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"Soi of Sex" life revealed: Why arresting Thai sex workers is not the answer


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While the country is controlled by a Military Elite and is backward to Feudal Days with a few family's controlling everything girls will learn money anyway they can. Leave them alone.


If you don't like sex or are unwilling to share some of your farang wealth then don't go with them. It's an exchange and I love it and they 'Make Sex Great Again'.

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14 minutes ago, Jimbo53 said:

Ban Chang is before Maptaphut if your heading from Pattaya to Rayong!!

The topic is about Rayong, so coming from there Ban Chang would be after Maptaphut.


Where's Pattaya?



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1 hour ago, oxo1947 said:

Honestly Cyber...at 70...I just cant see I would get much trade........:coffee1:

I know just what you mean as a 1947er myself.  I avoid looking in mirrors and if I was to try on one of the wifes mini skirts I think I would up chuck. Not a pretty sight .

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3 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Seriously though—try to keep away from Rayon girls…. The word --Map-Ta-Put -- would send shivers down anyone’s spine who knows that area.......:coffee1:


I lived in maptaphut for a couple of years, was a really nice quiet place and then they decided to build refineries and factories all around the area. I quickly moved away, once the construction lorries became a 24 hour event........


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They won't even stop the new wave of " imported colour" that is sweeping the industry. Have a look at the

streets of Soi 4 after 8pm. Must be taking money out if Issaan.

But I personally like the fact that I can find a good bonk if want one.

As the guy above me said how about some real law & order on the road  


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3 hours ago, connda said:

Yeah, arresting sex workers, arresting people who use drug, especially the likes of marijuana and kratom, arresting people for playing poker or betting (or play contract bridge) - As Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."  So the War on Drugs, and Gambling, and P4P will go on until such time as a more enlighten state takes the steps to decriminalize it.


Until then, they'll just keep filling the jails with people who otherwise are normal and should never have to deal with the judicial system, because that's just what the State does:  It imposes assinine restrictions on otherwise average, law abiding citizens and makes them criminals.  And here in the LOS, they do so while turning a blind eye to the real criminality, such as the abject carnage that occurs on their roads due to highly aggressive and negligent driving, or just the day to day corruption underpinning virtually every institution in this country. 

Here here !!! 

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8 minutes ago, natway09 said:

They won't even stop the new wave of " imported colour" that is sweeping the industry. Have a look at the

streets of Soi 4 after 8pm. Must be taking money out if Issaan.

But I personally like the fact that I can find a good bonk if want one.

As the guy above me said how about some real law & order on the road  


How about some real law and order, full stop!

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1 minute ago, lvr181 said:

Oh, sorry to hear. Did your mother not tell you?

yer I got a little  carried away with that post didn't I...... I think they should leave the Edit button on for at least 3 days ...................:wub:

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47 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Thai girls are not lazy by nature but  if you are not educated then expect minimum wage. Try living on 9,000 Baht per month- and see how far you get. The sex industry is an outlet for the poor and uneducated.  University graduates do not normally go into the sex trade as they can find a job for around 20,000 Baht per month or they go into Government service where the benefits make up for a lower wage.


There are hardly any Thai women that enjoy the sex trade- most are sullen; become addicted to alcohol or drugs and generally despise their customers. However, they are very clever and hide their emotions and feelings.


Nothing will ever change until  there is a universal Government program that completely reforms the education system; provides job training; and gives some hope to the people.



Ahhh the old there are hardly any women that enjoy working in the sex industry chestnut.

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3 hours ago, car720 said:

Prostitution has many forms.

Think on this one.  I cannot remember one mother anywhere in the world, that I have met, that has not at one time said to her daughter,  " be sure to marry a rich man".

.....sure, every marriage is a kind of prostitution, it only depends on the lenght of the contract..:-)

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Just now, starky said:

Ahhh the old there are hardly any women that enjoy working in the sex industry chestnut.


For a lot of them they will probably be best years of their lives.


They aren't forced to go with customers so for most of it's 1 big party with their friends.



