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Taxi driver threatens woman passenger amid black magic claims


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Taxi driver threatens woman passenger amid black magic claims



Image: Daily News


A terrified female passenger went online yesterday to report an ordeal in a Bangkok cab.

She said that the driver accused her of performing black magic making it impossible for him to drive.

But as bizarre as it sounds many online backed her up saying that the same thing had happened to them in the same cab.

Now people are calling for action against the mystery cab reported as ทน (thor nor) 84XX.

The story of the woman's journey to work from Ramkhamhaeng Soi 1 to Suvarnabhumi airport yesterday was featured on the popular page of Mem Pho Dam.

The passenger said that after ten minutes in the cab - in which time she said she was not even on her phone, just sitting quietly - the driver suddenly turned round and said in very rough Thai language:

"Now you stay still. If you don't keep still I shall punch you for sure. I'm warning you."

Not surprisingly, the woman was completely confused and scared.

The driver continued: "What "things" are you playing with? (a Thai expression referring to the occult). I can't drive properly. If you don't listen to me I'll punch you out".

The passenger asked what "things" exactly and it was clear he was referring to the supernatural.

She asked for him to stop immediately - they were on the motorway - and after initially refusing he pulled over.

She wrenched the door open, ran out and hailed a passing 6 wheel truck and four men got out to help her while the taxi waited further down the road.

She then got another cab but the original taxi chased them repeatedly cutting in front and tailgating. Eventually the original cab forced the second cab to stop in the middle of the road and the still terrified passenger managed to snap an image of the original driver who was now at the window continuing his tirade.

They managed to drive off despite the driver wanting to go to the police station.

She issued a warning about the driver but comment was surprising online. While some thought he was just high on drugs many others backed up her claims saying they had had the same experience with the same man in the same cab.

One said he had threatened to kill them for dabbling in the occult.

Some said they had reported the matter on 1584 but had heard nothing.

Many said the time had come to get this taxi driver off the roads and called on the authorities to act.


Source: Daily News


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-09-09
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For the benefit of those among us  who delight in belittling we Thai's in genearal as well as taxi drivers and the present administration etc, please note others with  political ideals that you may agree with or not are also  happy to indulge in ''Black Magic.''

So if Thailand is in your opinion  a third world country as some of you state, why are you still here with us? 

Live with us and accept our ways for all their quirks .

No doubt in your home country  you expect  those  who choose to live there to accept your cultural practices or at least tolerate them.




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53 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

Ahh the old "if you don't like it go home" gambit.

Well if somebod

Now just where did I state ''go home?''

I did state that  if it was  a non national living in your country,  no doubt you would expect them to assimilate into your culture and  accept its norms. I did not suggest nor imply that you or anyone else for that matter should ''go home'' to whence you came from.



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3 hours ago, delphioracle said:

For the benefit of those among us  who delight in belittling we Thai's in genearal as well as taxi drivers and the present administration etc, please note others with  political ideals that you may agree with or not are also  happy to indulge in ''Black Magic.''

So if Thailand is in your opinion  a third world country as some of you state, why are you still here with us? 

Live with us and accept our ways for all their quirks .

No doubt in your home country  you expect  those  who choose to live there to accept your cultural practices or at least tolerate them.




So you are supporting this cab driver then?

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So you are supporting this cab driver then?



No I am not

I am commenting on those who condemn the local culture and lifestyle, but for some strange reason or reasons continue to live here despite all their negative feelings and comments. People like the one shown in the quote below and your good self.

You came here  to change your lifestyle, all well and fine. Now you want  we Thais to adopt and embrace the lifestyle you  left behind .


Perhaps those who are so quick to criticise and pass judgement on we Thais are themselves not from a country that is the centre of the intelligence universe


And they wonder why Thailand is not the center of the intelligence universe



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2 hours ago, delphioracle said:


Now just where did I state ''go home?''

I did state that  if it was  a non national living in your country,  no doubt you would expect them to assimilate into your culture and  accept its norms. I did not suggest nor imply that you or anyone else for that matter should ''go home'' to whence you came from.



