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1 hour ago, csabo said:

I notice hotel doors often have a device to shut them and I take caution to not let them slam as not to disturb others. No. No one else seems to care. Same applies to speaking too loudly. When you live in a condo or are in a hotel or out in public you are sharing that space. Always be mindful others may not be on your sleep or mood schedule in those environments. I used to work the midnight shift and had to sleep days. Everyone in my apartment building saw me leave for work at night and return home exhausted in the morning. It never stopped them from slamming doors and having barbecues with music on the lawn outside my window. I know I was the oddball in that case but again if you are sharing space assume someone else is within earshot and show some courtesy. I was at a sauna/spa the other day and immediately got hit with the crying screaming baby in the pool. It seems his caretakers were painfully oblivious to the fact that when a baby cries they are in discomfort or fear. Oh how they laughed at the infants trauma while everyone who came to the spa to relax suffered. Note to obnoxious parents. A spa is not for children. It is not a hotel. Just because there is a pool does not mean screaming and splashing is the appropriate protocol. People are paying to relax in that shared space because they can't for whatever reason do it at home. Lower your voice. Control your children and pets. Clean up after yourself. I try to live by these rules and expect the same from others. 

Very well put indeed,sir


All door slammers should have their fingers slammed between the door and the side. These people are the worst. You really can't get them to stop. Some people are so shitty that if you ask them not to do it, they will do it more. Either move or threaten them with violence.

I come and go from my condo like the Farang Ninja. I try at all times to consider the quality of life of those around me being negatively effected , but I come from an upper middle class family, not some farmer's daughter farang plaything or some somchai so important because I am a Thai man. Or some oblivious farang who won't stop doing it without a punch in the face.

5 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

I'm door slammer,  the space cab doors driver & passenger won't shut properly otherwise. :biggrin:

Hmmm, Toyota's don't have that ploblem....classic-guitar-smiley-emoticon.gif.6978bb29c9cd43e91d89a2006c056805.gif

4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

And they like dogs!

Strange comment- I always feel that people who care for animals have a similar consideration for their fellow human beings. 


For example - I inherited an abandoned cat when I moved into my rented house - poor thing was starving . I told the landlord ( Brit )  I would continue looking after the cat when I left - was told absolutely not - it might sit on one of my fabulous rattan chairs - to escape the rain. 


Turned out he was one of the most despicable people you could ever meet. 

2 hours ago, Cyclone88 said:

And the next topic to have a moan about is????


Complaining seems to be the favorite pastime for a lot of T/V posters. They complain about barking dogs, load Karaoke bar music, roosters crowing, motorcycle exhaust noise, riders without a helmet, taxi drivers, bus drivers, vendors blocking the sidewalks, farang prices, beer prices, marrying a bar girl, marrying a girl from Issan, marrying a Thai woman, marrying any woman, ladyboys, old farangs with young wives and/or babies, the pound sterling exchange rate, or visa overstayers. There are 1000's other things to list for a complainer to complain about, but life is too short. If you are a complainer and I didn't include you, feel free to complain.

23 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:

Complaining seems to be the favorite pastime for a lot of T/V posters. They complain about barking dogs, load Karaoke bar music, roosters crowing, motorcycle exhaust noise, riders without a helmet, taxi drivers, bus drivers, vendors blocking the sidewalks, farang prices, beer prices, marrying a bar girl, marrying a girl from Issan, marrying a Thai woman, marrying any woman, ladyboys, old farangs with young wives and/or babies, the pound sterling exchange rate, or visa overstayers. There are 1000's other things to list for a complainer to complain about, but life is too short. If you are a complainer and I didn't include you, feel free to complain.

Er - are you complaining about complaining TV posters?

27 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:

Complaining seems to be the favorite pastime for a lot of T/V posters. They complain about barking dogs, load Karaoke bar music, roosters crowing, motorcycle exhaust noise, riders without a helmet, taxi drivers, bus drivers, vendors blocking the sidewalks, farang prices, beer prices, marrying a bar girl, marrying a girl from Issan, marrying a Thai woman, marrying any woman, ladyboys, old farangs with young wives and/or babies, the pound sterling exchange rate, or visa overstayers. There are 1000's other things to list for a complainer to complain about, but life is too short. If you are a complainer and I didn't include you, feel free to complain.

This a chat forum....If you are or seem to have everything perfect going for you then just sit back , have a beer, a manicure, what ever...:stoner:

2 hours ago, transam said:

Hmmm, Toyota's don't have that ploblem....classic-guitar-smiley-emoticon.gif.6978bb29c9cd43e91d89a2006c056805.gif

Well tried a new showroom smart cab Toyota revo much the same they say it's because it's new. :biggrin:


I got a door slammer from the middle East just down the corridor in my apartment.

Then he stands in the foyer talking loudly on his mobile phone just outside our door.

Spoke to him once about but turns out that I am the inconsiderate one for bringing it up

& he screaming at me outside my door as I shut my door (quietly) in his face.

