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Thaivisa Phuket - the Wake


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I'm mostly using twitter nowadays. It's a fast phase information center for various news and talking points. I also like it's quirkiness. Information for the worst, great fun for the best. It however takes ages to find the correct folks to follow and them to follow you.


But twitter is good for instant information sharing. There is no backlog, where to check what was talked before. In a way, what was said today, is forgotten tomorrow, is one of the best attributes for twitter.


Forums, like Thaivisa are still the best platforms to have a lengthy discussion with others. I'd prefer to still have usenet news type of system, where people can connect with various clients to fast browse the discussions. Web forums is the next best thing.


For facebook. I dislike to be subjected to some algorithms which say who of my friends I should listen and who not. I prefer to hear both sides of the argument and facebook is rather keen to make everybody living in their well walled bubbles. That's a platform, which is just not for me.


I ended up unfollowing all of my friends on FB. While I was in process, I could see what a friend from student times had been posting. All of that was hidden from my view simply because there were more outspoken people, who occupied the feed I was seeing.


So Twitter and forums for me. Thaivisa Phuket forum for fun and finding some information. I used to read the Phuket news section before, but when it became simply a murder / crime / accident report site, I have mostly given up reading it anymore.


TV World news is a funny place to sharpen ones debating skills. Everybody should know that whatever we write there has no affect to the real world. I use it occasionally simply to let off steam :) (I know, I shouldn't).

I personally wish to see at Phuket forum:

- Photos of Phuket, old and new

- Future event information with previous even experiences

- New places to see an experience (excluding restaurants)

- Real life, everyday happenings. How each of us life our lives, for others to learn and get ideas.


Another thing we could have is to have localised threads of common subjects, many might be interested. F1, Football, Weather (we already have), etc.


Make these yearly topics, so that we'll get a fresh start every year. 


And please. Like others, I also wish to get rid of those Pinned topics. Make one Pinned topic: Pinned topic .. and put links to all the previously pinned topics to that one post.

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Good post! I'm glad you're still here. Weren't you moving to Spain?

I just checked and there are only six pinned topics in the Phuket forum. I think it's useful to be able to see them without yet another click to open the "Pinned Topics" thread. They don't seem to take up very much room on the topic list. Why are they annoying?


I'll make an effort to post a few relevant things when I have time. Good suggestion!



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17 minutes ago, Tapster said:



Good post! I'm glad you're still here. Weren't you moving to Spain?

I just checked and there are only six pinned topics in the Phuket forum. I think it's useful to be able to see them without yet another click to open the "Pinned Topics" thread. They don't seem to take up very much room on the topic list. Why are they annoying?


I'll make an effort to post a few relevant things when I have time. Good suggestion!



I feel a knife inside my chest, as I was really planning to move to Spain :) Nothing too serious, but things just didn't happen in the phase I was expecting. I'm still going.. but when it will happen.. I'm not even try to guess anymore. :) I'm still here! :)

The thing about the pinned topics is that every returning users will have to see those topics each time they visit the site. Those topics are quite irrelevant for most of us. It's the 0.0042% of first time users, who will see these topics valuable, or not.

If those topics are removed from the pinned stage, those topics start floating. This means that each time someone posts an reply to a topic, it will be be on the top forum post, like any other topic here. 

The pinned topic, topic would allow an easy way to find these previously pinned topics with couple of clicks. 

Topic, topic... 


Btw. It's kind of funny you mentioned that you have been here already 4 years. I remember when you introduced yourself and would have guessed it was just 2 years ago. You are an old timer by now.

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2 minutes ago, Tapster said:

Dammit!!    edited    ..............I'll never get to know what you will sound like, so that I can tell you when you sound like that!



It was this clip. "The computer says no", which has always been hilarious. It was a wrong choice. I was looking more for Monthy Python with the repetitions. 

Anyway, here we go. 


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3 minutes ago, Tapster said:



OK, I'll sign up for the "Pinned Topic" topic!


I want to see your sources for the 0.0042%, though!!


The answer to the life, the universe and everything.


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The folks who are interesting are the folks who are into science fiction. 

The folks who are interesting are the folks who are into science fiction. 

The folks who are interesting are the folks who are into science fiction. 


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Most people simply want to have fun with each other. Most people want to understand what other people think and why they think that way. 

