain 150 and joeyg




Because of the giant number of refugees/migrants there are dangers and problems to solve in the future. But that doesn't seem to worry the Germans, at least at now – look at the headline.

Go to the home page of the UN and read what they call it:

Replacement Migration !!!


Read it on the UN page ... if you think the German Government has anything to say in this matter you 

are so wrong.

Why does the EU not call them "migrants" but "settlers" ?

Ever heard anything about "Migration as a Weapon ?"

Read the book: Weapons of mass migration from Kelly Greenhill

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6 hours ago, brain150 said:

Go to the home page of the UN and read what they call it:

Replacement Migration !!!


Read it on the UN page ... if you think the German Government has anything to say in this matter you 

are so wrong.

Why does the EU not call them "migrants" but "settlers" ?

Ever heard anything about "Migration as a Weapon ?"

Read the book: Weapons of mass migration from Kelly Greenhill

Replacement Migration: 
Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?


"United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.

Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union)."



MONSTROUS!  Clear proof that the UN is behind the recent migrations! Japan and Germany must unite once again to fight this threat!

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32 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Replacement Migration: 
Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?


"United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.

Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union)."



MONSTROUS!  Clear proof that the UN is behind the recent migrations! Japan and Germany must unite once again to fight this threat!

 This is disingenuous. The reason European countries have a persistent decline in native populations is solely due to it being drummed into young Europeans that the world is overpopulated and that they must use birth control and not have children. Conversely, if the respective governments were having concerns about declining populations they could easily have offered tax benefits and other financial incentives for native couples to have more children.


 To suddenly claim that Europe's population is declining therefore we must import millions of mainly uneducated and illiterate Africans with no desire to integrate is -well let's be honest, it's a ridiculous and insulting stance.

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22 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 This is disingenuous. The reason European countries have a persistent decline in native populations is solely due to it being drummed into young Europeans that the world is overpopulated and that they must use birth control and not have children. Conversely, if the respective governments were having concerns about declining populations they could easily have offered tax benefits and other financial incentives for native couples to have more children.


 To suddenly claim that Europe's population is declining therefore we must import millions of mainly uneducated and illiterate Africans with no desire to integrate is -well let's be honest, it's a ridiculous and insulting stance.

I'm sure you wouldn't make such a statement about Europeans choosing to have less children "solely due to it being drummed into young Europeans that the world is overpopulated and they must use birth control and not have children." without having data to support your contention.  Clearly you are a scholar of extraordinary perspicacity to have evidence  to show that it has nothing to do with women's hugely increased presence in the workplace, the decline of extended families, and the desire to prefer a higher standard of living over having lots of offspring. Could you please share the source of your data with us? Did it come from the Dept of Making Things Up?


 And of course, no where in that UN piece I cited did it say anything about Africans or Asians or any particular group being replacement migrants.  Obsessed much?



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Germans content with national direction ahead of vote - survey.


if the survey were more detailed, very different results would appear in individual questions.


For example, I do not know anyone who would say Merkel's pro islam invitation policy is great.


I would like to have a referendum on this issue.


People who have children know how it looks in the schools and also on the streets at night.

Merkel has no children and is far away from the ordinary people;

another problem.

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4 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Germans content with national direction ahead of vote - survey.


if the survey were more detailed, very different results would appear in individual questions.


For example, I do not know anyone who would say Merkel's pro islam invitation policy is great.


I would like to have a referendum on this issue.


People who have children know how it looks in the schools and also on the streets at night.

Merkel has no children and is far away from the ordinary people;

another problem.

I have relatives in Germany.  They say they are losing hope...

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Germany had a large Islamic invitation wave already 50 to 60 years ago. The many million Turkish guest workers have brought their whole family clan to Germany.

Successful integration in the 4th,

5th generation of the German Turks?

Lick my as...

Over 50% of the German Turks voted for Erdogans Reichstags laws.

And now Merkels new Arab - African wave?

No Thank you.


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On 9/8/2017 at 2:30 PM, brain150 said:

If elections would change anything they would be illegal ! [In any country !!!]


As for Germany:

The Bundesrepublik Deutschland is NOT Germany !

The Bundesrepublik Deutschland is a Trust Corporation owned by the Allies [Founded after WWII] to 

suppress and exploit Germany. Make a quick search and this can be validated legally very easily and without a shadow

of a doubt.

It's a very sophisticated fraud but a fraud non the less.

This is confirmed by the Bundesverfassungsgericht [private corporation] and the Bundesregierung [private corporation]


The Bundesverfassungsgericht also confirmed the German Election Law to be against the Grundgesetz and as such

all elections since 1956 are invalid ! As the Election Law has not been modified [as there is nobody who could legally do so apart from the German People] the Elections now are invalid due to a missing Election Law.

[You can easily validate this on the homepage of the Bundesverfassungsgericht]


As such the "Elections" are a bad joke !


There is much more to this story as it all starts in 1918 !

Even the Weimar Republic was not Germany anymore ! [Easy to validate]


The German People have no idea about their own history ... and due to the re-education programme

carried out since 1945 through the Allies they don't want to know.

History is very different than most people think.


For all these so called "polls": I would not believe any of them.

Not in Germany or in any other country as they are all plain propaganda to keep the people in their ignorance of

what is really happening.



If anybody wants to call this "conspiracy": Prove me wrong !

What happened to Germany [the one from 1871] is probably the biggest crime in human history !

And I am not joking or exaggerating. Look into history and find out for yourself !!!

Tell me honestly what drugs you are consuming? Mushrooms or LSD? I my whole life I never read such nonsense. Or are you writing from a mad house already????

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On 9/8/2017 at 2:30 PM, brain150 said:

The Bundesverfassungsgericht also confirmed the German Election Law to be against the Grundgesetz and as such

all elections since 1956 are invalid ! As the Election Law has not been modified [as there is nobody who could legally do so apart from the German People] the Elections now are invalid due to a missing Election Law.

[You can easily validate this on the homepage of the Bundesverfassungsgericht]

As I know there is modified a Election Law since 2013 (check google)

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