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Police search for foreigners caught having ‘sex’ on Rayong bridge


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14 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Nothing to do for police?

no murderers to find? No traffic perpetrators? No red bull criminal?




those couple did it in a place where they would not expect to be seen. And the guy who filmed them and put it on facebook should be charged for being a peeping Tom. It seems he followed them secretly to peep. Without him no "public outcry" which in this case is pathetic , too.

Totally agree. Well stated sir.

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Yeah, but. . .


A bridge too far, Irrespective of the nationality of the couple concerned. Having sex in a public place is stupid and inconsiderate to say the least and should be deterred.


What goes on the red light districts of Pattaya is irrelevant in this context.


Whatever may happen in sleazy dumps like Walking Street, families should be free to use their local high streets without the risk of  tripping over copulating couples.

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15 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

I risk being accused of racial profiling.....but those are "Asian feet" male toes down and female toes pointing up....the skin tone also is a give away. The female looks like she is young and not from a farming back ground i.e. Isaan. Rice pickers are more splayed and normally have the 2nd toe extending further than the 1st (big toe) with at least a 1cm gap.. Don't believe me ? check your Thai GF/wife's plates of meat.

Yes, and Thai feet do not generally have heels (heel bone).  An excellent observation on Thai/Asian/Monkey plates of meat there.  Heaven forbid that you should ever be accused of racial profiling.  Merely pointing out the differences is being objective.

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I note the wording believed to have had sex, not KNOWN or SEEN, but only believed. I see Policemen everyday, they are believed to be working but I never see them actually working.

Same as many thinks, believed is entirely different to actually being seen doing it.


Storm in a teacup and a complete waste of Police time, not that they need any excuse to waste time I am sure.

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10 hours ago, bendejo said:

Foreign?  Could be those stinky Cambodians, invading Burmese or those intrusive Lao?  (any despised neighbor countries left out?)  Those don't look like big, white Caucasian feet nor oversized black African ones.  The important thing is no Thai would do this!

I guess I should mention the above statements are meant to be irony.


How do you say peeping tom in Thai?  At least the camera wasn't shaking when that pic was snapped, nice of him to steady his other hand for a moment.



Peeping Tom  is Aeb mong.   แอบมอง.:wai:

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Possibly some heavy petting, but the evidence presented falls way short of doing the deed.  Where is Boss today?  How did Yingluck escape?  Don't see the need to call an all out search to punish the culprits; rather, Just another opportunity to bash foreigners. 

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Well, I watched the clip - possibly foreign but definitely Asian. Latter though have nothing to worry; it will be simply impossible to identify anything out of that clip; Mr Adisak Khawsa-ard though should be booked for stalking. It takes a sick mind to do what he did.
And, should they get a couple they still can claim having practiced CPR or so ...... honestly, b"*ç%ing on top of a passenger bridge in the middle of rain ........?


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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

 . . . . after it is believed they had sex . . .

And the three amigos - or thrustiteers - will be famous for the rest of their sad lives. The whole thing was a set-up. You can tell by the feet, alone . . . there's no way those are excited!

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31 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

I once caught 2 young student having an intimate moment in a public toilet boot in a Central shopping center. They were more embarrassed than me, so I just gave them the thumbs up sign and moved on. Give these love birds a break.

You seem to forget that a public toilet booth is supposed to be private . . . and, a footbridge . . . should that be treated the same?

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