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The cruel UK rule which forced a mum to return to Thailand without her daughter


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2 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

Why do refugees get preferential treatment over  UK citizen's family members?

Because the western world hates white males.

You can actually see the hate for white men in many posts on this thread.

The whole western world appears to be directed to not let white men have families or children.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Well maybe I am the only one here to say this, but I feel sorry for them and I think the government there should let her stay at least another year, and on a visa type which she is then allowed to work. Between the 2 of them they should be able to make a go of it.


"Get a Job You Bum?"" He had a job which paid him only 15,000 GBP a year. So now he is forced to quit that job to look after his daughter, which will surely put them on the Welfare Pay Role now. So the very thing this government tried to avoid they ended up forcing him into doing this.


So why not keep his job and still try to make a go of it? If his daughter needs Day Care and maybe not in school yet full time, I can understand that. Do you guys have any idea what Day Care Costs in GB? I have a female friend who is a single parent and has one kid in Day Care as she works full time, and she has to pay them over 1,000 GBP a month, or 12,000 GBP a year. When you only make 18,000 GBP a year for a salary, there isn't much let over to pay the family bills with. So he might as well stay at home and look after his daughter and let the government foot the bill.


So why not work on weekends to? Who looks after the kid on weekends then? Don't say family and friends as a lot of people, like myself, don't have family left back home they could count on for this. I doubt he could find a Day Care who would watch his daughter on weekends, even if he wanted to do this.


Why not find a better job? To say this just tells me you have no idea how difficult it can be to find a job when you are past 50 years old. Especially if he has been living in Thailand the last 8 years and has no work record for this time. I have a few friends in the Oil & Gas Industry who are well educated, but forced to accept low paying jobs just to make ends meet.


Yes we can all criticize and say he should have got a better education, where probably half the people in GB don't have. He is not an immigrant. He was born and raised in GB by he sounds of it. His daughter is now a GB Subject to. At least when his wife was there, and if she was allowed to work, that had a chance to make a go of it. Now I don't see them having any chance at all. Forced on the Welfare Role by the same government who claims they were trying to prevent that. 


What good is your citizenship if a man is not even allowed to bring his wife of many years with him to come and live with him there? Or having to have 62,000 GBP in a saving account. How many people in GB have this amount in the bank right now? If they are like Canada most of the people owe this or more in debts let alone have it saved in a bank.           

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I am more disgusted by the case of the Navy Officer on an exchange tour in the US, who's new professionally educated US wife, on a good income, can't enter to the UK with him because of  some 'paperwork deficiances' , quote from UK Immigration. They say that they have provided everything needed. What a farce.  Just stopping normal families from being together for May's numbers game.  Not that it excuses this drongo, who I agree  should have been more sensible in his planning. 

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5 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Fair enough... he doesn't earn enough to provide and will claim State Benefits. He should have thought of that before having kids.


edit: BTW  before any bleeding hearts start.. 18,600 is a PITTANCE in the UK and when I left 10 years ago I was on 5 times that


I am not a bleeding heart nor was I on the minimum wage (the current rates are here) but neither was I on an exceptionally high salary as you were.




If he was married to a UK citizen and was on the minimum wage his wife would not have had to leave the UK. If he was married to an EU citizen and earning the minimum wage she would not have to leave the UK.

But because she is a "foreign" wife she has to.


£18,500 is NOT a pittance in the UK and even the current state pension is nowhere near that on its own.


I am so happy for you that you earned so much money but there are millions of people in the UK who earn far less than you did.


I suggest that you get off your arrogant high horse and find out the reality of the UK of today.


The reality is that many families cannot even get onto the housing market as they cannot earn enough money for a deposit, there are too few council houses being built, private rentals are high.


Many families rely on charity shops for clothing and food banks to eat and these are normal everyday citizens of the UK.


Many people are homeless through no fault of their own and you have a heart like Scrooge.


I hope that you enjoy your good fortune and don't forget to write to your MP asking for workhouses and poorhouses to be brought back.


To quote a Navy saying. "Pull up the ladder, Jack, I'm all right, and bugger the rest of them".


I am still a UK citizen but in the last few years I am ashamed to admit to being one

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I am more disgusted by the case of the Navy Officer on an exchange tour in the US, who's new professionally educated US wife, on a good income, can't enter to the UK with him because of  some 'paperwork deficiances' , quote from UK Immigration. They say that they have provided everything needed. What a farce.  Just stopping normal families from being together for May's numbers game.  Not that it excuses this drongo, who I agree  should have been more sensible in his planning. 

UKVI have no admitted their error and she has her visa. Nevertheless shocking that it went that far.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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3 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

Why do refugees get preferential treatment over  UK citizen's family members?

 Ha Ha,


And that is the point which I am glad you mentioned it.


No, the refugees and traffickers are crafty. What they do is send the kids alone at ages from eight years-fourteen years. Then the liberals insist on allowing unaccompanied children into the country. Once they are in, they complain that their parents are stuck in war zones and they are alone in the UK without parents or siblings.


