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Midweek rant: Why pander to smokers? Just “cough up” 2,000 baht and don’t come back


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Midweek rant: Why pander to smokers? Just “cough up” 2,000 baht and don’t come back



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After last week’s farce of idiotic jail terms for smokers comes the complete opposite – appeasement that would have made even Neville Chamberlain wince.


While the British PM attempted to whitewash an evil regime along comes the ever so nice Thais showing absurd consideration for a modern day scourge in our towns, cities and countryside – smokers.


The sight of the authorities putting up ten – yes ten – expensive glass surrounded smoking areas equipped with extractor fans on Bang Saen beach beggar’s belief.


Why are you being so nice to them? Talk about a red carpet to smoke. How lovely and comfy – they’ll even be protected when it rains.


So who is paying for this groveling to smokers – the tax payer that’s who. You and me.


Why give these people anywhere to smoke at all – after all their noxious fumes are still going to come out of these soon to be filthy little dens of addiction and pollute the air my children and the rest of us breathe.


They should be told to go home – abroad if they are foreigners – if they want to smoke. And if Thai they should be made to build sealed rooms in their houses – or underneath in dungeons – so their children are protected.


If they give up – for at least six months – give them a certificate to go on the wall. The district chiefs can present them in televised ceremonies. Thais love a ceremony.


If they are seen smoking on the beach – or anywhere else for that matter - don’t give them a considerate warning and a smile. Just have a table set up to take their 2,000 baht each. If they don’t have money take their phones or jewelry. They’ll soon find the money.


If they admit the offence and don’t make a fuss it can be halved. That’s all the consideration that’s necessary for these addicts that imperil the rest of us and think they have the god given right to endanger us.


Use the money to sift out all the millions of butts that they have already tossed onto the beach and elsewhere.


Put some signage out with rotting lungs and malformed fetuses. Make the message as clear as day.


And before you start complaining that this is directed solely against visitors or tourists, it’s not.


There should be no distinction between Thai or foreigner, man or woman, young or old.


Smokers need to be treated like outcasts.


Not pandered to….not appeased….not shown consideration. Not paid for by the rest of us.


They are addicts…hooked on a dangerous drug…and they must be stopped…..not enabled.


So come on Thai government. Be strong. Shut down your tobacco monopoly.


Declare Thailand – not just the beaches and inside public buildings or in schools – as completely smoke free.


Take a lead. Ban the sale and importation of all cigarettes. Have bins at the airports.


Force them to go cold turkey – they’ll thank you in the long run. Their health will improve and the burden they place on the health care system will be lifted.


And the country will gain international recognition for all the right reasons.


Sure the tobacco mafia will kick up a stink – just smile and say no more, not here. Be strong.


Then watch how the tourists – even the Chinese – give up just so they can come to Thailand.


It might even inspire MORE tourists to come.


To a smoke free paradise where addicts don’t rule the roost.




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-10-20
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3 minutes ago, webfact said:

They are addicts…hooked on a dangerous drug…and they must be stopped…..not enabled.


I am one of those addicts. Or more accurately, was one of those addicts (hopefully!). I went 'cold turkey' five weeks ago (yes, I know, there is a lot more for me to do) and I agree with the rant; smoking is too cheap and easy in Thailand. I am not sure if I would ban it outright, but a doubling of the tax starting today would be a good thing.


Good rant!


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1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:


I am one of those addicts. Or more accurately, was one of those addicts (hopefully!). I went 'cold turkey' five weeks ago (yes, I know, there is a lot more for me to do) and I agree with the rant; smoking is too cheap and easy in Thailand. I am not sure if I would ban it outright, but a doubling of the tax starting today would be a good thing.


Good rant!


The simple solution is best.

Make sales of tobacco products illegal.

Never happen cos too many people make a lot of money from it.


oh yes, I quit almost 50 years ago. You can too!


Just stray strong.


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"Why give these people anywhere to smoke at all...?


Along with alcohol, these two legal substances are responsible for more deaths than all the illegal substances combined. Tobacco has the added danger, through second hand smoke, of affecting people who don't even choose to imbibe in it. Yet, governments makes billions of (name any currency) off them in taxes. Basically, the governments are the biggest dealers in deadly substances in the world, and yet have the audacity to hunt, arrest, sentence, and in some countries, execute those doing the same thing. Prohibitions on substances need to be based on the amount of danger they pose to the general public, and not on what a government deems to be legal. 