Science fiction is a way to say 'I'm not really interested of petty problems'. 

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I've visited this Phuket sub-forum quite a lot lately, as I moved to Patong in September. I have found it very informative.


It may not be as active as it once was, but I lived in Hat Yai for a year. Compared to the 'Southern Thailand' forum, this one is positively buzzing with activity.


I've been a member of TV since 2011 and have only managed 39 posts so far. That is pitiful. Believe it or not, I once owned a forum and was very active, starting threads, moderating, etc. But I hated it. This is probably why I seldom post anything.


Anyway, I hope to be more active in future.

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21 hours ago, oilinki said:

The folks who are interesting are the folks who are into science fiction. 

The folks who are interesting are the folks who are into science fiction. 

The folks who are interesting are the folks who are into science fiction. 


Well.. I was totally wasted when I wrote that. Sorry about it. I'm pretty sure I had 'a great idea', which was supposed to be funny and go along with the topic. Once I realised, there was nothing, I wanted to edit the post, but the grace time of 30 minutes had already passed by few minutes. 

As the internet never forgets, let this be part of my legacy and most of all, part of what at least I should learn from. 




To redeem myself, I'm going to open a new topic: Phuket Nature 2017. 



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14 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Isaac Asimov rocks!!

I really miss the service of my youth public library workers. After explaining what I wanted to read, they gave the best advices what to read to get even more interested of reading. Sometimes we walked through the shelves of books, simply to find best books to read. 


For SciFi, Asimov was the one to read first. 

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The only people who i have ever met who have invested in property here are the ones who have made Thailand their home and most have families or family members here and have no intention of ever leaving Thailand, with the exception of a few who invested in business premises (3)


Why would foreign investors be interested in putting money into property here as one person claims, the can never own it, only Thai nationals can own land in Thailand and as far as buying in a Thai company name which you have control of goes that can be stopped and you would lose all your investment any time the Thai government chose to do so, they have already said that having nominee share holders is illegal and all share holders in a company must have their own voting rights


Personally i or we would never sell and i would purchase another property if i could find one at a price i am prepared to pay in a location we liked, which means near where we live in Rawai for our expanding family and the title to it would be in my wife's name or left in a company name if the property was already owned by one for financial reasons, jut change the company owners/ share holders who would be mainly Thai, cash is king as far as property purchases go at present and you are much better of with the cash instead of a overpriced property, there is a stream of genuine property owners who really want to sell coming onto the market all the time and eventually one will come onto the market that we like at a price we are prepared to pay in a location we like as i have already stated

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On 11/7/2017 at 12:25 PM, madmax2 said:

The only people who i have ever met who have invested in property here are the ones who have made Thailand their home and most have families or family members here and have no intention of ever leaving Thailand, with the exception of a few who invested in business premises (3)


Why would foreign investors be interested in putting money into property here as one person claims, the can never own it, only Thai nationals can own land in Thailand and as far as buying in a Thai company name which you have control of goes that can be stopped and you would lose all your investment any time the Thai government chose to do so, they have already said that having nominee share holders is illegal and all share holders in a company must have their own voting rights


Personally i or we would never sell and i would purchase another property if i could find one at a price i am prepared to pay in a location we liked, which means near where we live in Rawai for our expanding family and the title to it would be in my wife's name or left in a company name if the property was already owned by one for financial reasons, jut change the company owners/ share holders who would be mainly Thai, cash is king as far as property purchases go at present and you are much better of with the cash instead of a overpriced property, there is a stream of genuine property owners who really want to sell coming onto the market all the time and eventually one will come onto the market that we like at a price we are prepared to pay in a location we like as i have already stated


"and have no intention of ever leaving Thailand" - which is fine, provided they are ALLOWED to stay in Thailand, residing in THEIR property.


"Why would foreign investors be interested in putting money into property here as one person claims, the can never own it" - good question.  Why would they?  The same could be asked, "Why would a foreign owner put up all the money, to have the asset placed in the name of a Thai National, or, a Thai company, in which they are not the sole director?"


"as far as buying in a Thai company name which you have control of goes that can be stopped and you would lose all your investment any time the Thai government chose to do so" - correct.  Therefore, high risk.


"they have already said that having nominee share holders is illegal" - yes, it is illegal, yet it  is the chosen method of "ownership" by many here.  The rugged could be pulled from under them at any time.