It must be the way they are dragged up

21 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

I live in a condo and my neighbour is from the USA and has a holier than though jehovas witness attitude and yer he is the worst for this behaviour. He is 41 so I can't say he is young or should know better he's just very inconsiderate and oblivious to his lack of consideration. Not only does he slam doors he has these cloggy heavy shoes that he drops on the floor when he leaves which make a 2nd loud noise. He has done this continually every day sometimes 2-3 times per day for 10 months since we moved in. Rather than complain to this fool we just laugh at him every time he does it. He has never realised. On top of this he likes to move his furniture around and he drags it so it makes an awful noise.


Even after all this crap I find myself feeling sorry for him for some strange reason.


No offence to USA or jehovas just providing info.


We move out this week so the end Is near.





Tell him you'll send Calvary Church members after him to deal with the matter..

22 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

I live in a condo and my neighbour is from the USA and has a holier than though jehovas witness attitude and yer he is the worst for this behaviour. He is 41 so I can't say he is young or should know better he's just very inconsiderate and oblivious to his lack of consideration. Not only does he slam doors he has these cloggy heavy shoes that he drops on the floor when he leaves which make a 2nd loud noise. He has done this continually every day sometimes 2-3 times per day for 10 months since we moved in. Rather than complain to this fool we just laugh at him every time he does it. He has never realised. On top of this he likes to move his furniture around and he drags it so it makes an awful noise.


Even after all this crap I find myself feeling sorry for him for some strange reason.


No offence to USA or jehovas just providing info.


We move out this week so the end Is near.



Perhaps he acquired the habit by having many front doors slammed in his face.:saai:

22 hours ago, watcharacters said:



A certain percentage of the earth's population  unfortunately have little to no consideration for their fellow species.

Yes. Slightly off topic that would be Syria and the USA - the only two nations who have not ratified the Paris Climate Accord

2 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Er - are you complaining about complaining TV posters?


1 hour ago, transam said:

This a chat forum....If you are or seem to have everything perfect going for you then just sit back , have a beer, a manicure, what ever...:stoner:




No, not complaining, just a general observation of the things they can't control that seem to upset people.  When I worked as a police officer on a 28-day turnaround schedule, which meant you worked 4 weeks, on 1 of 3 eight-hour shifts.  When you worked the 11p-7a shift, on the 28th day you had 8 hrs before returning to work the next 3p-11p shift. None of my neighbors mowed their lawns on the same day.  You adjust, you change the things you can and accept those you can't.  I once moved into a new neighborhood and was mowing the grass. The neighbor next door came over and started up a conversation. It started out as an introduction but then his real agenda was revealed. He told me that he and his neighbor on the other side always mowed their lawns on the same day. He went on to say it made the block look nicer and he added that the previous owner of my home had done the same. I told him with my schedule, it may be a problem, but feel free to mow my yard anytime you mow yours. I got that deer in the headlights look. I put my earmuffs back on and finished mowing. Needless to say, I wasn't invited to any future block parties.                                     Since marrying my 34-year-old Issan wife over 3-1/2 years ago and living in Thailand I have no stress, give no concern toward the subjects mentioned in my original post or find no need to drink alcohol. especially beer.

9 hours ago, tonray said:

In iny apartment buildiong seeing that the windoiss are always open at each end of the corridor, there is usually a positive pressure out of the rooms when a door is opened. Most people figure out after the first time it happens to control the door as it closes so it won't slam loudly. One imbecile, a young Thai guy after a year has not apparently figured it out, and every time he leaves or enters his room, it slams to the annoyance of everyone. Some people are simply idiots.

At least 95% of any population have IQ's barely Into double figures.  They're Incapable of conducting their lives, and the OP's beef with slamming doors Is just a small part of the chaos In which they exist.

9 hours ago, JohnOFphon said:

I live in a condo near the Chinese Embassy. I am the only non Chinese living on my floor. 10 rooms.

One family in particular slams the door...hard....10 to 15 times a day. Heavy door that makes as much noise as a canon.

I complained to the jurist once.... The next day, the door slammed 20 consecutive times at 6:30 am.

I guess they showed me who's boss.

I might go to Home Pro and get some industrial strength door chalking and glue there door shut from the outside.

No cameras around, so....prove it <deleted>




1 hour ago, dunque said:

Yes. Slightly off topic that would be Syria and the USA - the only two nations who have not ratified the Paris Climate Accord

Still off topic ,  they're the smart ones!  With man made emissions only 3% of the planet's total, we're narcissistic to even think we can make a difference.  It's like pissing Into a 40 knot northerly.

29 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:




No, not complaining, just a general observation of the things they can't control that seem to upset people.  When I worked as a police officer on a 28-day turnaround schedule, which meant you worked 4 weeks, on 1 of 3 eight-hour shifts.  When you worked the 11p-7a shift, on the 28th day you had 8 hrs before returning to work the next 3p-11p shift. None of my neighbors mowed their lawns on the same day.  You adjust, you change the things you can and accept those you can't.  I once moved into a new neighborhood and was mowing the grass. The neighbor next door came over and started up a conversation. It started out as an introduction but then his real agenda was revealed. He told me that he and his neighbor on the other side always mowed their lawns on the same day. He went on to say it made the block look nicer and he added that the previous owner of my home had done the same. I told him with my schedule, it may be a problem, but feel free to mow my yard anytime you mow yours. I got that deer in the headlights look. I put my earmuffs back on and finished mowing. Needless to say, I wasn't invited to any future block parties.                                     Since marrying my 34-year-old Issan wife over 3-1/2 years ago and living in Thailand I have no stress, give no concern toward the subjects mentioned in my original post or find no need to drink alcohol. especially beer.



