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SURVEY: TERRORISM -- How real is the threat?


SURVEY: Terrorism -- How real is the threat?  

98 members have voted

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In the past few weeks there has been a heightened state of alert in the UK and the US has imposed tighter screening on airline passengers.   In your opinion, how serious do you believe the threat of a serious terrorist attack are?


Please feel free to leave a contact.  



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I think everyone needs to chill out a bit.


Are there serious threats from terrorists in the world? Yes. Are they a bit scary at times? Yes. Are they likely to directly affect you? No. I think it all needs to be put into perspective.


Unfortunately, we live in a world where there are crazy people who want to harm others for their own benefit, and to scare people to advance their own agenda (as they see it). Don't give them what they want. The best way to deal with terrorism is to live well.


Go about your life with basic precaution, but without fear. Life is good, enjoy it.


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1 hour ago, RBOP said:

With the fall of the IS stronghold in Raqqa,  Europe and UK will welcome back up to 8,000 foreign fighters! The threat of terrorism is very real. Look at this article http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-41734069

Yes but UK has beaten terrorism, they've renamed it "Incidents" so no more terrorism,clever eh?

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Terrorism and its threats have lots of residual effects:  The shoe bomber couldn't light his shoe on fire while sitting in a plane.  In the decade since, the average flier (there have been tens of millions) has had to budget an added half hour for airport security, plus the tens of millions of bottles of every type of liquid that have been trashed since then is foreboding - plus the mountain of plastic trash.   ....all basically because one buttplug couldn't light a fuse on his shoe. 

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After reading some of the responses that I should had read before I responded I see that others are of a similar opinion as my above opinion.

As to the subject I would say that I believe that our response to terrorism is IMO more serious than the terrorism itself, and is in fact creating a lot of the problems it seeks to solve.  

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I think another terror incident will not surprise anyone if it comes soon or anytime... and it would not surprise me if they increase in both frequency and death tolls... personally, your chances will be greatly determined by where you live. 


I live in a village in the countryside... I am more likely to be killed for complaining to a neighbor about burning their garbage and the heath hazard it creates for others.  

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The thing about the terrorist threat is that the public seldom knows what the governments know, and that's not going to change because the intel community doesn't want to leak any more than it has to about where or how or from whom it gets its information, IOW about its sources and its methods.  And so we get individuals engaged in mostly just raw speculation based on the 5 o'clock news pretending to some real knowledge but really just guessing about whether the threat his higher or lower.


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I think the threats are credible, but I don't think they are specific in nature.   Governments need to put out some kind of warning when they ramp up the security.   


Much of Europe has abandoned their citizens who fought for ISIS, so at least we won't have to deal with them returning to make even more mayhem.   

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On 10/29/2017 at 11:46 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

I think everyone needs to chill out a bit.


Are there serious threats from terrorists in the world? Yes. Are they a bit scary at times? Yes. Are they likely to directly affect you? No. I think it all needs to be put into perspective.


Unfortunately, we live in a world where there are crazy people who want to harm others for their own benefit, and to scare people to advance their own agenda (as they see it). Don't give them what they want. The best way to deal with terrorism is to live well.


Go about your life with basic precaution, but without fear. Life is good, enjoy it.


Does anyone have any idea what is the progress of the Temple bombing in Bangkok and the explosion in the river that appeared to be a ditching of another bomb???

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6 minutes ago, taipan1949 said:

Does anyone have any idea what is the progress of the Temple bombing in Bangkok and the explosion in the river that appeared to be a ditching of another bomb???

This is the latest I could find (Nov. 2016):




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On 10/29/2017 at 3:46 AM, boomerangutang said:

Terrorism and its threats have lots of residual effects:  The shoe bomber couldn't light his shoe on fire while sitting in a plane.  In the decade since, the average flier (there have been tens of millions) has had to budget an added half hour for airport security, plus the tens of millions of bottles of every type of liquid that have been trashed since then is foreboding - plus the mountain of plastic trash.   ....all basically because one buttplug couldn't light a fuse on his shoe. 

I hope no terrorist tried to use exploding underwear,

Though having everyone take their  underwear off at the security line could, to say the least, be interesting. LOL 



Edited by sirineou
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On 29/10/2017 at 4:46 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

I think everyone needs to chill out a bit.


Are there serious threats from terrorists in the world? Yes. Are they a bit scary at times? Yes. Are they likely to directly affect you? No. I think it all needs to be put into perspective.


Unfortunately, we live in a world where there are crazy people who want to harm others for their own benefit, and to scare people to advance their own agenda (as they see it). Don't give them what they want. The best way to deal with terrorism is to live well.


Go about your life with basic precaution, but without fear. Life is good, enjoy it.


that is a bit stupid i think..!!   what aboute the people in London and Paris , and Nice and Berlin and other placesec.  where there have been TERROR atacks..!!  du u think the people there that was atacked,  did walk around and said..!!  "  OHHH today i think i will be atacked by a terrorist,  BUT no reason to not go out..!!  so i will just go out and HOPE THAT THE terrorist that will atack me later will maybe not Kill me..!!""  no they did not think of terrorist,  and so many many people are now dead because of the stupid people that think they shall kill other people..!!    so i think we shal take more care where we go and what we do,  as long as the goverments are still letting a lot of people in the country,  and not knowing ANYTHING aboute them at all..!!   so get the goverments to do a LOT MORE aboute stopping them..!!  because now it is like almost nothing...!!  but u also still have to live a life..  so live u life, but be careful..!!  BECAUSE the coverment's  so far i almost doing nothing..!!   and especialy the EU..!!  THEY are almost invite all kinds of bad people into EU.  and not do any real checks on them at all..!!

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Recall the former PM of Qatar made an interesting comment the other day admitting as to who was funding ISIS. Who funds it controls and directs it, take that into account when you see a "terrorist" incident. Then consider who benefits and how from the outcome of fear the attack provides. As in all things cui bono.

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3 hours ago, Rancid said:

Recall the former PM of Qatar made an interesting comment the other day admitting as to who was funding ISIS. Who funds it controls and directs it, take that into account when you see a "terrorist" incident. Then consider who benefits and how from the outcome of fear the attack provides. As in all things cui bono.

Why such a vague post?


"Recall the former PM of Qatar made an interesting comment the other day admitting as to who was funding ISIS." name please

"Who funds it controls and directs it, take that into account when you see a "terrorist" incident." name please

"Then consider who benefits and how from the outcome of fear the attack provides." name please

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I was actually going to say, it won't be long (sadly) before we have another attack in the UK and US. Now we have in the name of Islam again. for you apologists here, once again. Look up, take your head out of your knees, and see what is really happening in the world.


I am waiting for the next attack in the UK and Europe. William Hill wouldn't give you odds on it not happening which basically says, it is a certainty.



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good morning,


1. like we saw in new york city islam terrorism is immanent because islam is a political doctrine promoting violence, terrror through the koran.

2. mr. president trump is right to ban muslims from the usa because they dont assimilate into western society.

3. to protect our children the koran must be prohibited by law as youth endangering.




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