Hey presto!!, up steps the specialist immigration lawyers on fat fees funded by legal aid, the human rights lobby and EU rules and laws about unaccompanied children and if by magic, visas and rights of settlement are given to the parents along with houses, food, furniture, clothing and a generous weekly allowance GREATER than our pensioners get that have paid into the system their whole lives!


In the meantime you have UK veterans on the streets and at soup kitchens. Britain in 2017!

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4 hours ago, golden farang said:

Because Thai immigration law is rotten and racist to farang husband thats why. I been married to a Thai 15years but im still not kissing them a** and try to protect them hideous system.


How odd.


I have been married 17 years, lived and based in Thailand for longer that that and I have not found Thai immigration laws rotten or racist. Certainly a PITA at times but nothing more than that.

Edited by billd766
bad spelling
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2 hours ago, jippytum said:

What a winger........ When you fall foul of immigration regulations go to social media for sympathy . When you marry and take your wife to live in the UK if you can't support her on your income don't do it . No sympathy from expats who jump though every hoop and navigate legally all the financial  hurdles  immigration strictly enforce to allow them to stay  in Thailand. 

So how many men in the UK do you know who supports his wife as she doesn't work and stays at home? Personally I hardly know anyone like that.


Also how can you compare Thailand to GB, where here you only need 9,150 GBP to make the marriage requirement to stay here, while in GB you need 62,000 GBP. That is a pretty big difference.

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11 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Well maybe I am the only one here to say this, but I feel sorry for them and I think the government there should let her stay at least another year, and on a visa type which she is then allowed to work. Between the 2 of them they should be able to make a go of it.


"Get a Job You Bum?"" He had a job which paid him only 15,000 GBP a year. So now he is forced to quit that job to look after his daughter, which will surely put them on the Welfare Pay Role now. So the very thing this government tried to avoid they ended up forcing him into doing this.


So why not keep his job and still try to make a go of it? If his daughter needs Day Care and maybe not in school yet full time, I can understand that. Do you guys have any idea what Day Care Costs in GB? I have a female friend who is a single parent and has one kid in Day Care as she works full time, and she has to pay them over 1,000 GBP a month, or 12,000 GBP a year. When you only make 18,000 GBP a year for a salary, there isn't much let over to pay the family bills with. So he might as well stay at home and look after his daughter and let the government foot the bill.


So why not work on weekends to? Who looks after the kid on weekends then? Don't say family and friends as a lot of people, like myself, don't have family left back home they could count on for this. I doubt he could find a Day Care who would watch his daughter on weekends, even if he wanted to do this.


Why not find a better job? To say this just tells me you have no idea how difficult it can be to find a job when you are past 50 years old. Especially if he has been living in Thailand the last 8 years and has no work record for this time. I have a few friends in the Oil & Gas Industry who are well educated, but forced to accept low paying jobs just to make ends meet.


Yes we can all criticize and say he should have got a better education, where probably half the people in GB don't have. He is not an immigrant. He was born and raised in GB by he sounds of it. His daughter is now a GB Subject to. At least when his wife was there, and if she was allowed to work, that had a chance to make a go of it. Now I don't see them having any chance at all. Forced on the Welfare Role by the same government who claims they were trying to prevent that. 


What good is your citizenship if a man is not even allowed to bring his wife of many years with him to come and live with him there? Or having to have 62,000 GBP in a saving account. How many people in GB have this amount in the bank right now? If they are like Canada most of the people owe this or more in debts let alone have it saved in a bank.           


I agree.... There is something wrong with the Immigration Regulations if its splitting up a family. 


This is wrong on so many levels not least because the regulations have created the very situation they are designed (poorly) to avoid.


He Had a Job, His Wife had a Job - Hard working Family, happy together.


Now the family is split up, He can't work and will draw social security. 



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3 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

that is not quite right: even with only 300 Baht/daily you will get all what you need. Life here is cheap and by far cheaper than in UK with 1500 Pounds/month.



If you really believe that, then put your 300 baht a day where your mouth is and try it for 3 months.


Then come back and tell us all how easy it is.

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4 hours ago, golden farang said:

Because Thai immigration law is rotten and racist to farang husband thats why. I been married to a Thai 15years but im still not kissing them a** and try to protect them hideous system.

i got married in 1999. i learnt not to let things that i can't change bother me a long time ago. if you've been married 15 years you could have been a citizen by now if you really put your mind to it and wanted it ; ) but let it out, it might make you feel a bit better for a short period of time 5555

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6 hours ago, davehowden said:

Presumably the Mother could have taken her daughter back to Thailand with her, then the kid and Mother could be happy together and the father could work, after all what is so special about a "British education".


The rules are there to stop free loaders.

Thai education is diabolical plus changing a kids environment is not a good practice.

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21 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Well maybe I am the only one here to say this, but I feel sorry for them and I think the government there should let her stay at least another year, and on a visa type which she is then allowed to work. Between the 2 of them they should be able to make a go of it.

Well said Goldbuggy, lots of haters on this forum.

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5 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

i got married in 1999. i learnt not to let things that i can't change bother me a long time ago. if you've been married 15 years you could have been a citizen by now

Not likely.

