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Long Post + and - indicators of believability (Northern Isaan Virgin)


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ok chaps my next trip to LOS, I am going this time with few mates (first timers) who want to go Bangkok - Phuket - Pattaya. I had the idea to maybe set up some daytime dates with regular Thai chicks and party in the evening, with this in mind I thought I would make a few "contacts" online before my next trip.


I end up coming across this girl who is 33, nearly 4 years older than me living in Khon Kaen. Myself having absolutely no trust in ANY FEMALE after a past life event that nearly killed me, combined with a "educated" view on Thai BS, I still find myself completed stumped? albeit after endless day and hours of paranoia induced research and questioning.


background story...

She was raised on a farm growing rice and fruit in the sticks near Udon Thani, she has a sister with two young children, but the thai husband is nowhere to be seen.

She lives not that far from her family in Khon Kaen, where she got her bachelors degree and is now working for the government in procurement. she spends nearly all weekends, at the farm helping familiy and travelling to Pattaya 2, selling produce. her family look VERY traditional with lots of photos in Bhuddist temples etc, and by the looks of things does pretty well for herself has a nice car and does work very hard.

Now the real head f##k for me is that she says she has only had ONE "boyfriend" a farang man she spoke to for one month, they met on the first date with her friend chaperone, a thai girl approaches her and said he was seeing lots of girls. when I asked her if she ever had any thai boyfriends she said no?


Plus and minus indicators..


+ She cannot speak English whatsoever (heard thats a good thing for not being with loads of farangs), our communication is video call laughs and smiles not understanding a word each other says, but we are both pretty good at using "translate machine".

+ Literally doesnt understand why I could be interested in her (nor anyone else for that matter), not a typical pale skin beauty and a few years older. really did take some convincing for her to accept that.

+ I ended a message early days with "xx" she wanted an explanation, blah blah show affection I replied. The response was "I not show sexy on here "xx" make me think of girl in bar"..totally legit response IMO

+ I asked if she had facebook and she added me straight away, subsequent "paranoia damaged white IT guy" research went through friends, groups, photos, comments and found zero trace of any prior relationship and no crazy or improper friends, comments...

+ Turns out she is not a lesbian either.

+ The farang guy she spoke to for a month / met once (with a friend chaperone) really upset and feel so much pain because he lie..

+ literally everything she tells me about her work/exams etc checks out and has always said she "may not be pretty but is sincere and honest"

+ potentially a virgin


My take on the positives is that she has given no reason for me not believe the things she has said, and nothing I have found points otherwise. I know that it is not unheard of for traditional Isaan Bhuddist to keep their virginity until marriage. I asked her is there a Buddhist wedding, she said it would be at family home with monks from temple.


- No thai boyfriend ever? doesn't compute somehow

- No thai girlfriend ever "I dont do lesbian"

- Meets farang boyfriend once and mysteriously.. "followed by girl who say he seeing other girls"

- IMO too pretty to believe, that she thinks "I not pretty"

- Could potentially lower my guard and become my kryptonite or Mai Li from kickboxer


You know the saying if its to good to be true? My thoughts exactly.

Is her story an epic tale of deceit? kudos to her, it is very nicely polished, consistent and FB profile to match.


Has anyone had an experience similar? or with a girl/family claiming she was a virgin? maybe once the innocence was lost they still default back to factory settings?


comments, thoughts and piss taking welcomed

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There are many virgins in Issan, after saying that many members here will tell me i am wrong.

My wife was a virgin 41 when we met, school director, she has 3 sisters, 2 of them are virgins, never had boyfriends, 1 is 54 the other 44.

I have joked with them many tiimes about this, the answer is always the same, Thai men no good, treat theirs wives bad, why do we want that.

OP if you are serious about this girl, play it gently, do not rush her into sex, if she is genuine she will not allow you to touch her until married. If she will undress in front of you easily, then she is not a virgin, after over 6 years of marriage my wife will not undress in front of me.

Now all you bargirl lovers can have a go at me and tell me i am wrong, go ahead.

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There are many virgins in the North as well. You will never find out for sure until you get to know her better.

The problem is Thai women tell lies for what "I consider no good reason. To save face or to construct a narrative they think is better. It would be nice  girl might admit "Yeah I lezzed out in college, but it was just a thing to do I was never really into it". Most western guys wouldn't care, or if they banged a first love in the village . (But they won't).  I think the OPs gals story about the foreign guy is suspicious why mention at all?  


Reminds me about one story, very nice girl from Chiang Rai, friend of a Thai friend who was interested in getting with me. Totally pure and innocent until her (late) Thai husband. "Oh but there was this Belgian guy who tried to get me but I turned him down". Nothing to do with me I couldn't care less. Turns all true except she was going with him on the side for a few years sporadically before her husband died now they live in Europe with a half Belgian kid. 




