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VIDEO: Thai man brutally assaults Aussie expat in Pattaya following road rage incident

Jonathan Fairfield

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21 hours ago, AllThaiedUp said:

And... dropped by a girly punch. That big ring the guy's wearing is the only reason it drew blood. Guess he thought he was safe because the police were right there but let that be a lesson... Always expect the unexpected.

mate NOT a girly punch more like a sucker punch which i think would of floored most people.


your right about he thought he was safe as the police were there as i think most farangs would of thought that.


a coupe of points i notice most people are very brave behide the wheel or when they have a weapon and the other guy dose not, i can see how this played out ozzy get aggressive cos hes got the knife thai man thinks ozzy thinks hes a tough guy with a knife or when the police are there, thai man thinks ill teach him then, punches him. whats this ozzy playing at ??????? having kids at 64 and getting out the car at 72 to a young fit thai man. :shock1: sounds like he half got what he deserved to wake him up as to the way hes behaving in his life.

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

So much anger out on the roads today.

Personally I play relaxing music, the type you hear in the legitimate massage places, and also burn incense, like an aromatherapy. Problem is I keep falling asleep.

i like that sort of music but that why i wont play it in the car it makes me fall asleep also 55555555555555:cheesy:

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7 hours ago, idannyb said:

The agitated Thai man delivered a wicked sucker punch. But as the video clip clearly shows, there was prior provocation. Both men in the wrong, yet the Aussie escalated the matter by taking a deadly weapon (machete) in hand and NOT in self-defense mode. You should NEVER take a deadly weapon in hand unless it's "justified" (i.e. in self-defense w bonafide threat to life/limb or protection of family or other 'innocents' who are under similar threat). In this case, there was no bonafide reason for Aussie to pick up the weapon, nor valid reason to run over the Thai man. But the Thai man did lose his cool and his sucker punch was gutless. I think both men should pay a price. 

Agree with your remarks 100%


The only thing I wish, is that this occurred in Australia, as the penalties would be harsher than in Thailand, i.e. Thai guy charged for assault, fined $1,000 and put on a good behaviour bond for 12 months.


Aussie guy charged for attempted murder, fined $2,000 and put on community work for 12 months, going around to nursing homes advising seniors how not to lose it...


Yes Australia is slowly going down the gurgler with their penalties sorry to say 555

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Two head line stories in this edition of the paper.   Both involving someone getting beaten, 

and wouldn't you know it,  both are Aussie guys !!!   Most beatings I read about in Thailand involve Aussies,

( anyone else noticed that ?)

I see them at bars, usually drunk,  loud mouthed and think they own the world,   No wonder so many get taken to..  



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17 hours ago, Gandtee said:

After watching this clip, the Ozzy asked for it and should be charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. Likewise the Thai should be charged with assault for the unprovoked punch.

Agreed, the only problem is that they will both get a 500 baht fine each and made to Wai each other. Hopefully I am wrong, the punch was unprovoked, yes the Thai guy was doing it for the camera's, built up anger has shown to me that he has lost, because he had it all and just needed to stay cool.

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23 hours ago, nontabury said:

And if that person was called Conor McGregor and not a 72 yr Aussie. I'm sure you would have attacked him.

I don't understand your comment, I haven't attacked anybody, and I would never attack a family or anyone with a machete. Like I said if someone tried to attack me, my wife and baby with a machete I would do whatever I had to do and that includes Conor McGregor, I would protect my family with my life.

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Aussie: Threatened the Thai with a machete, rammed him with his car. His daughter was on board. Seek cover from a Thai police.


Thai Man: Got threatened, car damaged, rammed, so he punched him when the Aussie was feigning innocence. His wife was on board when he got rammed.


Thai Wife: She stopped her husband when he assaulted the Aussie, she deserved the medal.


Police: Confused. Loss. Mai kao jai. Additional 2s stun when the Aussie got punched. Refused to lock the Thai man down. ??


Aussie Daughter: Said that her father is innocent. The kid was very active. I wonder whether she was on board when the machete attack happened.


Thai Media: Confused and rad only the headline, doesnt judge the Thai guy.


Thai Visa: Biased and judgemental, blames it on the Thai guy.




Thai guy's wife win. Hands down.

Edited by Seizhin
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9 hours ago, tropo said:

Rather than making silly comments such as these, you should be concerned about Thai behaviour in a more general sense, as well as police behaviour, as it is quite dangerous. The fact that a Thai person brutally assaults (for whatever reason) an old, frail foreigner 2 feet away from a police officer should tell you something.

His "frailty" didn't stop him diggin' out a machete and setting off down the soi like Worzel Gummidge on steroids to hack at the Thai guy's car, though did it?

I don't a toss if he's old, he should know better and if you put yourself in a situation to get sparked out, you should be able to bear the consequences.

As it turned out, he got away lightly, just a sore jaw and a couple of stitches.


He could've easily been on a drip right now.

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Australian pensioner coward punched in Thailand

An Australian pensioner has been coward punched by a local in Thailand after the two were involved in a traffic incident in the beachside town of Pattaya.

Colin Gerrard was explaining what happened to a local police when 28-year-old Sumet Rungratanapan king hit the 72-year-old from behind, knocking him out cold.


Read more:http://www.9news.com.au/world/2017/10/13/10/15/australian-pensioner-coward-punched-in-thailand



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47 minutes ago, Seizhin said:

Aussie: Threatened the Thai with a machete, rammed him with his car. His daughter was on board. Seek cover from a Thai police.


