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5 killed, 9 wounded in pickup truck crash

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3 hours ago, DD13 said:

I've seen this type of vehicle loaded with youngsters, 4 standing on the tail step, music blaring from oversized speakers, traveling at speed on the 7 motorway.  Unbelievable, 

Also more than once seen terrible driving of minivans from the allegedly top school in the area

If you want your kids to have a chance of longevity......transport them yourself


They are even on the roof where I am.....and they drive right past the police station without waking a soul!

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And unfortunately in this very sad case only one death will be recorded as only 1 died at the scene the other 4 succumbed to their injuries in hospital.


Rip to the dead student and may the others recover fully with no long lasting impediments.  


Some troll posts have been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

2 hours ago, Artisi said:

30 per day - come on --- 

20,000 + per year using the maths I was taught is certainly is a lot more than 30 per day. 

20k per year assuming all are included in that statistic.

but we already know the number is deaths on site, not

including deaths in ambulance or in hospital.

where does that 20k come from?  total of police

reports or total deaths that made the the news,

or maybe an auspicious number chosen by fengshui master.


Welcome to Thailand. This is typical of THEIR road “safety” standards. Be aware of this should you venture out onto THEIR roads. Enjoy your stay. 




5 killed, 9 wounded.


yep.... now they are making it sound like war time casualties


if It’s a wake up strategy, I like it and hope thai media are running with this type of wording.... but I’m guessing it’s all in the translation (as in... lost in translation

4 hours ago, DD13 said:

I read this morning in yesterday's Bkk post

30 deaths a DAY on Thailands roads


so by tomorrow morning 30 more don't have a future

More like 60 a day if the figure published recently of 22000+ is correct. 30 seems way too low a number. 

The number one spot is going to be hard to wrestle away from the Thais. All depends on fate I guess. 

11 hours ago, DD13 said:

I've seen this type of vehicle loaded with youngsters, 4 standing on the tail step, music blaring from oversized speakers, traveling at speed on the 7 motorway.  Unbelievable, 

Also more than once seen terrible driving of minivans from the allegedly top school in the area

If you want your kids to have a chance of longevity......transport them yourself


I took my son to school everyday and picked him up every evening when he went to school here, and never let him go on any of the school trips outside of the city, as the busses they used were not fit for cattle!


Was just thinking If Thailand was in a war and 210 soldiers were killed week they would be starting to get worried  You could add on about 500 wounded on that per week. Be interesting what plan the Minister for Transport has now. Surely this must be starting to worry him or you think he would  worry more if he did not get his paycheck in the bank every week.


Thailand really has to start looking at its police force very hard. Nah wasting out breath guys let the killing keep going

4 hours ago, DD13 said:

I read this morning in yesterday's Bkk post

30 deaths a DAY on Thailands roads


so by tomorrow morning 30 more don't have a future

30 a day ?   That is wishfull thinking. It's rather 60 death a day.

30 would amount to 11.000 but there are 24.000 dead traffic accident victims a year

in Thailand.


Thailand has been number one in road deaths for at least a decade of two, already. They have a bizarre face saving measure, when it comes to counting road fatalities. If you do not die at the scene of an accident, it is NOT a road death, regardless of whether or not you die on the way to the hospital, or once in the hospital. Secondarily, they are second only to Libya. How many less road deaths would Libya have, if it were not for the little problem knows as IED's? Now, it appears Thailand has taken over the well deserved #1 spot. Probably due to a drop in IED deaths in Libya, no doubt. 


And why are these drivers speeding in the first place? The primary reason is the toy police force. Nobody, and I mean nobody takes these guys seriously. There is absolutely nothing in the way of a deterrent here, and both the local governments, the central government (weak Little P.) and the police do not take traffic safety seriously. Not even one iota. The safety of the public means less than zero to the small men in charge here. Nothing. They show that on a daily basis. So, who is ultimately responsible? The authorities to begin with. If they not only took their jobs seriously, but also enforced the laws, less deaths would happen. If only occasionally someone was pulled over for reckless driving, and hit with a fine of say 10,000 baht, things might begin to change. Also, Little P. has great responsibility in this. Much of this blood is on his hands. He is doing nothing. And I mean nothing. 


When I was growing up, we took drivers education classes. They showed us these horrendous films, of semi trucks crashing into cars, and literally obliterating them, and everything inside. Also, they showed very graphic images of head on collisions. Even as a young kid, it left a lasting impression, and I realized driving was no joking matter. Especially when you have your friends, or loved ones in the car with you. I am constantly astonished at the kinds of chances people take here, with their entire family in the car with them. Why? What is the logic? What is the reason? Why take those risks? Often, when someone cuts onto the highway in front of me, as I am doing 100kpm or more on the highway, I look in my rearview mirror, and there is nobody behind me for quite some distance. Which means, had they paused, and waited 2 or 3 seconds, there would have been zero risk to them, their family, or me and my family. What can one even say? All of this matters even more when driving a motorbike, where there is no protection. 