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From your OP you sound as though you want to party during your holiday with mates, but she sounds anything BUT a party girl.

She also sounds like the real deal, so why would you want to mess her up?

Lastly, neither of you can converse with each other. Disaster waiting to happen.


Unless you are looking for someone to marry etc etc etc, why don't you stick with party girls that speak English, unless you have some bizarre idea that you are going to find a few virgins that are going to give it away to a bunch of guys that are going to fly off after a few days.

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Virgin are a protected species in thailand it's gonna cost you big time.  Brothers, uncles have been protecting her for many years and party boy from UK is nit on the return flight home of he cracks it. He"ll be herding sheep on a farm swapping his subway Italian bmt for stick rice and fish sauce before he can saw sawadeekhap

Edited by Rc2702
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Possible, in traditional families and traditional villages, not an exception.
Also, among government employees, sleeping around or getting pregnant before marriage is frowned upon.

If you are seriously looking for a relationship and think this may be it, as mentioned before, take it slowly and accept her way of doing and timing things.
WhamBamThankYouM'am does not exist in her mind if your summary  is correct.

Also, before your next visit, suggest you go on a 50 hours Thai  communication course and send her on an English course.
Instead of only smiles, you'll find out if there is something to say.
Having higher Education and having passed the Government Job Entry Exam, she will have a good level of Education, and above average comprehension so it may be working out well.

other upside of learning how to communicate:
In case you find out there is nothing to say, you'll awe your mates knowing how to order food, drinks, and transport.
If you bring your mates the first visit, and they are not taking it seriously, you'll be peer-pressured out of the relationship or she'll back out.

Good Luck !

by the way, re earlier date:
as most people know someone who knows someone in a village, it is possible that the girl warning her about a fast-dater was sincerely trying to inform her as she was known to be inexperienced and in this respect naive.
(And remove a competitor, maybe )

Edited by KKr
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Your new girl may in fact be a good person.  But no Thai BF ever, only one farang BF, and she doesn't speak English?  Not believable.  


About the only way a Thai girl would "go farang" is if they've had some bad experiences with a Thai guy.  Because a Thai guy will almost always be their first love.  As for the language problems, i.e., she doesn't speak English, you don't speak Thai, it may be cute for awhile but it will soon be a problem.  Communication is pretty darn important in a relationship....especially for a Thai girl.  Unless she's desperate.     

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On 10/2/2017 at 9:00 AM, colinneil said:

There are many virgins in Issan, after saying that many members here will tell me i am wrong.

My wife was a virgin 41 when we met, school director, she has 3 sisters, 2 of them are virgins, never had boyfriends, 1 is 54 the other 44.

I have joked with them many tiimes about this, the answer is always the same, Thai men no good, treat theirs wives bad, why do we want that.

OP if you are serious about this girl, play it gently, do not rush her into sex, if she is genuine she will not allow you to touch her until married. If she will undress in front of you easily, then she is not a virgin, after over 6 years of marriage my wife will not undress in front of me.

Now all you bargirl lovers can have a go at me and tell me i am wrong, go ahead.

would not say your wrong but one, im not sure id want a 44 year old virgin who would not undress in front of me after 6 years together. and in this day and age with the internet i think unless the women is a bit of a pig to look at im sure there are properly not as many virgins as you thing there are now.

Edited by catman20
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I am thai but born and raised in the states... "allot" of the thai women i have met aren't interested in thai men due to usually being childish and lazy... the ratio of the women to men is also close to 3 to 1...  so competition is pretty fierce to find a decent Thai guy that lives up to a Thai woman standards.  you should meet up this girl and just play it by ear... trust me there are will be plenty of women for you to pick from in thailand. Also from my personal experience, most Thai girls are easy... they love hooking up with foreigner's.. don't get to attached to anyone to quickly lest you fall into a trap where you cant get out!. Thai women are also notorious for being extremely jealous and crazy.


IE Dont go all in unless your sure!

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2 minutes ago, speckio said:

I am thai but born and raised in the states... "allot" of the thai women i have met aren't interested in thai men due to usually being childish and lazy... the ratio of the women to men is also close to 3 to 1...  so competition is pretty fierce to find a decent Thai guy that lives up to a Thai woman standards.  you should meet up this girl and just play it by ear... trust me there are will be plenty of women for you to pick from in thailand. Also from my personal experience, most Thai girls are easy... they love hooking up with foreigner's.. don't get to attached to anyone to quickly lest you fall into a trap where you cant get out!. Thai women are also notorious for being extremely jealous and crazy.


IE Dont go all in unless your sure!

If you were born and raised in the states, how can you know how Thai women born and raised in Thailand think?  Have you even been to Thailand?