Thai Man: Got threatened, car damaged, rammed, so he punched him when the Aussie was feigning innocence. His wife was on board when he got rammed.


Thai Wife: She stopped her husband when he assaulted the Aussie, she deserved the medal.


Police: Confused. Loss. Mai kao jai. Additional 2s stun when the Aussie got punched. Refused to lock the Thai man down. ??


Aussie Daughter: Said that her father is innocent. The kid was very active. I wonder whether she was on board when the machete attack happened.


Thai Media: Confused and rad only the headline, doesnt judge the Thai guy.


Thai Visa: Biased and judgemental, blames it on the Thai guy.




Thai guy's wife win. Hands down.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Thaivisa - Farang is always innocent; Thai is always guilty


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13 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Thaivisa - Farang is always innocent; Thai is always guilty


Utter BS. You'll find plenty of guys on this forum, including me, that say both men were at fault. Try not to be so unbalanced, will you?

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So many comments about the truly pathetic and disgusting behaviour of both men involved, but nobody commenting on the poor little girl crying her eyes out, terrified and helpless at the violence unfolding around her. Its her that upsets me more than the two guys who can both go to hell together with the utterly useless lump of a so called officer of the law. 

Edited by uncleeagle
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So many comments about the truly pathetic and disgusting behaviour of both men involved, but nobody commenting on the poor little girl crying her eyes out, terrified and helpless at the violence unfolding around her. Its her that upsets me more than the two guys who can both go to hell together with the utterly useless lump of a so called officer of the law. 

Many have commented on other threads as well. Makes his actions even more inexcusable. The machete wasn't in his boot in case he got a puncture. He obviously thinks about this type of situation and what he would do. No thoughts of the consequences for him or his daughter.
No one likes to see of images of an old man flat out on the pavement stumbling around like bambi on ice, but if he goes round like he does it won't be long til he won't be getting up again.

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IMHO the Aussie was more than lucky.


I'm more than astonished, how calm the Thai guy staid:

first: threatened with a machete (if you count the seconds, how long it took, to walk to the boot, take out the knife and and walking to the Thai car - that wasn't self defence, that was an attack by the Aussie)

second: run over with the car (I always assumed before, you survive something like that only in movie stunts ...)


That were 2 life threatening situations for the Thai guy !

How many of the forum members would have gone to the police first and reported, what happened - instead of immediately taking this Aussie mobster out?


Me for sure, not !

-If someone would show up with a machete at my car, I would try to run him over with my car without even a second thought. Better sorry, than dead!


The Thai only got mad, when that mobster tried to play Mr. Innocent ...


Edited by BernieOnTour
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The Aussie was cut off and blocked in by the Thai.
The Thai guy could have driven off at any time.
Why did he remain, with his wife and child in the car? 
He then persistently acted aggressively towards the Aussie, chasing him all the way to the school and assaulting him in front of children.
Yet it was the Aussie's fault?
I am of the opinion the Aussie acted incredibly foolishly but he was not the main aggressor here. Was he innocent? No. 
I'm Ozzie and there is no excuse possible for attacking with a machete. That's the problem with carrying knives and guns, eventually you may be tempted to use them.

His life was not in danger yet he attacked with a deadly weapon.. Could have turned out a lot worse if the thai had a machete as well.

The Ozzie got off lightly with a sucker punch
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The Aussie claims that it was in self defence.
There's no excuse for sucker punching a 72yo. Doesn't matter what happened prior. 
For me the final sucker punch attack clearly attributes blame for the whole incident seeing as the Thai guy started it by cutting off the Aussie, and continued his aggressive behaviour right until he was able to mount a cowardly attack that he knew would have no consequences or retaliation.
Bet he got a big shock when his aggressive behaviour resulted in the old boy pulling out a machete. 
Big loss of face that would have been to the big, tough Thai guy, unable to finish off a confrontation he started against a frail, old farang.


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18 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Something's wrong. I'm agreeing with you again.


18 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

You mean the one where you were throwing a hissyfit and I told you to stop crying?

He should have ran the Thai over. Done society a favor. A scum bag rat that came back to kick into a 72 year old. Lol weak dog 

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17 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The Aussie was cut off and blocked in by the Thai.


The Thai guy could have driven off at any time.


Why did he remain, with his wife and child in the car? 


He then persistently acted aggressively towards the Aussie, chasing him all the way to the school and assaulting him in front of children.


Yet it was the Aussie's fault?


I am of the opinion the Aussie acted incredibly foolishly but he was not the main aggressor here. Was he innocent? No. 

The Aussie could have reversed or driven round him, yet instead he thought the best idea was to get out of his car and attack the car and family with a machete.


I have been involved in many small driving incidents here, and not once have I thought hey why don't I get out my car and attack the guy with a machete.


The Aussie, whom we now know is a Brit, escalated a fairly common incident to lethal levels by getting a machete out. Once you pull a weapon like that on somebody you are changing the game. The Aussie has committed attempted murder, the Thai an assault, which in all fairness is pretty restrained after some nut job has tried to attack you and your family with a machete and then run you over.


What would you be saying if it had been reversed ,and the Thai guy had got out of his car and attacked the old man with a machete, the old man would probably be dead now. The only reason the Thai man wasn't killed is because it was an old man with a machete and not a young man.


Being old does not excuse you from trying to kill someone.

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