"Personally i or we would never sell" - why is that?  There is no urban planning here.  Who knows what may be build next to you, in front of you, or just down the road from you, in the future.  I gather your current property is in your Thai wife's name, if she was to pass before you, don't you have 12 months in which you are compelled to sell, or transfer the property into a Thai name?  Would here beneficiaries allow you to continue to reside in the property?  In the current climate, could you actually sell it, at a decent price, within 12 months?


"i would purchase another property if i could find one at a price i am prepared to pay in a location we liked" - what is the purpose of the second property?


"you are much better of with the cash instead of a overpriced property" - how does "cash" ensure property owners do not ask a ridiculous price for their property?


"there is a stream of genuine property owners who really want to sell coming onto the market all the time" - ever asked yourself why that is?


"eventually one will come onto the market" - well, there is currently thousands on the market, as I have shown from just one website. 

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I joined Thaivisa almost 14 years ago, and clearly a lot has changed with web forums and social media over those years.


I lived in Phuket for about 12 years, but 'was encouraged' last year to move on.  I'm now living in Naypyidaw (Myanmar), but still visit this forum several times each week to see what's new. Xylophone's thread about Patong is always of interest.


Updated: Corrected 15 years to 14 years

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5 hours ago, NamKangMan said:


"and have no intention of ever leaving Thailand" - which is fine, provided they are ALLOWED to stay in Thailand, residing in THEIR property.


"Why would foreign investors be interested in putting money into property here as one person claims, the can never own it" - good question.  Why would they?  The same could be asked, "Why would a foreign owner put up all the money, to have the asset placed in the name of a Thai National, or, a Thai company, in which they are not the sole director?"


"as far as buying in a Thai company name which you have control of goes that can be stopped and you would lose all your investment any time the Thai government chose to do so" - correct.  Therefore, high risk.


"they have already said that having nominee share holders is illegal" - yes, it is illegal, yet it  is the chosen method of "ownership" by many here.  The rugged could be pulled from under them at any time.


"Personally i or we would never sell" - why is that?  There is no urban planning here.  Who knows what may be build next to you, in front of you, or just down the road from you, in the future.  I gather your current property is in your Thai wife's name, if she was to pass before you, don't you have 12 months in which you are compelled to sell, or transfer the property into a Thai name?  Would here beneficiaries allow you to continue to reside in the property?  In the current climate, could you actually sell it, at a decent price, within 12 months?


"i would purchase another property if i could find one at a price i am prepared to pay in a location we liked" - what is the purpose of the second property?


"you are much better of with the cash instead of a overpriced property" - how does "cash" ensure property owners do not ask a ridiculous price for their property?


"there is a stream of genuine property owners who really want to sell coming onto the market all the time" - ever asked yourself why that is?


"eventually one will come onto the market" - well, there is currently thousands on the market, as I have shown from just one website. 

Unlike some people i have brought a substantial amount of money into Thailand and have no worries about the Thai government ever not wanting me to live out my retirement in Thailand


As for the rest of your post its a lot of gobbledygook in my opinion and what i do and how i do it is none of your business and never will be, i can see the govt increasing fees and charges to get rid of foreigners they would prefer not to reside in Thailand in the future which would be great for the genuine expats, and i know i am one of  the genuine expats who actually contribute to Thailand's economy

Can you say the same, i sincerely doubt it???  

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44 minutes ago, madmax2 said:

Unlike some people i have brought a substantial amount of money into Thailand and have no worries about the Thai government ever not wanting me to live out my retirement in Thailand


As for the rest of your post its a lot of gobbledygook in my opinion and what i do and how i do it is none of your business and never will be, i can see the govt increasing fees and charges to get rid of foreigners they would prefer not to reside in Thailand in the future which would be great for the genuine expats, and i know i am one of  the genuine expats who actually contribute to Thailand's economy

Can you say the same, i sincerely doubt it???  

I found something interesting this past year. My wife's father was transferring yet more land into her name, Since we are legally married in the USA, they asked for a copy of our marriage certificate at the local government office and I was put on title to some land that we may decide to build on. I know that if she dies or something happens I have to sell all the land other than the actual house's foot print I think. Oh well she's 26 years younger than I, but as she says you never know who may die first! We are land rich! Cash, not so much.



