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The gruesome story of a Brit who boxed his way out of a hellhole Thai prison – and is now having a film made about his life


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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


 I think that's a little too bias, he simply has a Liverpudlian accent, its quite readily understandable.


He also comes across quite well in this youtube soundbite.


I think the movie will be interesting. 

He probably survived in Thai prison because the Thais didn't realize he was speaking English.

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7 hours ago, Stubby said:



Why not give the bloke a break and wish him well instead of condemning him to hell for taking a wrong turn in life. He's not the first and he won't be the last. For all you know—whoever you are—this could be you. Or your son or daughter, brother, sister, a parent, or someone else you care deeply about.


15 years behind bars in 22 different jails, He will get nothing from me.

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1 minute ago, faraday said:

Everybody deserves a second chance.

It took him a long time to learn from his mistakes, but eventually he did.

Many never learn, & waste their lives.

Well, it isn't a second chance, or a  third or a fourth chance, is it?


Not when he has boasted about 15 years in 22 prisons. He didn't learn from his mistakes, he merely swapped countries and scenery and did it all over again.


I know him, saw him, gave him a chance and then witnessed  what he did with it  and his behavior.

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It's 40 years since Midnight Express came out. I doubt if this rehash of the "Westerner in a Foreign Hell Hole Prison" cliche has much to add to the genre, but who knows? It's probably a mistake to prejudge a movie before you've seen it, but it's coming over more like some kind of "exploitation movie" at the moment.


2 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

He certainly WAS NOT boxing in Klong Prem.He was a total drug addict ...

So, basically, we're looking at a work of fiction then, and it should be judged on its merits as such.


2 hours ago, Spock said:

I have read several books written by past foreign inmates of Thai prisons and I am sure that with one notable exception the facts have either been stretched or fabricated to create drama from an otherwise monotonous existence.

Agree totally. The Thai prison hell hole myth has been pretty much debunked (see Just Weird above). I can understand this guy wanting to make a quick buck but the makers of this movie should know better or, if they do, should have more integrity.


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Who cares about all the personal stuff?  when is the movie being sold I have time and a few bahts.

Good luck to him I don't know him and have no intention of knowing him if he makes it or doesn't he only has himself to blame, meantime is the movie out here in Thailand.

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I would be impressed if I saw an announcement stating royalties would go to addiction rehab or similar


otherwise it’s just another way to benifit from crime... but hey, some say crime pays, and thailand is the place to make crime pay, given the rampant corruption that seems to be readily accepted in Thai society.

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7 hours ago, Stubby said:


I knew Billy and he had—like so many people do—problems with alcohol and drug addiction. That's not his fault and it can happen to the best of us. He's can't help having an addictive personality. It's no more avoidable than someone who acquires depression or a physical illness. Sh*t happens!


What addicts and alcoholics are responsible for, though, is their recovery. Alas, most don't get it overnight, in fact, most don't get it at all (George Best was a prime example). But in Billy's case, he took charge of his problem—eventually. He worked on solutions and I assume continues to work on living a clean and sober life. In other words, he brought himself back from the brink and changed his ways. Anyone who's been where he was will know that's no easy feat. But he did it despite the odds.


Why not give the bloke a break and wish him well instead of condemning him to hell for taking a wrong turn in life. He's not the first and he won't be the last. For all you know—whoever you are—this could be you. Or your son or daughter, brother, sister, a parent, or someone else you care deeply about.


I knew Billy and he had—like so many people do—problems with alcohol and drug addiction. That's not his fault.


 ,,,,,,,Yes it IS  Many of us have Big Problems but Use our Head instead of alcohol & drugs ,,,,He Didn't have to drink & H Didn't Have to Take Drugs ,,,Take them or Leave them Up to you,,,,You're choice,,,

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What is it with people saying  “ it’s not his fault “ ? No one held him down and forced him to take drugs the first time, that was his choice. And everyone in the world knows the consequences of continued participation in drug taking. If you choose to continue then that is your fault and you deserve everything that comes with it - no sympathy whatsoever for these people.

And now we are all supposed to say “ well done mate, you stopped “  and pay money to read his book and watch a bloody film of him taking drugs, so he gets money from it , sorry , but no way !!! 

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40 minutes ago, digger70 said:

I knew Billy and he had—like so many people do—problems with alcohol and drug addiction. That's not his fault.

 Yes it IS  Many of us have Big Problems but Use our Head instead of alcohol & drugs ,,,,He Didn't have to drink & H Didn't Have to Take Drugs ,,,Take them or Leave them Up to you,,,,You're choice,,,


It's the sort of approach that tells people with depression to SNAP OUT OF IT and get a grip on their lives. "It's a selfish condition for egomaniacs with inferiority complexes," they may say. 


In their naivety—I might add.

Those who offer simple solutions to complex problems are usually clueless and respond in total ignorance. They certainly don't speak from experience or with any authority on such topics. If they could, their posts would carry more influence, but they can't... so they don't.

I hope those who post unhelpful comments don't ever see their loved ones get lost in a world of drugs or alcohol. It has little to do with morals, upbringing, or education. It can happen like a crash on a highway, and just as unexpected.

Take heed!