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Hi All,

What is not mentioned is that 95% of these women are unmarried/single mothers, and there are no child support laws.
Men can, and often do, "leave her holding the baby(s)”. And there is also no Govt welfare, so what options does the single girl with a baby or three have? The simple answer is this.

1) Sex education in schools. 2) Child support laws, “if you make half a baby sir, you pay half expenses of such baby" that are policed. 3) Enough taxation to allow welfare for single mothers, if the father is unable to pay, or find.

Already healthcare is almost free, paid for “by the King”, if the Thai person resides where they are registered (usually where born). But if in another place to earn their living, it is the usual price, and most girls in the sex trade come from rural areas and send money home to support their family.



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Most of us contributing to this thread (expats from "Western" countries) will (if and when we marry a local beauty) be contributing to the Thai welfare system for 30 years or more. 


We are much more valuable than the benefits they receive if working for government entities.


We are the equivalent of the Ministry of Overseas Development.

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2 hours ago, Coconut007 said:

They would change job if the new one offer some basic benefits


- can sleep until 2pm

- not think about anything more difficult than what is the next meal

- play with phone most of the time

- get drunk for free and dance whenever they want

- rack up 30,000 - 100,000 a month doing that

EXACTLY RIGHT !!!!!  But you forgot to add,  a nice hotel room or condo to stay in for the night with air con..    

and most girls enjoy sex just as much as the men do, (nearly) everyone enjoys sex.  I don't see many girls looking unhappy when they out drinking and dancing with a customer,,   party night every night,  and if can get paid anything from 500 to 3,000 B for it,,  and if they are really pretty sexy girls, probably more ...   well it really is a no brainer ..... 

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31 minutes ago, muluc said:

.....sure, every marriage is a kind of prostitution, it only depends on the lenght of the contract..:-)

Sure, but it is sanctified by the church and society. Gives everyone involved an opportunity to ride their moral high horses. 

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44 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

While the country is controlled by a Military Elite and is backward to Feudal Days with a few family's controlling everything girls will learn money anyway they can. Leave them alone.


If you don't like sex or are unwilling to share some of your farang wealth then don't go with them. It's an exchange and I love it and they 'Make Sex Great Again'.

As a matter of fact the Thai sex industry caters more for Thai clientele than foreigners. What Farlangs mostly see are those workers in the touristy areas and what goes on outside the main cities foreigners rarely get to know about.  Those that operate outside the mainstream tourist areas are usually not Farlang friendly because they prefer not to draw too much international attention to themselves as in the case of the OP.


Prostitution is not legalised in the majority of countries because of all the moral police and religious do gooders that end up doing more harm than good. The belief that all these girls are forced or have no alternatives other than to become sex workers is a myth. Many do it considering being on the game is easy money and feel no shame in what they do, most simply do not want to be rescued and prefer to be left alone to ply their trade.  

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4 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Not arguing with most of your points but the second one is at best highly speculative and at worst downright insulting to the large majority of Thai women.

Even if your statements were true , and that is highly debateable , who are you to judge what is morally right or wrong in respect of sex.


You need to think this through before someone smarter than me has a go at it.

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4 hours ago, connda said:

Yeah, arresting sex workers, arresting people who use drug, especially the likes of marijuana and kratom, arresting people for playing poker or betting (or play contract bridge) - As Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."  So the War on Drugs, and Gambling, and P4P will go on until such time as a more enlighten state takes the steps to decriminalize it.


Until then, they'll just keep filling the jails with people who otherwise are normal and should never have to deal with the judicial system, because that's just what the State does:  It imposes assinine restrictions on otherwise average, law abiding citizens and makes them criminals.  And here in the LOS, they do so while turning a blind eye to the real criminality, such as the abject carnage that occurs on their roads due to highly aggressive and negligent driving, or just the day to day corruption underpinning virtually every institution in this country. 

Yeah, so driving for an hour every morning to your office where you spend all day doing a job that doesn't really vary and then driving another hour to go back home where you will almost every evening do the same thing is clearly insane.