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On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 11:33 AM, beardless said:

ok chaps my next trip to LOS, I am going this time with few mates (first timers) who want to go Bangkok - Phuket - Pattaya. I had the idea to maybe set up some daytime dates with regular Thai chicks and party in the evening, with this in mind I thought I would make a few "contacts" online before my next trip.


I end up coming across this girl who is 33, nearly 4 years older than me living in Khon Kaen. Myself having absolutely no trust in ANY FEMALE after a past life event that nearly killed me, combined with a "educated" view on Thai BS, I still find myself completed stumped? albeit after endless day and hours of paranoia induced research and questioning.


background story...

She was raised on a farm growing rice and fruit in the sticks near Udon Thani, she has a sister with two young children, but the thai husband is nowhere to be seen.

She lives not that far from her family in Khon Kaen, where she got her bachelors degree and is now working for the government in procurement. she spends nearly all weekends, at the farm helping familiy and travelling to Pattaya 2, selling produce. her family look VERY traditional with lots of photos in Bhuddist temples etc, and by the looks of things does pretty well for herself has a nice car and does work very hard.

Now the real head f##k for me is that she says she has only had ONE "boyfriend" a farang man she spoke to for one month, they met on the first date with her friend chaperone, a thai girl approaches her and said he was seeing lots of girls. when I asked her if she ever had any thai boyfriends she said no?


Plus and minus indicators..


+ She cannot speak English whatsoever (heard thats a good thing for not being with loads of farangs), our communication is video call laughs and smiles not understanding a word each other says, but we are both pretty good at using "translate machine".

+ Literally doesnt understand why I could be interested in her (nor anyone else for that matter), not a typical pale skin beauty and a few years older. really did take some convincing for her to accept that.

+ I ended a message early days with "xx" she wanted an explanation, blah blah show affection I replied. The response was "I not show sexy on here "xx" make me think of girl in bar"..totally legit response IMO

+ I asked if she had facebook and she added me straight away, subsequent "paranoia damaged white IT guy" research went through friends, groups, photos, comments and found zero trace of any prior relationship and no crazy or improper friends, comments...

+ Turns out she is not a lesbian either.

+ The farang guy she spoke to for a month / met once (with a friend chaperone) really upset and feel so much pain because he lie..

+ literally everything she tells me about her work/exams etc checks out and has always said she "may not be pretty but is sincere and honest"

+ potentially a virgin


My take on the positives is that she has given no reason for me not believe the things she has said, and nothing I have found points otherwise. I know that it is not unheard of for traditional Isaan Bhuddist to keep their virginity until marriage. I asked her is there a Buddhist wedding, she said it would be at family home with monks from temple.


- No thai boyfriend ever? doesn't compute somehow

- No thai girlfriend ever "I dont do lesbian"

- Meets farang boyfriend once and mysteriously.. "followed by girl who say he seeing other girls"

- IMO too pretty to believe, that she thinks "I not pretty"

- Could potentially lower my guard and become my kryptonite or Mai Li from kickboxer


You know the saying if its to good to be true? My thoughts exactly.

Is her story an epic tale of deceit? kudos to her, it is very nicely polished, consistent and FB profile to match.


Has anyone had an experience similar? or with a girl/family claiming she was a virgin? maybe once the innocence was lost they still default back to factory settings?


comments, thoughts and piss taking welcomed

What you've got there is a ladyboy.

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On 10/2/2017 at 7:33 AM, beardless said:

ok chaps my next trip to LOS, I am going this time with few mates (first timers) who want to go Bangkok - Phuket - Pattaya. I had the idea to maybe set up some daytime dates with regular Thai chicks and party in the evening, with this in mind I thought I would make a few "contacts" online before my next trip.


I end up coming across this girl who is 33, nearly 4 years older than me living in Khon Kaen. Myself having absolutely no trust in ANY FEMALE after a past life event that nearly killed me, combined with a "educated" view on Thai BS, I still find myself completed stumped? albeit after endless day and hours of paranoia induced research and questioning.


background story...

She was raised on a farm growing rice and fruit in the sticks near Udon Thani, she has a sister with two young children, but the thai husband is nowhere to be seen.

She lives not that far from her family in Khon Kaen, where she got her bachelors degree and is now working for the government in procurement. she spends nearly all weekends, at the farm helping familiy and travelling to Pattaya 2, selling produce. her family look VERY traditional with lots of photos in Bhuddist temples etc, and by the looks of things does pretty well for herself has a nice car and does work very hard.

Now the real head f##k for me is that she says she has only had ONE "boyfriend" a farang man she spoke to for one month, they met on the first date with her friend chaperone, a thai girl approaches her and said he was seeing lots of girls. when I asked her if she ever had any thai boyfriends she said no?


Plus and minus indicators..


+ She cannot speak English whatsoever (heard thats a good thing for not being with loads of farangs), our communication is video call laughs and smiles not understanding a word each other says, but we are both pretty good at using "translate machine".

