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A third of Thais believe road carnage is fate, conference told


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... well this morning it must of been fate that saved me while riding the Honda Scoopy from an idiot cutting me up in overtaking, then immediately pulling over to park. While in the puzzling name he overtook then pulled over is baffeling in itself.

Come to the conclusion the place has just a high percentage of poor educated ignorant weird <deleted>, who seem to be constantly in a dream world. 

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9 hours ago, rkidlad said:

But we must not mock those who believe it's fate. That would lead to hurt feelings which evidently seem to be worth more than human lives. 


Was it Mark Twain who said something along the lines of, 'silly ideas cannot survive in a world where they face ridicule'?


9 hours ago, trogers said:

Don't forget the condom to protect the Little Head...


9 hours ago, PattayaAngel said:

Bizarrely Thais believe in 'fate' but it's not part of Buddhism at all as 'karma' is dynamic and made up of choices. Choose to drink and drive etc.

I don't have a problem if Thai people want to die horrifically on the roads because it is their fate.


What I object to is that these imbecilic, uneducated, ill-educated, untrained, stupid, irrational, childish, attitudinal, irresponsible, selfish, egotistical wannabe hiso cretins - want to take me to their sodding nirvana with them!

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1 minute ago, Bundooman said:



I don't have a problem if Thai people want to die horrifically on the roads because it is their fate.


What I object to is that these imbecilic, uneducated, ill-educated, untrained, stupid, irrational, childish, attitudinal, irresponsible, selfish, egotistical wannabe hiso cretins - want to take me to their sodding nirvana with them!

That’s it. People can believe in and do whatever they like (within what’s legal), but once your behavior becomes detrimental to others,  or your beliefs become detrimental or are preached to others and you push for them to become mainstream, that’s when it becomes mine and every other sane person’s problem. 


Wanna believe in the tooth fairy? Fine. Wanna tell others she’s real and implement these ideas in teachings and social norms? That’s a problem. A big one. 

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thais attending a conference on road safety were told that a recent survey indicated that a staggering 32% of adult respondents thought the road carnage was just their fate. 

i see; so it is just my fate to live in the third world country

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9 hours ago, rkidlad said:

But we must not mock those who believe it's fate. That would lead to hurt feelings which evidently seem to be worth more than human lives. 


Was it Mark Twain who said something along the lines of, 'silly ideas cannot survive in a world where they face ridicule'?

Well they have certainly proven both Twain and Darwin wrong in their failure to consider a SE Asian country where logical or even good ideas just don't exist.

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Thai drivers are idiots. It does not matter if you are on a motorcycle or in a four wheeled, 8 wheeled or 18 wheeled vehicle. They have no respect for anyone other them. See 3 accidents today. One just leaving Buffalo Market on Thepassit 2 motorcycle guys piled up getting patched up by the EMS. 50 meters up the road on the other side of the road is a motorcycle taxi driver, looking very dead to me lying in the middle of the road, a bit further towards the ocean is a 1/2 ton with a smashed front end/ totally flat front tire. Drive a bit farther towards Bang Saray there is a Baht bus in the ditch, back ripped right off, 5 school kids dead at the seen. The driver and wife/girlfriend where fighting. They ran off after the crash? Pisses me off.

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3 hours ago, bbbbooboo said:

hmmm.... is it any surprise they have 

such road accident rates. Personally I couldn’t care less if Thais slaughter themselves this way , it sounds very Darwinian to me

Unfortunately they don't just slaughter themselves, recently they have also been concentrating on Japanese tourists too 

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The Thais are Buddhist and believe in Karma, Fate, Good Luck, Bad Luck. etc

What do the Islam terrorist believe in, Heaven and Virgins there waiting to meet all

of those brave low life for killing some one else. Personally,  I would rather be around the Buddhist people than

the ISIL killers.  What a world  we all live in.


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17 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

You may very well be correct, but I'm not sure that Karma is, or should be, a substitute for physics. Your 1,000 kg automobile travelling at 100 kmph will not stop in the 3 meters space you leave between you and the car in front of you.

Karma is a phenomenon that I accept.  I'm not the author of the concept.  Buddha is one of the prominent historical persons who used this concept as a foundation to teach Buddhism. It's not intended as a substitute for physics, quantum physics, biophysics, thermodynamics, biochemistry etc. etc.  Karma exists concurrently with these other theories. 


Better to study it and then decide.  As you say "I'm not sure."  The simplest way, at this moment, I can offer an illustration is no matter what you political, sexual, social opinions.  The laws of nature are very stringent.  If you stay outside with out proper protection, too long, and it's extremely cold, you will freeze and die.  If you put your hand in fire, you will get burned.  The laws of nature are there.


It doesn't matter what you think, or what your opinion is.  they cannot be changed.  Interestingly studies show about 70% of people "believe "  in karma.  To state it simply, what goes around comes around.  Wether it takes the form of an auto accident, war or child born malformed.


What goes around, comes around. In this life or the next. IMHO.

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8 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

These will keep fate at arms length. 

download (1).jpg

Nice picture


When I first came to work in Thailand in 1995 after my work colleagues got to know me they gave me an amulet like pictured above.

They guarantee that it was lucky 100%

I laughed and said how can you guarantee something like that

They laughed and said no its lucky, they put it on a chicken and then tried to shoot the chicken with a gun, if the chicken didn't get hit presto its a lucky amulet.

What if the chicken gets shot says I?

Oh we just throw that amulet away because its not lucky.

True story.

Amazing Thailand

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