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And now we are all supposed to say “ well done mate, you stopped “  and pay money to read his book and watch a bloody film of him taking drugs, so he gets money from it , sorry , but no way !!! 

Even if all that's true, it's not as egregious of a case as Martin Scorsese turning Jordan Belfort into a folk-hero.
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8 hours ago, Stubby said:


I knew Billy and he had—like so many people do—problems with alcohol and drug addiction. That's not his fault and it can happen to the best of us. He's can't help having an addictive personality. It's no more avoidable than someone who acquires depression or a physical illness. Sh*t happens!


What addicts and alcoholics are responsible for, though, is their recovery. Alas, most don't get it overnight, in fact, most don't get it at all (George Best was a prime example). But in Billy's case, he took charge of his problem—eventually. He worked on solutions and I assume continues to work on living a clean and sober life. In other words, he brought himself back from the brink and changed his ways. Anyone who's been where he was will know that's no easy feat. But he did it despite the odds.


Why not give the bloke a break and wish him well instead of condemning him to hell for taking a wrong turn in life. He's not the first and he won't be the last. For all you know—whoever you are—this could be you. Or your son or daughter, brother, sister, a parent, or someone else you care deeply about.


AAHHHH  i get it, he wasn't a bad person just the circumstances were wrong


do you Honestly think he would have changed his life, if he WASN'T busted and spent 3 years in a  thai jail??

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32 minutes ago, Stubby said:

It's the sort of approach that tells people with depression to SNAP OUT OF IT and get a grip on their lives. "It's a selfish condition for egomaniacs with inferiority complexes," they may say. 


In their naivety—I might add.

Those who offer simple solutions to complex problems are usually clueless and respond in total ignorance. They certainly don't speak from experience or with any authority on such topics. If they could, their posts would carry more influence, but they can't... so they don't.

I hope those who post unhelpful comments don't ever see their loved ones get lost in a world of drugs or alcohol. It has little to do with morals, upbringing, or education. It can happen like a crash on a highway, and just as unexpected.

Take heed!



I have Family who  been there (alcohol & drugs) we got them of them. My Mother she had Depression for about 15 Years She did't go take alcohol or drugs...It's mind over matter if you don't mind it Doesn't matter,,,Use you're Head,,,

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10 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

thais go to jail and never write books and make $$ off of doing wrong

Well, they should! What's wrong with writing a story and try to sell it if it's an honest attempt at changing your life for good? 

Plus, I'd love reading a Thai story told by a Thai rather than the same old farang account, written by a farang, for the enjoyment of fellow farang with Thailand as a background...

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35 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

There problem here is that it's not an honest attempt.  It's all lies apparently!

It's a damn novel: The fact that's BASED on a real story doesn't mean it must be an accurate account of it.

As far as it is fun to read and plausible I'm happy with it.

When I'm looking for facts I read non-fiction!

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1 minute ago, Italian guy said:

It's a damn novel: The fact that's BASED on a real story doesn't mean it must be an accurate account of it.

As far as it is fun to read and plausible I'm happy with it.

When I'm looking for facts I read non-fiction!

There is a difference between 'based on a real story' and complete fabrication. This is complete fabrication.  They should not be advertising this as 'based on a true story', when the only truth is that he spent some time in that prison.


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Yes, as through this world I’ve wandered I’ve seen lots of funny men;

Some will rob you with a six-gun,

And some with a fountain pen.. ...........


And as through your life you may travel,

Yes, as through your life you may roam,

You won’t ever see an outlaw

  Drive a family from their home...........

W.. Guthrie

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

There is a difference between 'based on a real story' and complete fabrication. This is complete fabrication.  They should not be advertising this as 'based on a true story', when the only truth is that he spent some time in that prison.


Do you really believe all the novels and movies out there that claim to be based on real stories are documentaries?

There's always somewhere a line between reality and fiction in these sort of stories. Where such line really is is beyond most people's knowledge, unless they've been personally involved. 

I surely wouldn't like to end up in the Bangkok Hilton to have first hand experience of what happens in there.

Anyway some stories are better than others, on this I do agree with you. The trailer looks good and I wouldn't mind watching the movie once it's released.


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10 hours ago, Stubby said:


I knew Billy and he had—like so many people do—problems with alcohol and drug addiction. That's not his fault and it can happen to the best of us. He's can't help having an addictive personality. It's no more avoidable than someone who acquires depression or a physical illness. Sh*t happens!


What addicts and alcoholics are responsible for, though, is their recovery. Alas, most don't get it overnight, in fact, most don't get it at all (George Best was a prime example). But in Billy's case, he took charge of his problem—eventually. He worked on solutions and I assume continues to work on living a clean and sober life. In other words, he brought himself back from the brink and changed his ways. Anyone who's been where he was will know that's no easy feat. But he did it despite the odds.


Why not give the bloke a break and wish him well instead of condemning him to hell for taking a wrong turn in life. He's not the first and he won't be the last. For all you know—whoever you are—this could be you. Or your son or daughter, brother, sister, a parent, or someone else you care deeply about.



Who was it that forced him to take drugs?

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A Standing Ovation at Cannes (May 2017) 

Well done Billy Boy, it's a far cry from where you were. Both society and you are better off because of your efforts to clean up. It's a shame more convicts didn't follow your example ;) 


A Prayer Before Dawn

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