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Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump

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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

And as you keep being told, that's down to the government NOT the EU. Look at the GINI coefficients! Inequality in the UK is obscene.


EU countries typically have much better social care and pensions


ALL smart people (except the Komodo subset) know Brexit is f******* stupid!


We should dump the Con Party get in PR and sort out the undoubted problems of the EU from within. Conditions have changed ?

We should dump the Con Party get in PR and sort out the undoubted problems of the EU from within. Conditions have changed


You jest i presume. The reason Cameron agreed to the referendum was because whatever the UK government tried to negotiate were shot down.  

4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Exactly.  The opening sentence of the article says it all :-


"Billionaire media mogul says it is ‘hard to understand why a country doing so well wanted to ruin it’"


I think most recognise that whilst the wealthy were doing very well, the poor and average were not doing "so well".  Something Mr Bloomberg doesn't care about and/or has entirely missed......

And you expect the poor and average to be looked after by a hiso tory government with no more European checks and balances?



Oh wonderful, yet another American (billionaire too) spouting off against the U.K. due to Brexit.
IIRC DC got Obama to try and muster a little overseas influence, back of the queue and all that tosh.

All that anti-Brexit project fear nonsense too, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

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If the decision is right or wrong it has nothing to do with this Yank. It was decided by the British people. Sort out your own countries problems before poking your nose into things that are none of your business 
Says the yank....Very ironically...

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:



We should dump the Con Party get in PR and sort out the undoubted problems of the EU from within. Conditions have changed ?


The trouble is, there have been two votes now, both held under the rules delineated by this country's unwritten and intangible constitution.

In the first one, the people voted in a referendum for the UK to leave the EU, and in the subsequent one, they elected a government (albeit one with a weak mandate, but still a mandate) to do just that. No matter the rather swivel-eyed claims of Mr Prescott, whose familiar mangled syntax could be heard on the airwaves the other week proclaiming that Labour actually won the election. The people of the UK voted to leave and voted for a government to do just that.


"Dumping the Conservative Party" and "sorting it out from within" fly in the face of the results of both the referendum and the general election, both of which produced results which you dislike. 


That general election was just the chance you call for to elect a government which would do that. The people did not vote for that - again.


Who was it who said " The people have spoken - the bastards!"

6 hours ago, webfact said:

At that event, Bloomberg, 75, also warned that some workers at the financial media company that bears his name were asking to leave the UK and US because they think the two countries no longer like immigrants and are no longer welcoming.

Well, let them work on emigrating to Zimbabwe.


...or Syria.


North Korea looks really good right now.


Can somebody remind me of the logic behind


>>> UK out of EU - self determination! National sovereignty!

>>> N Ireland in the UK

>>> Scotland in the UK

>>> Malvinas in the UK


1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

No that was an advisory referendum. The UK is a parliamentary democracy.

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Yes quite right, the UK is a parliamentary democracy but ceded its sovereignty to the British people for a one off referendum on remaining or leaving the EU. 

In other words for the public to vote and make the decision On this issue.


The European Union Referendum Act 2015 (c. 36) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that made legal provision for a non-binding referendum to be held in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Gibraltar, on whether it should remain a member state of the European Union or leave it.


I speak as an American.  An American Billionaire states the British Voters are stupid for Brexit?  Of course he has to throw in the "Trump" card.  The word "Trump" is becoming another word for stupid? This right out of the CNN/Democratic Party/Clinton playbook.  Maybe Bloomberg is considering a run in 2020?  Then good luck to him.  Because he is so rich and will not a single penny in campaign donations.   Has Nigel Farage given his reaction to Bloomberg's declaration about the stupidity of British Voters?

I speak as an American.  An American Billionaire states the British Voters are stupid for Brexit?  Of course he has to throw in the "Trump" card.  The word "Trump" is becoming another word for stupid? This right out of the CNN/Democratic Party/Clinton playbook.  Maybe Bloomberg is considering a run in 2020?  Then good luck to him.  Because he is so rich and will not a single penny in campaign donations.   Has Nigel Farage given his reaction to Bloomberg's declaration about the stupidity of British Voters?

I think Nigel has increasingly distanced himself since Trump won & become President and Nigel’s former financial backer isn’t on the same level as Bloomberg.

Politics either side of the pond has a certain controversial trend towards it.

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UK is still a democracy isn't it?  The majority won, end of story !

Well said & I concur.

However, those who oppose Brexit will endeavour to focus on slander and consistent negativity even though Brexit talks are ongoing.

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1 hour ago, Suttisan said:

I'm a Joe Soap, it took me ten months to find a minimum wage job here in the UK after returning from Thailand, my CV includes operations management in many fields. I have nothing against foreigners but a reduction in the work force could give a guy like me more opportunities, Thai style labour and land ownership laws would be great for the UK in my opinion. 

Were jobs in your field of expertise eaten up by immigrants or was it a case of your skills becoming less relevant while you were whooping it up in Thailand?

Perhaps you feel the government should set protectionist policies to safeguard obsolete skillsets in case expats decide that their life decisions were made in error.


You probably found it hard to find a job when you went home because 1. you were older and potentially less employable and 2. the country was in the middle of an economic downturn and everybody found it tough, not just you

36 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

The European Union Referendum Act 2015 (c. 36) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that made legal provision for a non-binding referendum to be held in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Gibraltar, on whether it should remain a member state of the European Union or leave it.

I'm not sure why you're arguing this.  Everybody in the run up to the referendum understood it to be binding.  Are you denying that?