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The real smoke problem in Thailand is the burning of the fields and piles of rubbish much of which is plastic packaging, causing significant health problems to the locals.


Also the smoke from these new beach shelters where does it go? 

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9 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

The real smoke problem in Thailand is the burning of the fields and piles of rubbish much of which is plastic packaging, causing significant health problems to the locals.


Also the smoke from these new beach shelters where does it go? 

To the beach.....

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how about a ban on smoke? There is nothing I hate more than having to breath the toxic smoke from someone grilling meat.

Why is it acceptable to force people to breath second hand smoke from those parked on sidewalks and other areas just because they want to sell something? People grilling meat is way more smoke and therefore probably way more toxic than someone sitting outside smoking a cigarette.

Smoking is gross anyway you look at it, but lets not be stupid just because you think one is aroi and the other mai aroi.

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I'm in! To the writer....Thank you!  Smokers have it in their minds that it's "ok" to smoke anywhere and anytime. Well, truth be told, Your smoke stinks! Flat out stinks.  It's disgusting!!!!! I can be sitting enjoying lunch and here come those quality tourists and of course first thing they do is light up. Who's right in this situation?  Thailand SHOULD be smoke free.  Listen to the writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Everyone has a place in this world. If you strung up all the smokers, drinkers, gays/ lesbians, chemically imbalanced, crooks and bible bashers there would be nobody left.


Live and let live (Or in this case, die)

Edited by coulson
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I gave up smoking when my first child was born, I dont get upset by people smoking out in the open at all but get rather p*ssed off when they light up in a restaurant/confined area at a table next to you with tobacco that smells like cow dung when there are laws against it. Smokers are fine as long as they do not expect others to breathe in their crap and do not just toss their butts etc on the ground. I think this is overkill as it is outside so in most cases will not effect others but laws are laws

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4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


I am one of those addicts. Or more accurately, was one of those addicts (hopefully!). I went 'cold turkey' five weeks ago (yes, I know, there is a lot more for me to do) and I agree with the rant; smoking is too cheap and easy in Thailand. I am not sure if I would ban it outright, but a doubling of the tax starting today would be a good thing.


Good rant!


Congrats on quitting!!! I smoked from age 13 to 20.  Haven't smoked since.

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I am shocked, truly shocked. I was certain that the writer of the OP would be torn a new bumhole by the TVF brigade for daring to suggest that smoking be banned. :laugh: 

Edited by GarryP
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2 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

So, the writer walks everywhere or rides a pushbike instead of using motorised transport.  If not, you are just a hypocrite. Smoking is vile, but I doubt it contributes much to general pollution levels or global warming.

I agree and as I've said before I'll say once again "Put a non-smoker in a room for 1 hour with 100 smokers and everyone walks out alive.  Put 100 non-smokers in a room for 1 hour with an idling automobile and no one walks out alive."

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Only proving he author is just a popularity pig. You rant a tobacco and ignore all other as bad or worse pollutants. And I am not even a smoker. 

You are just out wanting to pick the farang pockets. Like many other laws this will be used to fleece forgners. 

My suggestion to  the author is to go sit in a bus station in BKK and breathe deep

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54 minutes ago, GarryP said:

I am shocked, truly shocked. I was certain that the writer of the OP would be torn a new bumhole by the TVF brigade for daring to suggest that smoking be banned. :laugh: 

Let me, please....


I am not a smoker myself- except when I am pissed out of my mind!

But I really couldn't care less, if someone smokes on a beach!

I have a lot of smokers among my friends and whenever they go to the beach, they an empty shell, a waterbottle, a coke- can...to dispose of their cigarette- buds.

These guys are less of hazard to the environment, than the guys who rant or rave about them and then go home in their overpowered vehicles, take 7 plastic bags for 8 items at TOPS or do other hazardous stuff!

The anti- smoking - hysteria is just grotesque!

Back in the old country I was at an (semi) open air- train station.

There was a yellow square, painted on the ground- the designated smoking area!

It has become silly to a point, that I find non- tolerable anymore!

In an contained environment, like a restaurant, you ban smoking?


Even in bars, I am not against it! (Not really for it either, though!)

But on a beach!?

Get a live, for heavens sake!

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