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Monk scoops 18 million baht in the National Lottery


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Anyway good chance he will leave the flock and party again like he did before he became a Monk You might say this is his get out jail free card.  But But if he decides i will give all to the temple it will be put to good use by his fellow brothers but you can be sure the poor wont be getting any of it. 

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6 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Seems not very Buddhist, and setting a bad example to Buddhist followers.  

Or just following bad examples.

People′s Committee for Absolute Democracy activist Luang Pu Buddha Issara counting his "compensation" money of 120,000 baht that he coerced a hotel into paying him after the SC Park Hotel cancelled his reservation. 




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Buddhism is a joke nowadays i think. My wife and i wont even visit temples anymore. Poor kids still have to with school but we arent encouraging it. After decades here im yet to find an actual "buddhist" monk. All seem to just be there for the $ with wifes and kids at home. How thais remain silent and call themselves buddhist is even more of a concern. Thais wont have any culture soon. Its all been ruined by fake, lazy, drug addict, gay, criminal scumbags. Even i used to value the techaings and wore a dam amulet mainly to keep the misses family happy but i refuse now until things change.

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Whatever a monk receives, is going to his brotherhood.
At least that is what I have seen. 
Some good folks felt sorry for a group of monks traveling without watches and iPads, so donated them some rather nice examples of technology.
Upon return, they handed all in to their house's property pool.
Same with other gifts they collected, including a lot of cash.
I would have expected that the Lottery tickets would be cashed by the Treasurer of the lucky Monks' Brotherhood, and applied to the good causes that they undertake.
Thai "Men in Orange" seem to have different rules from monks.

Edited by KKr
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1 hour ago, orchidfan said:

Surah Maidah verses 90-91:
O you who believe! intoxicants and games of chance and (sacrificing to) stones set up and (dividing by) arrows are only an uncleanness, the Shaitan's work; shun it therefore that you may be successful.

At least Islam has the definition of gambling correct! (Ps. Am not a Muslim)

Islam also says you shall not make money from money, but islamic banks circumvent interest with some fancy footwork 555

( ps. neither am i )

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8 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

Thanks Col, any Idea what the registration fee is,  maybe pro rata?


As far as I know it is not law to register it, it is just strongly advised by the lottery office in order to prevent thieves from falsely claiming the prize.  In addition, all prize winners are subject to a 0.05 percent government fee. (tax) on the prize.:wai:

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18 million THB. No need now buddy to walk around the streets bare footed begging for food....WHOOPPEE. ...Welcome to Nivana...you can get some nice threads now, get a sports car, get yourself a foxy chick, start eating in flash restaurants. 

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10 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

What is a monk doing gambling?

Surely that is against one of the Precepts?

Confiscate his tickets and distribute the money to the needy in the Tambon

My gf won't go to the temple in the morning near her house and afraid to also take her young nieces. She said they are often drunk and makes her and others feel uncomfortable. I can assure the monks are having a jolly old time.

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1 hour ago, YetAnother said:

that is really true ? pitiful if so

Yes, it is true.

 I read it years ago in an article critical of the government and also that most Thais accepted it, changing the rules to suit themselves as they enjoy gambling.


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9 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Robes he may wear but a monk he is not 


Look at his grinning face and this from a man who claimed to 'renounce'. I have no faith left in Thai monks


I'm sure they'll all be distraught at your announcement. 


Did anyone consider that he may have been given the lottery tickets?   Nowhere does it say that he bought them.

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9 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

These idiots just don't get it. Isn't the first rule of Buddhism to relinquish all material possessions?????


It would be one thing if this was just a follower of Buddhism but this is a monk.


Instead of trying to set a positive example, this guy has just shown a true example of the real hypocrisy of ALL religion. 


It's all just a cash scam!!!!


How does this monk's having a winning lottery ticket get to be a "cash scam"?

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Show me in the Patimokkha where Buddhist monks buy lotto tickets and handle money?

Defrock - go back to being a layman.  I'm tired of Thai monks making a mockery of my religion.

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17 minutes ago, connda said:

Show me in the Patimokkha where Buddhist monks buy lotto tickets and handle money?

Defrock - go back to being a layman.  I'm tired of Thai monks making a mockery of my religion.


Does it say that a monk cannot have a lottery ticket?  Where was it reported that he had been handling money?

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18 minutes ago, Just Weird said:


How does this monk's having a winning lottery ticket get to be a "cash scam"?

Well, just imagine: you are covered with debts, like flees on a soi dog, some owed to people with no sense of humour. You win 18M. with the lottery, you pass the tickets to a monk you can trust (?!) in a deal in which he/his temple can keep 'x'% of the money as a 'donation', and gives you back the rest where(!) you want, to start a new life, or just to go on with yours, the loansharks, f.i., ignoring about your lucky gamble... When not a 'cash scam', then 'money laundering' for sure, wouldn't you say? It seems quite some important 'donations' to temples follow the same, dishonest, logic... 

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1 minute ago, bangrak said:

Well, just imagine: you are covered with debts, like flees on a soi dog, some owed to people with no sense of humour. You win 18M. with the lottery, you pass the tickets to a monk you can trust (?!) in a deal in which he/his temple can keep 'x'% of the money as a 'donation', and gives you back the rest where(!) you want, to start a new life, or just to go on with yours, the loansharks, f.i., ignoring about your lucky gamble... When not a 'cash scam', then 'money laundering' for sure, wouldn't you say? It seems quite some important 'donations' to temples follow the same, dishonest, logic... 

Wouldn't I say?  No, I wouldn't.  What I would say, though, is that what you dreamed up is just a ridiculous, fantasy scenario.  You have not described a real scam, you have described some imaginary situation of your own that has never been reported as existing and you now try to bring money laundering in to it.

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