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Stricter controls over firearms, fireworks and explosives


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1 hour ago, Prairieboy said:

Interesting to see one of those lanterns land on a dry thatched roof!


you mean in the jungle ?

If that would happen ,there will be a new roof on it the same day.

These lanterns are safer than your car,motorcycle,...they never killed anyone .

Unless u are stupid enough to burn it on your bed ......

These lanterns go up very high ....until the flame is out ......they have to cool down to loose hight.So when they fall on the ground (roof...) there is no fire at all ,just a 20 gr paper bag.

But again , if you do stupid things : try to get them up in a storm, put a bullet in the fire basket (is done) ......well ..........

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40 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

Don't tell me the BIB and their office bosses are trying to do anything about drugs. I may go into shock at the very thought. If they stop the drug trade they will all lose big money, now pass that Thai Stick to me please.

How about the illegal firearms trade?  That will get a boost now................   Just when, how many was it, 150,000?? pistols suddenly become surplus to requirements as the new SIG's arrive and the mia noi needs a new frock.

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As a UK guy myself I'm also used to it, must piss off a few Americans though, isn't gun ownership a basic human right for our Atlantic cousins. Anyhow, I still have my sturdy Swiss penknife, and there's this ex- SAS guy down the bar who assures me you can do wonders with half-an-inch of blade.



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56 minutes ago, koolkarl said:

Why not ban everyone residing in Thailand from owing guns?

What is it that the Thai government constantly segregates foreigners as the root

of all evil?

Isn't this the same as what the Nazis did to Jews before things got ugly?

But on the bright side, now Thai will be able to rob every single foriegner without any resistance whatsoever. And if those evil foreigners get shot resisting, well it's their own fault. Final Solution 2 Thailand edition baby !!!!

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" Isn't this the same as what the Nazis did to Jews before things got ugly? " Not really http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/oct/26/ben-carson/fact-checking-ben-carson-nazi-guns/

I'd like to see the stats on how many of the thousands of gun deaths here are caused by foreigners.... but that would need police to keep records and actually find perps. Good luck on that.

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10 minutes ago, nausea said:

As a UK guy myself I'm also used to it, must piss off a few Americans though, isn't gun ownership a basic human right for our Atlantic cousins. Anyhow, I still have my sturdy Swiss penknife, and there's this ex- SAS guy down the bar who assures me you can do wonders with half-an-inch of blade.



Well we're not all tough guys like you. For us mere mortals who aren't adept at unarmed defense like you and Steven Seagal, the firearm is the last line of defense. Women, elderly and disabled people in particular. But with the Government saying certain persons are allowed firearms and certain persons are not, just means you drawn a line between those people whose lives are worth protecting and those people who's lives are not worth protecting.....

If you disagree, feel free to msg me, I'd love to learn all about your secrets to unarmed defense, especially for mobility impaired people.

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2 hours ago, jaiyen said:

No problem, my wife can still legally buy a gun. Foreigners can still easily buy a stolen gun, so the new rule will change nothing, except on paper.

I've been here nearly 30 years and wouldn't have the slightest idea how to go about getting my hands on a gun (nor would want to) you must move in some pretty murky circles

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The amendment also specifies that only Thais can register a gun with authorities. Previously, nationality was not an issue and foreigners residing in Thailand could apply.

what a dangerous precedent; now we have selective laws specifically targeting us;

this and likely future actions are what i feared might happen from an arch-conservative, overly nationalistic government;

and frankly, altho the future govt options here are all weak, i favor return to civilian rule, with no 'outsider prime minister due to the growing bias (racism)against us

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19 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

Well we're not all tough guys like you. For us mere mortals who aren't adept at unarmed defense like you and Steven Seagal, the firearm is the last line of defense. Women, elderly and disabled people in particular. But with the Government saying certain persons are allowed firearms and certain persons are not, just means you drawn a line between those people whose lives are worth protecting and those people who's lives are not worth protecting.....

If you disagree, feel free to msg me, I'd love to learn all about your secrets to unarmed defense, especially for mobility impaired people.

Clearly irony goes way over the head of our cousin from across the pond.


Arm everyone, start with children as they are the most defenseless, then the visually impaired.... 'Mobility impaired?'  Why would they need a gun, they cant go anywhere 

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1 hour ago, Prairieboy said:

Interesting to see one of those lanterns land on a dry thatched roof!


The volunteer fire brigade in my old hometown in Connecticut hosts a fund raising carnival each year, and historically ends with a fireworks display.
I returned home three blocks away to find the corner of my roof smouldering due to an expended rocket! Glad it wasn't thatched.


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6 minutes ago, elgenon said:

Lets see, no guns and no pepper spray. Are switchblades OK? Are farangs defenseless from attacks?


Maybe drop your money on the ground, hopefully there is a wind and the perps will leave you to chase the loot?

Nope the only thing you're allowed to use for personal protection is your Passport - and the government is making the Concealed Passport Carry compulsory for foreigners.

But don't worry if you come up against thugs with guns and knives, the media propaganda machine has told us that Westerners have "powerful passports". You'll be safe indeed.


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6 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

The volunteer fire brigade in my old hometown in Connecticut hosts a fund raising carnival each year, and historically ends with a fireworks display.
I returned home three blocks away to find the corner of my roof smouldering due to an expended rocket! Glad it wasn't thatched.


HAHA Fire Department that celebrates with fireworks? Height of hypocrisy. After Ben Affleck that is. 

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I doubt a Thai person could get a permit in those states in the US that have regulations. Nor in Australia. Probably in most nations.
Why is it an issue here for non nationals to not have a gun legally?
I am trained and a responsible gun owner in the states, but do not feel the need for one in Thailand.


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5 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

Nope the only thing you're allowed to use for personal protection is your Passport - and the government is making the Concealed Passport Carry compulsory for foreigners.

But don't worry if you come up against thugs with guns and knives, the media propaganda machine has told us that Westerners have "powerful passports". You'll be safe indeed.


Are you suggesting that if you carry a gun you are safer?

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16 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

Nope the only thing you're allowed to use for personal protection is your Passport - and the government is making the Concealed Passport Carry compulsory for foreigners.

But don't worry if you come up against thugs with guns and knives, the media propaganda machine has told us that Westerners have "powerful passports". You'll be safe indeed.


My passport is only paper. Won't stop a bullet. Maybe not even a big knife.


I guess I will have to wear running shoes all the time. But still can't out run a bullet.

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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

What sane person needs a gun anyway, apart from those with a small penis. Ban all guns in private hands.

There is no such thing as banning guns.  Criminals will always have them.  What do they care what the law is? That's why they are called criminals. If I recall, certain drugs are banned, but people by the millions are still getting and using them. 

 The reason a sane person needs a gun is that the insane have them and when seconds count. The police are only minutes away.

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