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1 hour ago, Godang said:

It may be a pittance to you but there are many who do not earn that much especially pensioners. And you seem a typical smug man who looks down on lower income earners.




Thank you and well said!


I have two sons living in the North of the UK who are earning in or around that figure of 18,500 GBP and one works for local government!!


The poster who commented about it being a ' pittance ' is talking nonsense. It may be a pittance in his fabulous world.


There may be very low unemployment in the UK because the bloody government has forced people into very low paying jobs and zero hours contracts at the risk of being ' sanctioned ' ( a new term for reducing or stopping benefits! ) no pay rises in keeping with inflation and house prices out of reach for them ever to own a home without parental assistance, which I am doing.


I am also currently paying for my second son to go on courses to qualify as a welding inspector to get him out of this ' rut ' and into a decent paying job, but it costs money, isn't free and is by no means easy. He is presently doing three jobs to earn the 18K + amount mentioned above and isn't a lazy guy.



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14 minutes ago, billd766 said:


How odd.


I have been married 17 years, lived and based in Thailand for longer that that and I have not found Thai immigration laws rotten or racist. Certainly a PITA at times but nothing more than that.

But I have.

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Just now, RandolphGB said:

The rules are there for everyone to see. If he was a real man, he'd find a way to earn that cash. It's not for the British people to be supporting lazies so they can bull their Thai wives.

But the rules weren't there in 2010 when he was married.

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33 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Also how can you compare Thailand to GB, where here you only need 9,150 GBP to make the marriage requirement to stay here, while in GB you need 62,000 GBP. That is a pretty big difference.

You don't need any money (apart from the 5kbht VISA fee) to stay in Thailand as a married person, but there are no benefits available, no free health care, and you can't work. BUT you also don't need any money to stay in the EU (outside the UK) as a married family. It's only the UK that excludes your Thai wife.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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5 hours ago, HauptmannUK said:

Whilst in this case the husband is guilty of poor planning I think TVF members from the UK need to be aware that there is growing hostility in the UK toward returning expats. Probably partly fuelled by fears that, post Brexit, there could be sizeable numbers of older expats returning to the UK from Europe.

I am a member of the Conservative Party and at a recent constituency meeting that I attended we had a government minister as a guest speaker. The topic was immigration and Brexit. There were a lot of comments about returning expats and some discussion about stopping pensions to expats after one year overseas. We were told that NZ and Aus do something similar and its being looked at by DWP.

Certainly there are big shifts in public opinion going on right now.

Leaving aside the rather ghastly image of a Conservative Constituency Party meeting at which the subject of immigration came up ( I should imagine that they were mopping the froth off the floor for hours afterwards), I don't think that they could do that.

There is the little matter of having paid into the state pension scheme for the requisite number of years and then having that entitlement removed - the legal challenges alone would be almost guaranteed to overturn it.

Edited by JAG
Mong grammar...
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4 hours ago, HauptmannUK said:

Whilst in this case the husband is guilty of poor planning I think TVF members from the UK need to be aware that there is growing hostility in the UK toward returning expats. Probably partly fuelled by fears that, post Brexit, there could be sizeable numbers of older expats returning to the UK from Europe.

I am a member of the Conservative Party and at a recent constituency meeting that I attended we had a government minister as a guest speaker. The topic was immigration and Brexit. There were a lot of comments about returning expats and some discussion about stopping pensions to expats after one year overseas. We were told that NZ and Aus do something similar and its being looked at by DWP.

Certainly there are big shifts in public opinion going on right now.

So they are concerned that these Retired Brits, who paid all the taxes and fees for all those years, while they were working hard, and these other were just going to school, and now worried about them returning home in there Golden Years?


Let me ask everyone something! What right does any government have in holding back or stopping your Pension? Do they pay into it for you? Well they certainly don't in Canada. You pay into it and your employer pays into it. All the government does is hold it for you and invested it. Usually in some low paying investment. Or borrow your money for other things.  


Isn't that a bit like putting money in a savings account, and your employer matching that, and when the time comes to take it out, the Bank Teller tells you that you can't have it? That some new young government official told them you now have to wait until you are 67 years old, or 70 years old, or you saved too much of your own money to now get this back.


Hog Wash! As far as I am concerned all these government pension plans stink! The only time I can see it was working was when it was first introduced in Germany many years ago. The Retirement Age then was 65 years, and like it is in most places today. But why it worked so well back then is that most people didn't live until they were 65 Years Old, so very few ever claimed a pension then. That is the same goal that most governments are working towards today. With the main objective is not paying anyone there pension, by finding new ways they can screw you on it.   

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16 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

You don't need any money (apart from the 5kbht VISA fee) to stay in Thailand as a married person, but there are no benefits available, no free health care, and you can't work. BUT you also don't need any money to stay in the EU (outside the UK) as a married family. It's only the UK that excludes your Thai wife.

When I was on my extension to stay in Thailand under married status, I had to have 400,000 Baht is the bank in a saving account. On my Retirement Extension, I now have to have 800,000 Baht in the saving account.


Maybe that has changed recently, but I don't think so?

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