Look, the point of arresting people for these things is not to stop them from doing them. The cops know perfectly people are going to play cards and maybe buy sex. That's never going to stop. The point is to make money, both from fines and from protection insurance. There's nothing insane about it. What's insane is the people calling on lawmakers to make these activities illegal. I remember in 1996 some people objected to the new law still allowing for the arrest of women accused of prostitution. Some NGO woman executive replied, "Well, if we don't arrest them we can't help them." Spare me.

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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

Not arguing with most of your points but the second one is at best highly speculative and at worst downright insulting to the large majority of Thai women.

Even if your statements were true , and that is highly debateable , who are you to judge what is morally right or wrong in respect of sex.

But there is a difference being making love either being in an intimate loving relationship or a couple just being physically attracted to each other and making out and commercial sex.  The commercial sex industry involves women, sometimes men, treating their bodies as products and becoming public conveniences for the servicing of men. Sorry to bring you into the reality as these are the sordid facts.  This is what the morality issues are all about. Prostitution is a filthy business, there are no doubts about that and can assure you that no prostitutes will ever be nominated for awards for their outstanding services to humanity.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Prostitution is the oldest profession out there, so you are not going to make it go away. All the time a normal job nets 9,000 a month on minimum wage, girls who can earn way more than that selling themselves are obviously going to do so and it is naive to expect anything else.


 One presumes you use prostitutes- as you are making excuses for women and men selling their bodies. 

Have you any idea how the younger girls and guys find  totally repulsive the vile overweight stinking men seeking to penetrate their bodies. 


Have you  ever thought about the mind behind the person lying naked in front of you 


The whole ‘ industry ‘ stinks - and don’t give me the ‘oldest profession’ crap.


If men woke up- and realised that maybe that stimulation of a few nerve endings was actually not that marvellous compared to robbing the dignity of our fellow human beings 

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4 hours ago, Kerryd said:


Ban Chang ? The "Secret Sex Town" just south of Pattaya (according to the advert at the bottom of this page) !  :w00t:

It hasn't been a secret for many, many years. Ban Chang is pretty relaxed. Used to be an almost weekly thing for a bunch of us to meet up on the weekend and ride over there, have a bite to eat and ride back a couple hours later.

There are other places (like a certain soi in North Pattaya) that are not so well known and (usually) cater to the "local" crowd (as opposed to the "tourist" crowd). Buddy told me that most of those girls were Uni or "office" girls from Bangkok, down for the weekend to try and make some extra cash.

..did you have a ride whilst you were there.

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3 hours ago, Coconut007 said:

They would change job if the new one offer some basic benefits


- can sleep until 2pm

- not think about anything more difficult than what is the next meal

- play with phone most of the time

- get drunk for free and dance whenever they want

- rack up 30,000 - 100,000 a month doing that

A near perfect summary perhaps with the addition of...........


- lay back and act like a starfish, or get involved as they please.

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1 minute ago, peterb17 said:


 One presumes you use prostitutes- as you are making excuses for women and men selling their bodies. 

Have you any idea how the younger girls and guys find  totally repulsive the vile overweight stinking men seeking to penetrate their bodies. 


Have you  ever thought about the mind behind the person lying naked in front of you 


The whole ‘ industry ‘ stinks - and don’t give me the ‘oldest profession’ crap.


If men woke up- and realised that maybe that stimulation of a few nerve endings was actually not that marvellous compared to robbing the dignity of our fellow human beings 

Well I do hope you are going to apologise for that, because actually, No, I don't use prostitutes. I am a prison visiting volunteer and I work with a lawyer and I have had the same girlfriend for 9 years. I am also very hygienic and not in the slightest bit overweight.

To return to the grist of it though, I don't recall bringing the question of the morality of prostitution into my post. I simply pointed out the financial reality of the situation. It would be a wonderful world if all sexual relations were based purely on love, but it is a very naive person who believes that will ever be the case.


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1 hour ago, toofarnorth said:

I know just what you mean as a 1947er myself.  I avoid looking in mirrors and if I was to try on one of the wifes mini skirts I think I would up chuck. Not a pretty sight .

I'm a bit shy of 70, but share your view..I don't even take my shirt off at the rooftop pool, unless I'm the only one there...:sad:

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