Sorry, but I think you need a beer or two to bring more clarity to your post.   


Or else i need less...


Where is that smile emotion?

23 hours ago, Rc2702 said:
23 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

I live in a condo and my neighbour is from the USA and has a holier than though jehovas witness attitude and yer he is the worst for this behaviour.

On top of this he likes to move his furniture around and he drags it so it makes an awful noise.

Maybe he is looking for Jesus?

22 minutes ago, watcharacters said:



Sorry, but I think you need a beer or two to bring more clarity to your post.   


Or else i need less...


Where is that smile emotion?

I don't need to drink alcohol to give my life clarity, so it has to be too much beer or the lack of reading comprehension on your part.

37 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Still off topic ,  they're the smart ones!  With man made emissions only 3% of the planet's total, we're narcissistic to even think we can make a difference.  It's like pissing Into a 40 knot northerly.

Ah, a Breitbart believer. The fact is since the Industrial Age, carbon dioxide levels have been steadily rising, due to combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation. Man is upsetting the natural balance. The effects of that upset are to be seen in the melting of the polar ice-caps. Another fact.

Perhaps the US will change its mind when cities like New York and New Orleans are inundated by rising sea levels. The

deniers won't be looking so smart then.

7 hours ago, Jonnapat said:

Years ago I was in a hotel inPattaya on the top floor where all the other guexts were apparently Russian.

They would all leave at the same time in the evening and arrive back sometime in the early hours and without exception would all slam the bedroom doors causing disturbance eery night.

So, yes, door slammers are a bloody nuisance with no respect for others.

Why are designers not able to make doors that close quietly?

Russians are definitely the worst offenders, they hate everyone including other Russians 

18 hours ago, peterb17 said:

Strange comment- I always feel that people who care for animals have a similar consideration for their fellow human beings. 


For example - I inherited an abandoned cat when I moved into my rented house - poor thing was starving . I told the landlord ( Brit )  I would continue looking after the cat when I left - was told absolutely not - it might sit on one of my fabulous rattan chairs - to escape the rain. 


Turned out he was one of the most despicable people you could ever meet. 

I typed it as I was listening to my neighbours dogs.

I often feel they have far more consideration for their own animals than fellow human beings.

Your example confuses me.

On 10/26/2017 at 7:50 AM, JohnOFphon said:

I live in a condo near the Chinese Embassy. I am the only non Chinese living on my floor. 10 rooms.

One family in particular slams the door...hard....10 to 15 times a day. Heavy door that makes as much noise as a canon.

I complained to the jurist once.... The next day, the door slammed 20 consecutive times at 6:30 am.

I guess they showed me who's boss.

I might go to Home Pro and get some industrial strength door chalking and glue there door shut from the outside.

No cameras around, so....prove it <deleted>

Superglue the keyhole!

The resort next to me must be doing a candid camera thing with me. It has to be. Every single day for months they make some noise either very early or very late at night.
Fireworks (not a few minutes and done. A huge explosion every 20 minutes for hours. Mixed with booming Russian voices.) "NASTROVIA SPACEEBO PUTIN WODKA GULACH HAHAHAHAHA"  BOOM KA BOOOM KAAAAABOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Screaming kids and loud talking in the pool (they bus Chinese tourists in just for meals and swimming on day passes so they go insane knowing they are on the clock well after 11PM) "CHING CHONG CHING CHONG HAHAHAAAAHHA Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! CHING CHONG CHONG BONG!!!!!!!" 
For the Chinese they need a bus. The bus revs loudly over and over and over as the try warm it up. It sounds like the engine slept with the drivers wife and he is trying to rev it to death. “VROOM VVROOM VVVVRRRROOOOOOOOM VVVVRRRROOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
When it’s time to bring the Chinese back to wherever they came from the bus blows the horn. BEEEP BEEEP HOOOOONK HOOOOOOOOONNNNNKKKKK!!!!
Building a new sun roof was a briliant move kept the plan alive for weeks.
The job finally stopped what could the think of next?? Aahhaa a power washer with a subsonic eardrum piercing squeal WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSHHHH SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I email the owner and it’s always the same answer.
“I tell them quiet awe ready”
“They not stop”
Today job finish”
“I tell driver awe ready”
“So sorry”
But it goes on and on and on and on day after day after day after day.  I'm moving in December. Never buy. 
23 hours ago, natway09 said:

I got a door slammer from the middle East just down the corridor in my apartment.

Then he stands in the foyer talking loudly on his mobile phone just outside our door.

Spoke to him once about but turns out that I am the inconsiderate one for bringing it up

& he screaming at me outside my door as I shut my door (quietly) in his face.

It must be the way they are dragged up

Everytime he does that, bring out your bible an ask him loudly if he has made his choice of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Then open the book and get to preaching. 

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