And besides, Article 50 has been triggered, and parliament voted in favour of triggering it. What do you have to gain from flogging this dead donkey?

1 hour ago, robertson468 said:

How about lumping the good old USA in with Canada, Mexico, and the rest of the Americas making the numbers up to 27 different Countries, with their different cultures, with their different financial situations, then bring in a load of people who are not elected by those who govern them and let them make up their laws and demand everyone sticks by them, even when one size does not fit all. Then perhaps this idiot, all be it rich idiot, might just begin to understand.  Or even better still, go speak to your President about "America First".  Who the hell do these people think they are to dictate to others?

This hits the nail right on the head. A perfect analogy for any Americans wondering why the majority in the UK don't like the direction of the EU. An EU that we never voted to be a part of (the 74 vote was for  a common market only).

1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

Can somebody remind me of the logic behind


>>> UK out of EU - self determination! National sovereignty!

>>> N Ireland in the UK

>>> Scotland in the UK

>>> Malvinas in the UK


I don`t think you are argentinian but I would guess you are American so some leeway is allowed.

What is Malvinas? do you mean The Falkland Islands?

Only an argentinian or someone anti British would use that term.


OK OK  Bloomberg , how would you like your Country run by a load of Euro idiots , telling you that you have to obey their

idiotic laws , and at the same time robbing the country just to prop up their own pockets , Enough is Enough , we want the UK Back with its own Parliament and Decisions.


In theory, referenda are the summum of democracy: the people decide.

In reality, the people are not told what their choices mean.


The British could only vote IN or OUT, they could not vote IN under what conditions or OUT under what conditions.

They were given a nonsensical choice.



OK OK  Bloomberg , how would you like your Country run by a load of Euro idiots , telling you that you have to obey their

idiotic laws , and at the same time robbing the country just to prop up their own pockets , Enough is Enough , we want the UK Back with its own Parliament and Decisions.

Bloomberg is used to his country being run by idiots don't worry.


It's okay you'll have your country back (until more bits drop off) but parliament won't have a vote if this guy is still holding up the UK side.





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In theory, referenda are the summum of democracy: the people decide.
In reality, the people are not told what their choices mean.
The British could only vote IN or OUT, they could not vote IN under what conditions or OUT under what conditions.
They were given a nonsensical choice.

Well I don’t usually agree with you but on this occasion I do there was not enough “real” information from either side to make a proper decision.

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18 minutes ago, dundee48 said:

I don`t think you are argentinian but I would guess you are American so some leeway is allowed.

What is Malvinas? do you mean The Falkland Islands?

Only an argentinian or someone anti British would use that term.

You did not answer my question.

2 hours ago, chrissables said:

We should dump the Con Party get in PR and sort out the undoubted problems of the EU from within. Conditions have changed


You jest i presume. The reason Cameron agreed to the referendum was because whatever the UK government tried to negotiate were shot down.  

A) He didn't go about it the right way


B) There have been significant changes in EU countries as I'm sure you know

8 hours ago, webfact said:

Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done

Perhaps one can sum up Bloomberg by his use of language.

In particular the one word " Stupidest " I have yet to find this word in the  Oxford English Dictionary.


However just to put a few of you in the picture over the real reason we intelegent brits wanted out.


For 43 years we were dictated to by 23 unelected and unaccountable political bureaucrats who ruled over us without rhyme or reason for the the dictates they imposed upon us, most of which they knew would cause serious problems in many industries throughout the country.


Every business deal had to be carried out through the Germany  government,so that they had thier cut,making sure that a deal which would have been relatively cheap instead became deliberately expensive, We like other countries in the EU but Britain in particular are after all only cash cows for the 23, and the people paid for it with ever higher taxes.


Great Britain the country with some of the finest inventors in the world had to have those new inventions sent to be inspected and agreed by Germany and if they did not like it, ( largely because they had not invented it ) the invention never saw the light of day.

I could go on and on with the 43 years history of this bunch of crooks but suffice it to say Germany went to war with us twice in the last century and we beat them both times, so then they set about trying to beat us financially and we are about to beat them again.


Politicians said we voted out because of the immigrant situation, but although it did play a small part in the vote the real reason we said out was because of the points I have already mentioned but also because of one dictate that was kept very quiet from the majority who did not pick up on it when it first hit the papers for one very brief and very small column in an early morning edition 

and that was this, >. If and when GREAT BRITAIN joined monetary union we were to be relagated to an Suburb of the smallest country in the EU, Belgium


 The final humiliation of our brilliant country.


Those are the real reasons why we voted out.


And for those of you who want to know why the pound dropped, it was deliberately manipulated by the London market to punish us, There was and is no reason for that devaluation other than punishment, just as they have punished every saver and pensioner in Britain and around the world for the bad banking business practices and crockery by the same bunch.


Ask yourselves this one question, if your business had been so badly run and you were going bankrupt would your BANK bail you out?

No it would not but every saver bailed them, out and we still are.

26 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

In theory, referenda are the summum of democracy: the people decide.

In reality, the people are not told what their choices mean.


The British could only vote IN or OUT, they could not vote IN under what conditions or OUT under what conditions.

They were given a nonsensical choice.



There are too many permutations to have done it any other way.  It had to be a binary question.

The result proved that the majority didn't want to be a part of the EU anymore.

What happened after we'd established that fact was always going to be complicated (as the remain camp warned us over and over again), but it has to be done.




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