The only way to survive here on the road, is to be patient, have eyes in the back of your head, drive with caution, and always, and I mean always watch out of the other guy. Chances are, he does not have much driving skill, nor patience, nor reason, nor common sense. You cannot be too careful on the road here. Especially considering that the toy police offer no traffic safety, nor enforcement of the law. 

Now for my scooter rant: 


Many of us drive motorcycles or scooters here, and it is dangerous getting on the roads with some of these other drivers. 


Getting on a scooter, or a motorcycle anywhere in Thailand, much less Phuket, Phangan, Dark Tao, or Samui without a very good helmet, is like playing Russian Roulette with three or four bullets in the chamber. It is absolutely asking for problems. The degree of recklessness here is astounding. And many foreigners come here thinking "how much trouble could I get in on a little scooter, on a tropical island"? Well, the answer is alot. The amount of foreigners who are killed on the Southern islands is staggering. Most are not reported in the media. I had a friend who worked for Samui rescue for many years, and said the numbers were about 30-60 a month, on Samui, Phangan and Koh Tao. The official number is about 3 a month. Rider beware. Use as good a helmet as you can afford, and do not use these eggshells pieces of crap. They crack at the first impact, and what lies underneath them? Your skull, which is very delicate. 
Just ask yourself- do I have enough problems already, without a broken skull, or smashed head, or face injury, or lost eye? I have two friends who have been in motorbike accidents on Samui within the last two years. One still cannot walk, or talk or function on her own, from a motorbike accident, where she hit her head on the pavement going only 20 kph. The other one has lost alot of his mental capacity after hitting his head. He insisted for years he would never wear a helmet. Now, he seems 15 years older. 


I was told by a very reliable source. He did not have an agenda. He rescued alot of the survivors. He attended to alot of the ones who did not make it. The press here is highly censored. The report only what the so called leaders want them to report. Nothing else. Social media? Why would social media report these statistics? They report individual accidents, but not overall statistics. Anything you read about accidents on Samui in the media would be false. 



  • Road deaths are now calculated based on fatalities on-site. Victims dying later in hospital not counted. At least that is what I have been told. Some foreigners on this site insist it is within 30 days. That is something I do not believe.
  • In 2000 there was an average of 30 deaths a month on Koh Samui (official figures released each month). The government later decided to change the parameters, so the "official number" went down to 3 per month. Now it is stated that Koh Samui has 3-5 deaths each month (using the new way of reporting road deaths).
  • In the last ten years the population has almost doubled and there are now 5x more vehicles on Koh Samui.
  • Based on ‘official figures’ today it is possible to estimate that Koh Samui currently has 60 deaths per million per year. (Compared to 23 in London.) Based on the population and traffic density statistics from 10 years ago Koh Samui has in reality 720 deaths per million per year. This is probably the highest rate of road deaths in the world. Samui is a fatality death spot that nobody is willing to acknowledge!

I am so sorry to hear this story again. 

Rest in peace to the dead children, 

may the injured recover well. 



4 hours ago, DD13 said:

I read this morning in yesterday's Bkk post

30 deaths a DAY on Thailands roads


so by tomorrow morning 30 more don't have a future

I believe it is closer to  65 a day .

roughly 24,000 of whom 17,000 on motorbikes


What ever happened to the government  saying a while back about people travelling  in the back of pick-ups trucks ect was going to be made illegal

i know this would be difficult to enforce especially outside Bangkok 

as most villagers use pick -ups for taking kids to school plus transporting workers 

so looks like nothing will change the carnage will continue 


4 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

Establish a maximum passenger capacity for the songthaews,

I think there is a maximum set by insurers to 7 people including driver. After all, it's only a pickup with seats.


Edit: In saying the above I believe passengers , on the back of pickup's, are no longer allowed by law? 


Five passengers were killed.  One of them died at the scene.  She was Natta Pandit, 15, a student of Sattahip Technical School.  Four others, all of the women, died at hospital.



  The NEW YEAR'S safety measures were too late for you. How many more will die, or be disabled? 


     RIP to the deceased and a speedy and FULL recovery for the injured ones.- 

12 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

I think there is a maximum set by insurers to 7 people including driver. After all, it's only a pickup with seats.


Edit: In saying the above I believe passengers , on the back of pickup's, are no longer allowed by law? 

The law was never enforced. 

3 hours ago, kensisaket said:

I guess "wounded" is appropriate seeing vehicles here can be considered weapons. 


Wounded is apt.  Young people being "killed" by these lunatics.  Murdered would be a more appropriate term.

It's as if these Baht Bus and Van drivers have declared war on their passengers.

I doubt the Thai army could kill so many each day, if they ever went to war.

Five more young people deprived of their lives in the eternal Thai war against common sense.

Just now, Just1Voice said:

No, there are NO similarities between guns deaths in the U.S. and car deaths in Thailand. You seriously need to check your facts before spouting nonsense.


So you want to be in denial too. Let me guess - you are a supporter of the Second Amendment.

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