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Video: Malaysian big bikers on tour ignoring the Thai laws!


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2 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

It sounds like you are 'ragging' about 'Baerboxer's post also...... I happen to agree with him...........

You say  -- "Had you read some of the above comments you would understand it is done for safety reasons."I question how you justify saying "for safety reasons"..... who has established that issue of safety????  You???? Those Malaysian Bikers????? Certainly NOT the 'Thai Laws'   If these bikers cared slightly about the law or safety, they would have done one of two things.... 1. requested Police escort ( I personally doubt the RTP would feel they merited escorts).... OR...... 2. When the light changed to red the bikers should have stopped for the red light as if they were 'law abiding' and those who went on ahead slow or stop and wait for them.... But these bikers would never consider doing something that 'impedes' their progress.... but to delay the other 'general public' traffic was no problem...... Only 'selfish concern' --- Not safety concern

Next You say... "Yes they should have contacted the police to arrange it, but they as a group were riding the safest way.".... This 'justification' shows that you think '2 wrongs make a right'.... Never !!!   I sincerely doubt Police would assist a convoy like this, but they didn't have a police escort... sooooo...... They (the bikers) were individual motorists 'Riding in a group' and were covered by laws accordingly... and your notion of them riding the "safest way".... has no more basis than 'just you opinion or defense' in attempt to justify this selfish group's method of operation......

Next you say -- "What on earth have crash helmets or lack of got to do with this? It happens to be 'LAW' many places... similar to LAWS about stopping for red lights.... Unless legally authorized (as ambulances or Police Escorted vehicles)...........

Lastly you say --- "So you support car drivers murdering motorbike riders? What a t$#t you are."  ..........This statement  is like something from a 'Snotty nosed brat' and typical of biker's attitudes  that they are the greatest and to hell with what others think (even the law when they don't like it)........ "car drivers murdering  bikers"??????  Actually it would more like the bikers killing themselves accidently while breaking the traffic laws and not using common road courtesy............ AND another 'snotty one'......."What a t$#t you are." Is this a case of the "pot calling the kettle black".. I really doubt that you are so 'upright' or 'Pious' to be saying such a thing to another human being....... remember --- "with what judgement you judge - so shall you be judged..............

And also remember that I am only writing this post to you in defense of another poster who I believe was 'right' and then see him 'torn apart' by you with your rediculous justifications.........


















Safety reasons is correct, large groups in most countries ride that way. As i stated, they should have contacted the police. But being Thailand and them not Thai would probably not work.


The Thai motorbike groups also use this method, so please get your facts correct.


You state selfish, a state safe. Again as the convoy way is used in many countries one would assume that is because it works and is safe. 


Have you ever ridden a motorbike? If so have you ridden as a large group? If so you would understand more.


My helmet remark stands, this is a talk about the convoy. 


"So you support car drivers murdering motorbike riders? What a t$#t you are."  ..........This statement  is like something from a 'Snotty nosed brat' and typical of biker's attitudes  that they are the greatest and to hell with what others think (even the law when they don't like it)........ "car drivers murdering  bikers"?????? 


I was replying to this comment you halfwit.........."Up to them. But they can't complain if they get splattered and certainly won't get any sympathy."


A snotty nosed brat, oh dear, rubbed you up the wrong way have i? Are you going run me off the road to teach me a lesson? Get a life you idiot. 


I am sure Baerboxer does not need you to hold his hand. And will reply if he wishes.


My comments stand.


Pot calling kettle black? Are you on drugs? Have you never seen the road carnage in Thailand?


Your argument is retarded. 



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11 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

WOW........ This is exactly opposite of what 'reality is'......... 

First off -- those 'babes' you bikers got were from the bottom of the barrel, left-overs, after all the 'good women' had found 'men with potential'... LOL...

next -- they were only "Hot chicks" in your 'drugged/drunk feeble minds'..... Minds that aren't capable of thinking 'straight' about others rights, only your own selfish wants....... (eg: unlawfully stopping  traffic for selfish 'gang' motives)...... 