+ Literally doesnt understand why I could be interested in her (nor anyone else for that matter), not a typical pale skin beauty and a few years older. really did take some convincing for her to accept that.

+ I ended a message early days with "xx" she wanted an explanation, blah blah show affection I replied. The response was "I not show sexy on here "xx" make me think of girl in bar"..totally legit response IMO

+ I asked if she had facebook and she added me straight away, subsequent "paranoia damaged white IT guy" research went through friends, groups, photos, comments and found zero trace of any prior relationship and no crazy or improper friends, comments...

+ Turns out she is not a lesbian either.

+ The farang guy she spoke to for a month / met once (with a friend chaperone) really upset and feel so much pain because he lie..

+ literally everything she tells me about her work/exams etc checks out and has always said she "may not be pretty but is sincere and honest"

+ potentially a virgin


My take on the positives is that she has given no reason for me not believe the things she has said, and nothing I have found points otherwise. I know that it is not unheard of for traditional Isaan Bhuddist to keep their virginity until marriage. I asked her is there a Buddhist wedding, she said it would be at family home with monks from temple.


- No thai boyfriend ever? doesn't compute somehow

- No thai girlfriend ever "I dont do lesbian"

- Meets farang boyfriend once and mysteriously.. "followed by girl who say he seeing other girls"

- IMO too pretty to believe, that she thinks "I not pretty"

- Could potentially lower my guard and become my kryptonite or Mai Li from kickboxer


You know the saying if its to good to be true? My thoughts exactly.

Is her story an epic tale of deceit? kudos to her, it is very nicely polished, consistent and FB profile to match.


Has anyone had an experience similar? or with a girl/family claiming she was a virgin? maybe once the innocence was lost they still default back to factory settings?


comments, thoughts and piss taking welcomed

Christ, where do we start? No reason TO believe anything. 33 yr old virgin (maybe she believes it, like nun who's impregnated by "God"). The family would have coerced her into marriage just to get off their hands by this time, unless she's "defective" - sterile.

Isarn people (and Thais in general) are not Buddhist. They're animists, see the spirit houses, garland around big trees?.

How does she afford a car and gas on her salary? Have you seen her degree? Have you seen her office? Why the trips to Pattaya?

Traditional Thai marriage is not legal but you'll be expected to give gifts. She can dump you the next day.

Is there a "brother" somewhere (her back door man)? Are the cousin's kids in fact hers?

Please understand. I've been in this game for the last 30 yrs helping nice, naive guys, who were screwed. 

Check out the points I mentioned, no excuses, and decide.

Thais are wonderful people but they're chameleons. They become what you want them to be. I've seen illiterate farm girls steal UN officials from their highly educated, etc, European wives. And they couldn't explain it. These women are very smart.    


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4 hours ago, wombat said:

''travelling to Pattaya selling produce''.......pmsl....no need to read more.


No need to comment when you're completely shoeless either. Pattaya 2 is the nickname of a resort location near Khon Kaen (Not too far from Ubol Ratana Dam, if I'm not mistaken):



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12 minutes ago, Sirbergan said:


No need to comment when you're completely shoeless either. Pattaya 2 is the nickname of a resort location near Khon Kaen (Not too far from Ubol Ratana Dam, if I'm not mistaken).


golly gosh 'Pattaya 2'...do you ever wonder why its named that?......pmsl....still no need to read more.

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1 minute ago, wombat said:


golly gosh 'Pattaya 2'...do you ever wonder why its named that?......pmsl....still no need to read more.


Because it's the closest they come to a beach in these parts. You're delusional if you think this is anywhere near what Pattaya is. I wouldn't expect any go-go bars there. I would, however, expect karaoke bars and prostitution going on, but that's true for even the most backwater towns in this country.


Have you even been to Ubolratana? I have, quite a few times.


The OP should ignore your post completely, not fair making him think his prospective girl is bad because she travels from Khon Kaen to Pattaya 2 (approx. 50 kilometers) to sell produce.

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You said that you are younger than her... Just remember this. Many Thai women, specially the religious type. believes that menouspause it is the time to stop having sex, and some may stop in the 40s. If you do like sex that may be a future problem. If a Thai women still virgin after 30s its may be not so fan of sex...or only want to have sex to have children, or may be not desirable to Thai men for some reason. Thai men do not like fat women....and for Thai men any women over 30's will be good just for fun if its not rich. In my opinion, and in any culture, better to get a woman on its  young age to educate in your way, than get a woman with issues that may be not compatible with your needs....specially in Thailand.

Just the fact that she doesn't speak any English is enough to be a factor of future "misunderstandings"..... like she getting pregnant by 'accident' if you do not wants to have childrens.

Edited by Muzarella
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