"So if Thailand is in your opinion  a third world country as some of you state, why are you still here with us?"


Same same.

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Because it is my country as much as the U K is as I have dual nationality  I spend time in each country as do the whole immediate family due to their birthright(s)


Has that satisfied your curiosity  ?


As a digression you  are  able to live  here without all the visa issues? (For which all involved in the visa issue have my sympathy) I presume that you were not born here or are of Thai parentage mixed marriage etc. 

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4 hours ago, delphioracle said:

Because it is my country as much as the U K is as I have dual nationality  I spend time in each country as do the whole immediate family due to their birthright(s)


Has that satisfied your curiosity  ?


As a digression you  are  able to live  here without all the visa issues? (For which all involved in the visa issue have my sympathy) I presume that you were not born here or are of Thai parentage mixed marriage etc. 

I think you misunderstood my post as there was no curiosity on my part. I directly quoted a part of your previous post which sounds much the same as if you don't like it go home to me. If it wasn't meant that way then my misinterpretation.

For the record I have a great life and family here I just wish it could be improved for the majority rather than the minority that is all.

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On 9/9/2017 at 2:16 PM, delphioracle said:

For the benefit of those among us  who delight in belittling we Thai's in genearal as well as taxi drivers and the present administration etc, please note others with  political ideals that you may agree with or not are also  happy to indulge in ''Black Magic.''

So if Thailand is in your opinion  a third world country as some of you state, why are you still here with us? 

Live with us and accept our ways for all their quirks .

No doubt in your home country  you expect  those  who choose to live there to accept your cultural practices or at least tolerate them.




You gotta help me out here and share your valued opinion. A country where ''Black Magic'' is accepted as normal/standard cultural practices in the year 2017, or if you prefer the advanced version 2560, proclaiming you are 543 years ahead of developed countries, which category would the country fit in- 1st, 2nd or 3rd world?

I just hope you won't go that far to claim a weirdo suffering from delusions of lunacy and subsequently threatening other people with violence, is part of acceptable local cultural practices. 

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23 hours ago, delphioracle said:


Now just where did I state ''go home?''

I did state that  if it was  a non national living in your country,  no doubt you would expect them to assimilate into your culture and  accept its norms. I did not suggest nor imply that you or anyone else for that matter should ''go home'' to whence you came from.



I think you fail to understand the difference between cultural differences and something that is simply wrong/abnormal/un-ethical/immoral....

For example if a culture just to take an example; the Azteks, are offering their virgin children to the gods by slaughtering them on a table and ripping their guts out, reading the future in the entrails... I would definitely call that wrong, even if it is a part of their culture. Some things are wrong wherever it is being done or under what "cultural umbrella" it's done.

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Define if you can  acceptable behaviour patterns and cultural beliefs as defined and followed in the ''civilised countries that you seem to originate from.

Religious beliefs or cults  and that includes  Buddhism  are no more than  a mind control issue  but it is accepted in many places. Let us consider the superstitions that we have in the UK concerning actions, and subjects The slavish tribal following of football teams and  media personalities.

There is a veritable can of worms  to be opened which can be  both defended and attacked  by those with their own personal convictions. The Aztecs have long since gone, pointless hardly pertinent to modern days but we could throw in the crucifixion and resurrection for good measure I suppose for that time.

Cultural practices of the Spanish inquisition were then considered acceptable and  normal as were the actions of missionaries  in the not so long gone past. Now though they are seen for what they are and were.


Now look at the comment made below. perhaps if you look into the multitude of cultural practices and customs of your country of birth no matter where it was  maybe you will  see looking back at you the very graphic mirror image of that which you accuse  the Thais of.


Let him who is innocent cast the first stone.


Well can you claim innocence, can I ?


Which of us is  entitled to cast that first stone?


Certainly a can of worms is it not




Some things are wrong wherever it is being done or under what "cultural umbrella" it's done.





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