In my youth I was a 'Greyhound Bus Driver' and and it was only my 'good judgement and straight thinking' that kept me from 'running over' a lot of 'selfish, road-hogging' Gang-Bikers........... And as a Greyhound Bus Driver, on my layovers at 'away from home places' I had amazing luck of meeting a young lady travelling with me who was happy to 'Lay over with me'

You think people are 'Jealous' of you guys and your 'bottom of the barrell 'babes''........................ Only one fitting thought comes to mind --- "You CAN'T FIX stupid"

Dear me. Whatever. Bus driver... :cheesy:

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Sheesh, lots of up tight, cage driving, motorcycle hating peeps on this one!

Lotta haters....


1. The Op has misleading headlines, typical mass media.

2. Gang - no.

3. A bunch of well off middle class motorcycle enthusiasts on what look like large fairly expensive (read cost more than your family car) adventure style type bikes. Enjoying an organized ride/tour/holiday, and going abroad.

4. The stopping of traffic at intersections so that the "convoy" can continue unabated as in the shock horror story is not at all uncommon, in fact is common throughout the US, the UK and Europe.

5. It may be illegal, there may be no law written down against it as maybe lawmakers never thought of the possibility.

6. Big fact; in all the above situations, with police presence or not, NOBODY has ever been prosecuted for "This flagrant abuse of the Law", and the police in every situation either help, turn a blind eye, or consider it a good, safe way of keeping traffic flowing and the best solution for a large group of vehicles passing through.

7. Never, ever happened in the UK or Europe where some big traffic copper has said "you can't do that".

8. Bus drivers, cage drivers, jealous types, haters, carry on preening  hating...

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16 hours ago, KKr said:

"the international law for convoy " 
glad to see that we have people on TV who went to Law School.


I question....."the international law for convoy " and after research online I find there is 'NO SUCH THING'........ ORIGINALLY  'convoy' was refering to merchant ships Escorted internationally by various armed or naval ships....... The term 'convoy' has been generally borrowed to describe mostly military and governmental convoys.....even many biker groups would use the word to try to impress citizens while moving their gangs around for their personal benefit and enjoyment...... Makes them feel important.... LOL.....


I copied and pasted this below from an on-line dictionary.... then read on below......


[verb kon-voi, kuh n-voi; noun kon-voi] 
Spell Syllables
verb (used with object)
to accompany or escort, usually for protection:
A destroyer convoyed the merchant ship.
the act of convoying.
the protection provided by an escort.
a ship, fleet, group of vehicles, etc., accompanied by a protectingescort.
an armed force, warship, etc., that escorts, especially for protection.
any group of military vehicles traveling together under the sameorders.
Citizens Band Radio Slang. two or more CB-equipped vehicles traveling together.
I don't see anything here about a bunch of Bikers on an 'outing' qualifying to be considered a convoy.... Obviously no Police escort because nobody (such as Police) felt the were deserving of escort.... Again... Only the bikers felt they were important....... LOL.......
And they ARE NOT Law Abiding when they stop other individuals and traffic for their own selfish motives......Even they do it and get away with it many places..... 
And as far as 'International Convoy LAWS' there is no such thing internationally, except with regard to Merchant ship in international waters...... 
Many countries may have some convoy laws, but they are not recognised "INTERNATIONALLY
Soooooooo..... All you 'biker defenders' need a little more "law school" to help you manufacture better stories......... LOL.......
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1 minute ago, sawadeeken said:

I question....."the international law for convoy " and after research online I find there is 'NO SUCH THING'........ ORIGINALLY  'convoy' was refering to merchant ships Escorted internationally by various armed or naval ships....... The term 'convoy' has been generally borrowed to describe mostly military and governmental convoys.....even many biker groups would use the word to try to impress citizens while moving their gangs around for their personal benefit and enjoyment...... Makes them feel important.... LOL.....


I copied and pasted this below from an on-line dictionary.... then read on below......


[verb kon-voi, kuh n-voi; noun kon-voi] 
Spell Syllables
verb (used with object)
to accompany or escort, usually for protection:
A destroyer convoyed the merchant ship.
the act of convoying.
the protection provided by an escort.
a ship, fleet, group of vehicles, etc., accompanied by a protectingescort.
an armed force, warship, etc., that escorts, especially for protection.
any group of military vehicles traveling together under the sameorders.
Citizens Band Radio Slang. two or more CB-equipped vehicles traveling together.
I don't see anything here about a bunch of Bikers on an 'outing' qualifying to be considered a convoy.... Obviously no Police escort because nobody (such as Police) felt the were deserving of escort.... Again... Only the bikers felt they were important....... LOL.......
And they ARE NOT Law Abiding when they stop other individuals and traffic for their own selfish motives......Even they do it and get away with it many places..... 
And as far as 'International Convoy LAWS' there is no such thing internationally, except with regard to Merchant ship in international waters...... 
Many countries may have some convoy laws, but they are not recognised "INTERNATIONALLY
Soooooooo..... All you 'biker defenders' need a little more "law school" to help you manufacture better stories......... LOL.......

Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

y          a                  w                n.

You just don't get it do ya?

So uptight too.

You really were badly bitten by a biker in your previous life weren't you? Cannot not use the "gang" word too. Mmmm...

You must be the life and soul of every party you are forced to attend.

Carry on, Mr. Law Abider.

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38 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

Dear me. Whatever. Bus driver... :cheesy:

Im not sure if that post (sawadeekens) is really really funny or just truly sad, cue "the wheels of the bus go round and round" song, funny I never knew bus drivers were the "coolest" guys on the road and pulled the creme of the crop till now.....

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39 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:


12 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

WOW........ This is exactly opposite of what 'reality is'......... 

First off -- those 'babes' you bikers got were from the bottom of the barrel, left-overs, after all the 'good women' had found 'men with potential'... LOL...

next -- they were only "Hot chicks" in your 'drugged/drunk feeble minds'..... Minds that aren't capable of thinking 'straight' about others rights, only your own selfish wants....... (eg: unlawfully stopping  traffic for selfish 'gang' motives)...... 

In my youth I was a 'Greyhound Bus Driver' and and it was only my 'good judgement and straight thinking' that kept me from 'running over' a lot of 'selfish, road-hogging' Gang-Bikers........... And as a Greyhound Bus Driver, on my layovers at 'away from home places' I had amazing luck of meeting a young lady travelling with me who was happy to 'Lay over with me'

You think people are 'Jealous' of you guys and your 'bottom of the barrell 'babes''........................ Only one fitting thought comes to mind --- "You CAN'T FIX stupid"

Dear me. Whatever. Bus driver... :cheesy:


is this your idea of defending your post where you were trying, feebly' to tear apart another posters reply and HE was right........

A 'laughing emoji'........... Is that indicative of you to hide your embarassment in being soooo wrong????????

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8 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

y          a                  w                n.

You just don't get it do ya?

So uptight too.

You really were badly bitten by a biker in your previous life weren't you? Cannot not use the "gang" word too. Mmmm...

You must be the life and soul of every party you are forced to attend.

Carry on, Mr. Law Abider.

At least one good thing to come out of this MC gang discussion...... you do acknowlege that I value being "Law Abiding' although you mention it as if it goes again't you and your biker buddies beliefs...................

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I Think most anti-biker posters have given up trying to say their thoughts on this thread, I will also soon as it is hopeless trying to talk to bikers and biker wannabe's  ...............

But I thought I would throw in one last post......... It is my personal opinion that I don't find many among Bikers and muslims that i can relate to... I give leeway to the theory that 'they are not all bad'.... there are some good ones too.......... but learning to observe percentages I have learned that when the percentages aren't favorable......... Take much care in trusting any of them............

And speaking of Bikers and muslims I can't avoid mentioning that I have two dear friends (super great people) that are muslim (but born as Thai Buddhists) and the dad married into muslim (muslim is intentionally NOT capitalized) family......and my last observation is  that this 'biker gang' originates in Malaysia which is 'Majority muslim' ......... So I can't help but wonder...............

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Just now, sawadeeken said:

I Think most anti-biker posters have given up trying to say their thoughts on this thread, I will also soon as it is hopeless trying to talk to bikers and biker wannabe's  ...............

But I thought I would throw in one last post......... It is my personal opinion that I don't find many among Bikers and muslims that i can relate to... I give leeway to the theory that 'they are not all bad'.... there are some good ones too.......... but learning to observe percentages I have learned that when the percentages aren't favorable......... Take much care in trusting any of them............

And speaking of Bikers and muslims I can't avoid mentioning that I have two dear friends (super great people) that are muslim (but born as Thai Buddhists) and the dad married into muslim (muslim is intentionally NOT capitalized) family......and my last observation is  that this 'biker gang' originates in Malaysia which is 'Majority muslim' ......... So I can't help but wonder...............