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15 minutes ago, Jimi007 said:

I found something interesting this past year. My wife's father was transferring yet more land into her name, Since we are legally married in the USA, they asked for a copy of our marriage certificate at the local government office and I was put on title to some land that we may decide to build on. I know that if she dies or something happens I have to sell all the land other than the actual house's foot print I think. Oh well she's 26 years younger than I, but as she says you never know who may die first! We are land rich! Cash, not so much.



If your wife passes from what i understand if you inherit any property in Thailand you have 1 year to dispose of it, its not a decision you have to make on the spot

My wife is 24 years younger than me so i do not expect or think i will out live her, if i did its no problem i would have any property here transfered into her sons name who already lives with us anyway with the right to live there until i die, its going to belong to him and his children in the end anyway

The property is left to me in her registered will so it will not be a problem doing this, if i wanted to i could buy a condo tomorrow and own it in my own name, but this does not interest me at all, i have lived in a flat/ condo in Australia and here for a short period of time and did not like it at all  

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26 minutes ago, madmax2 said:

If your wife passes from what i understand if you inherit any property in Thailand you have 1 year to dispose of it, its not a decision you have to make on the spot

My wife is 24 years younger than me so i do not expect or think i will out live her, if i did its no problem i would have any property here transfered into her sons name who already lives with us anyway with the right to live there until i die, its going to belong to him and his children in the end anyway

The property is left to me in her registered will so it will not be a problem doing this, if i wanted to i could buy a condo tomorrow and own it in my own name, but this does not interest me at all, i have lived in a flat/ condo in Australia and here for a short period of time and did not like it at all  


Yes that's the way I understand it. Legal husband has  a year to sell, although that 'year' can be very flexible long.  As for Jimi007 idea  'I have to sell all the land other than the actual house's foot print I think' .... no you don't own any footprint.


No idea what I would do in the unlikely situation that my wife died before me. I know what is planned for the various properties. A more learned nephew will administer everyting and with my blessing. I could just leave Thailand with nothing and I would live comfortabely for the rest of my life in another tropical place.  VGP - very good planning

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This is a nice thread, maybe has run its course..


Hopefully not.  It's of interest to me to discuss why the forum is not so popular as several years ago.  I put it more down to developments in social networks and mobile internet technology, rather than due to old TV members all dying off or moving on.


If you look at other Thailand-centric forums, they have the same problem.  Perhaps Thailand is no longer that exotic destination that people love to discuss.


When I first moved to Myanmar, I did think about launching a 'Myanmar Visa' forum, (since there isn't really a 'biggie' forum of that type).  5 minutes considering the business and operating/management model convinced me that it would be a waste of time - a lot of hard effort for little return.

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44 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


Yes that's the way I understand it. Legal husband has  a year to sell, although that 'year' can be very flexible long.  As for Jimi007 idea  'I have to sell all the land other than the actual house's foot print I think' .... no you don't own any footprint.


No idea what I would do in the unlikely situation that my wife died before me. I know what is planned for the various properties. A more learned nephew will administer everyting and with my blessing. I could just leave Thailand with nothing and I would live comfortabely for the rest of my life in another tropical place.  VGP - very good planning

Why leave Thailand if your wife dies before you, i would still be a member of my wife's family and i expect its the same with you, i doubt they would care if you formed another relationship, personally i could not be bothered, i still have my own local family and am happy with their company

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23 minutes ago, madmax2 said:

Why leave Thailand if your wife dies before you, i would still be a member of my wife's family and i expect its the same with you, i doubt they would care if you formed another relationship, personally i could not be bothered, i still have my own local family and am happy with their company


That's a very good question ?  I'm too old and cranky to think about any other lady (romantic) in my life.  I am friendly and comfortable with my wife's immediate and extended family. I have watched the youngsters grow up to adults. I suppose if my wife happened to die before me then it would traumatic for me ... who knows what one would do ... run away ... ??? 


We are going a long way off the topic here ..

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22 hours ago, simon43 said:

Xylophone's thread about Patong is always of interest.

Thanks for the feedback Simon43, always good to know that someone is reading it!!


Will be out and about tonight so another report could be on the cards (on Patong--the wake) ...........and all the best with your new "venture" in Naypyidaw, sorry to see you go (yes I remember the reasons......angry about that although I never knew you personally) and hope you are enjoying Myanmar and can make a success of things.

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