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U.S. Navy crew grounded after pilot draws penis in the sky

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5 minutes ago, wabothai said:

some flyer should have done this on Feb 6, 1974.



that would have been a little tricky...


Would appear he's a pretty good pilot. 

Let's start a 'fund me' thread, get him a fortnight in Pattaya on the condition when he's back flying he can do a naked lady-boy in the sky.


That would upset a few in certain states in the good ole USA.


Not the first time, probably not the last for this to be done. One Aussie pilot I knew did it in a (2 actually, help from wingman) Mirage. Hung in the sky for ages over Newcastle. C/o made him go back up and cross it out....too funny


Navy officials cite studies showing the Growlers are not significantly louder than the Prowler aircraft they replaced. But that is contested by many residents in the area who say they are noisier and emit deeper vibrations that can rattle windows. Some people complain of health effects.

After the Navy successfully fought a court challenge to the aircraft's noise, some say that crews, on the day of the ruling, flew especially low on training flights.

"We took that as a victory lap," said Karen Sullivan, of the West Coast Action Alliance, which has challenged the Navy expansion of training activities in Washington.

Sullivan said residents who have endured the Growler noise think subtlety is not a Navy strong point. In a post on the alliance website, she wrote that this crew "has taken chest thumping, shall we say, to a new low."




Looks like there may have been a message to the pesky locals in that sky sketch.  Not a great way to endear yourself as a responsible neighbor.  Especially when those neighbors are taxpayers funding you.



if that lady on her bike made a statement a few weeks ago and did get $100.000 i think this pilot will make a million :D :D :D

16 hours ago, ezzra said:

Apart from being the most expensive pen in the world to drew a penis, wonder if this clown is any good in time of needs and not

just good at mucking around ....


And that's the real tragedy here.  This aircrew cost the taxpayers a LOT of time & money to train, and is as likely as not capable of executing their tactical assignments competently and perhaps even exceptionally.  But then these two morons get a wild hair and go do something incredibly stupid like this, flushing that entire investment not to mention their careers down the toilet.   What a thing to have to explain to the wife & kids...   "Hey Honey, 'know that promotion we were planning on?..."   (Wouldn't it be funny if one or both turned out to be female?)




"A mother who lives in Okanogan who took pictures of the drawings reached out to KREM 2 to complain about the images, saying she was upset she might have to explain to her young children what the drawings were."

Yeah, because the chance her kids even saw the drawings was so slim she had to take pictures of them just to make sure. The condensation trails wouldn't have lasted for more than a couple of minutes and her kids most likely would not have even questioned  the "design" even if they'd been watching it as it happened. 
And if one did happen to look up and go "mommy, what is that ?" and the mommy couldn't just say something like "looks like someone is drawing a racetrack in the sky" (or something like that) then the problem is with her and her thinking. 
Even a small boy child would not have likely associated that sky drawing as being a "crude penis" and a slightly older child would have probably laughed and said something like "it looks like a giant wee-wee" and then went back to playing with his toys.

The mother was probably more upset over the naughty thoughts she herself was having when she saw that design in the sky. 

Personally, I've been trying to spread the rumour that it was a secret signal to let certain people know that the chemtrail saturation of the planet had reached optimum levels and the CIA was nearly ready to introduce a special virus into the atmosphere and turn everyone into zombies (except for the secret cabal that has already been vaccinated against the virus and will emerge as the rulers of the world once everyone else has been infected).
However, I suspect we won't turn into the superhuman World War Z zombies or the superhuman/vampire zombies of I am Legend, but the dull sluggards of The Walking Dead instead.
(A small group of us like to troll sites that think "chemtrails" are a real thing and that think dihydrogen-monoxide is a deadly chemical that should be avoided at all costs.)

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

19 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

HILARIOUS! Highly skilled and artful flyer. Talk about posting a "dick pic"! This really took balls! 



They should get a promotion for artful flying..... mind you, the defense should also point out that this is just an image of Hoss’s hat (Bonanza)


Exactly what I would have told the commanding officer, it is a ten gallon cowboy hat.


This all probably comes from some one upping. l have a friend who us d to fly the Warthog. US Air Force.


So he once left fresh donuts in the ready room for his crew/mates. At the bottom of of thebox were polaroids of him “hole punching” each and every one.


On a later deployment he fell asleep somwhere, got teabagged and uploaded to all and sundry. I saw the pic , some blokes’ pink balls on his forehead.


All in good fun. By the way this guy is on track to be a General, very well placed and educated. No discipline action called for.








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