Stop the drugs, they don't work.

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1 minute ago, chrissables said:

Stop the drugs, they don't work.

Drugs are synomous with Bikers (Possibly like you) but I never touch any myself........ and I don't know whether they work or not, so I will have to take your word for that............. LOL...............

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17 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

I Think most anti-biker posters have given up trying to say their thoughts on this thread, I will also soon as it is hopeless trying to talk to bikers and biker wannabe's  ...............

But I thought I would throw in one last post......... It is my personal opinion that I don't find many among Bikers and muslims that i can relate to... I give leeway to the theory that 'they are not all bad'.... there are some good ones too.......... but learning to observe percentages I have learned that when the percentages aren't favorable......... Take much care in trusting any of them............

And speaking of Bikers and muslims I can't avoid mentioning that I have two dear friends (super great people) that are muslim (but born as Thai Buddhists) and the dad married into muslim (muslim is intentionally NOT capitalized) family......and my last observation is  that this 'biker gang' originates in Malaysia which is 'Majority muslim' ......... So I can't help but wonder...............

"Anti-biker". Hence just loves posting on any motorcycle or "gang" related thread. Says it all.


Close the door on the way out.

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2 hours ago, chrissables said:

Safety reasons is correct, large groups in most countries ride that way. As i stated, they should have contacted the police. But being Thailand and them not Thai would probably not work.


The Thai motorbike groups also use this method, so please get your facts correct.


You state selfish, a state safe. Again as the convoy way is used in many countries one would assume that is because it works and is safe. 


Have you ever ridden a motorbike? If so have you ridden as a large group? If so you would understand more.


My helmet remark stands, this is a talk about the convoy. 


"So you support car drivers murdering motorbike riders? What a t$#t you are."  ..........This statement  is like something from a 'Snotty nosed brat' and typical of biker's attitudes  that they are the greatest and to hell with what others think (even the law when they don't like it)........ "car drivers murdering  bikers"?????? 


I was replying to this comment you halfwit.........."Up to them. But they can't complain if they get splattered and certainly won't get any sympathy."


A snotty nosed brat, oh dear, rubbed you up the wrong way have i? Are you going run me off the road to teach me a lesson? Get a life you idiot. 


I am sure Baerboxer does not need you to hold his hand. And will reply if he wishes.


My comments stand.


Pot calling kettle black? Are you on drugs? Have you never seen the road carnage in Thailand?


Your argument is retarded. 



I really do appreciate your lengthy reply as I hate one liners............ I can see that you are locked in your opinion and in many countries you are entitled  to your opinion, and I cherish that freedom........ Good on you.............

How ever I have my opinion and my right to it and we do differ, a lot........ But here again , "opinions are like a__holes --- every one has one"  And.... read this several times as I am not 'calling you' an a__hole here on this reply.... That is not my style.... as you were displaying your feeble mind... calling me 'Halfwit'... 'idiot' ... retard... which I understand is 'a feeble mind trying to express itself forcibly' so I won't attach much value to those comments..........

You say -- "Safety reasons is correct, large groups in most countries ride that way. As i stated, they should have contacted the police. But being Thailand and them not Thai would probably not work." I question --- They did not contact Police?????  So that cancels all the Thai laws and they can do as they please????? is that what you believe?????  I don't think so...........

You said --- I was replying to this comment you halfwit.........."Up to them. But they can't complain if they get splattered and certainly won't get any sympathy."     He was absolutely RIGHT..... anybody who violates the law and is scraped up off the road, deserves what they got......

You say ---  Are you on drugs? Have you never seen the road carnage in Thailand?   I assure you I NEVER do drugs, not even POT (as I guess is common thing to you and your gangs)..... And spending over half my time in Thailand *(or more than 30 years) and having 2 cars I see much of the carnage on the roads --- to answer your inquiry

You say --- "Your argument is retarded."..... my reply..... I'm not bothered by 'Your opinion'.... when I consider it's source........ And I will reiterate --- "opinions are like a__holes.... everybody has one"    (and I'm still not calling you an a__hole --- at least not on this forum)...... good night as I am presently in the US.............. 

And thank you once again for your long and understandable  reply............. I hate one liners........... LOL.............

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To all people knowing the law: Do you really know the law?


Even in Germany a convoi (also bicycles) can cross a red light without police escort. A convoi counts as ONE vehicle. If they post some security at the side it is very responsible for the safety of all.


Yes, if the thai people say: "so it is ok", it needs some knowing falang to comment and show them the right way to heaven.

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3 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

I really do appreciate your lengthy reply as I hate one liners............ I can see that you are locked in your opinion and in many countries you are entitled  to your opinion, and I cherish that freedom........ Good on you.............

How ever I have my opinion and my right to it and we do differ, a lot........ But here again , "opinions are like a__holes --- every one has one"  And.... read this several times as I am not 'calling you' an a__hole here on this reply.... That is not my style.... as you were displaying your feeble mind... calling me 'Halfwit'... 'idiot' ... retard... which I understand is 'a feeble mind trying to express itself forcibly' so I won't attach much value to those comments..........

You say -- "Safety reasons is correct, large groups in most countries ride that way. As i stated, they should have contacted the police. But being Thailand and them not Thai would probably not work." I question --- They did not contact Police?????  So that cancels all the Thai laws and they can do as they please????? is that what you believe?????  I don't think so...........

You said --- I was replying to this comment you halfwit.........."Up to them. But they can't complain if they get splattered and certainly won't get any sympathy."     He was absolutely RIGHT..... anybody who violates the law and is scraped up off the road, deserves what they got......

You say ---  Are you on drugs? Have you never seen the road carnage in Thailand?   I assure you I NEVER do drugs, not even POT (as I guess is common thing to you and your gangs)..... And spending over half my time in Thailand *(or more than 30 years) and having 2 cars I see much of the carnage on the roads --- to answer your inquiry

You say --- "Your argument is retarded."..... my reply..... I'm not bothered by 'Your opinion'.... when I consider it's source........ And I will reiterate --- "opinions are like a__holes.... everybody has one"    (and I'm still not calling you an a__hole --- at least not on this forum)...... good night as I am presently in the US.............. 

And thank you once again for your long and understandable  reply............. I hate one liners........... LOL.............

My insults to you were in reply to kind.


Maybe they tried to contact the police, who knows. Better the break a law if it is in fact safer.


Anyone who considers  a person who broke the law deserves to dead for a road infringement really is pitiful and pathetic.


I am not in a gang, i ride alone, i don't take drugs.


I have been here a while and ridden a few miles too. So we can agree we both have seen the carnage.

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On 2017-09-29 at 6:04 AM, tracker1 said:

Easy way to fix that it's called Enforce the Law !

To enforce the law, you must can read it and understand it. I just knew it was an education related circumstance again! :cheesy:


On 2017-09-29 at 8:36 AM, DoctorG said:

There are road rules in Thailand? Wow! Who knew?

Not me!??


On 2017-09-29 at 9:53 AM, Baerboxer said:


So it's ok for any group who fancies to ignore the law and do as they please in "every civilized country" is it?

Yes, off course it is! Ask the police. :cheesy:

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On 29/09/2017 at 1:36 PM, nandele said:

Blocking intersection, even if not 100% correct, is the safest way to pass when riding in convoy, in order to avoid to split it up and rick incident caused by misunderstanding with other road users (I know is a pain if you are the one blocked at red light...)any organized group of bikers ( or other convoys) I have ever saw in Thailand does like this, probably for a convoy that long they should have asked for police escort (and they would have blocked the intersection).

Just as usual the rant is because the bikers were foreigners, guess if the shock would have been the same in case was one of the local MC...



Ban all bike Gangs.

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On 01/10/2017 at 1:45 AM, RandomSand said:

Traffic lights are dumb machines.

Humans are intelligent.


Well done motorcyclists for taking control of the situation !

Traffic are things that mean

When RED stop and do not proceed.

When GREEN you may proceed after assuring it is safe to do so.

When ORANGE means ( in UK anyway ) be prepared to proceed.

The fact that someone is a member of a club has as much effect on the above as farting against thunder.

After the lights change you will soon catch up with the rest of the club.

A biker club has no more rights on the road than the average Joe Soap on his bike or in his car.



Biker since I was 16 years old and that was a long time ago.


PS. Looking for a good trike that's legal here.

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