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Video: Thai media call for justice as "farang knocks Thai off motorcycle" - You decide!


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20 minutes ago, KamalaRider said:

I was but I believe I have read a newer addendum to this Traffic act and a more correct translation but as I don't read Thai, I wouldn't know if there was a difference in translation so I back off, saying I was wrong it's not mandatory until I or anyone else can find another version. 


I expect there have been a number of amendments made to the Road Traffic Act of B.E. 2522 (1979) but unfortunately no government agency seems to publish the updated versions of laws. This leaves everybody, including law offices, to read not only through the original law but also the subsequent laws amending the original law, to have a comprehensive view of the law. Some law offices may make their own updated versions of some laws but do not give free access to it on the internet. 

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2 hours ago, Puccini said:

For total accuracy, please refer to the original Thai text of the Road Traffic Act:



Apologies, I posted the link to the Thai text of the Vehicle Act. The correct link to the Thai text of the Road Traffic Act is this:


This text is updated with amendments up to the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (No. 8) of B.E. 2551 (2708). The latest amendment I have been able to find is No. 11 of 2014


Edited by Maestro
corrected a link at poster's request
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This has been done to death in another thread.  Section 45 is misunderstood (lost in translation?).  Reading it at face value shows it is in conflict with section 34 and 35.  The meaning of section 45 regarding undertaking on a multi lane road, means that each lane has traffic and undertaking is allowed when the traffic in your lane is moving faster than traffic to your right.  The rule is designed for heavy traffic or certainly mor traffic than the lone vehicle.  Police do have the occasional 'crackdown' on vehicles driving on the outside lane when the lanes to their left are 'empty'.  I've seen vehicles pulled over for that reason in several places.  



Section 34. In using the road which is divided into two or more lanes in the same direction or a bus lane is provided in the ultimate left lane, the driver must drive in the ultimate left lane or the lane next to bus lane, except in the following cases which the driver may drive in the right lane: (1) there is an obstruction in such lane, or it is not allowed to pass; (2) such road is determined by the traffic officer to be one way road; (3) it is required to get into the right lane when he or she reaches the area around a junction; (4) when the driver wants to overtake another conveyance; (5)9 when the driver drives faster than the conveyance driving in the left lane.

Section 35. The conveyance driving slowly or slower than another conveyance driving in the same direction, the driver must drive as nearest to the left edge of the road as possible. The driver of a truck, passenger transport conveyance, or motorcycle driving on the road which is divided into two or more lanes in the same direction, or a bus lane is specifically provided in the left hand side, must drive in the ultimate left lane or the lane next to bus lane, as the case may be.


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17 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Last year a friend of mine knocked a motorcyclist off who was undertaking him. He was doing a left turn off a main road at the time. There was no video footage of the accident but he was told by the police when he was summoned that motorcyclists always have right of way and it is perfectly legal to undertake a car that is signaling to turn left (or right).


I wasn't there at the time of the accident but I went with him to the police station and  was present when the translator explained this to us.

Interesting post and comment by the police translator.

I exchanged a few posts with a western poster about undertaking a couple of months ago, but specifically cars not motorbikes. He was adamant there is NO law against undertaking in Thailand (or weaving I guess).

For bikes it is difficult as you are supposed to stay on the left, but undertaking a car/truck that turns left without indicating will result in the bike coming off worst.

Failing to indicate in most countries will get you a "careless driving" charge at the least.


Is this another case of bad Thai laws?




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Plenty of blame for both. The video is poorly edited though.

Showing from 5 seconds before the collision would help a

lot in understanding and assigning greater fault. The motorcycle

was in the correct place on the left. The car should have signaled

some distance out alerting the motorcycle to slow and not pass

on the left. That said, the scooter rider should have been aware

the truck was slowing and it may make a left turn without

signaling. I call it 80-20 against the truck driver. Not signaling his

turn knowing scooters pass on the left, it is up to a driver to

make sure turns are safe and clear to make. It is not against the

law to pass on the left or "white line" in Thailand.



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So some dopey falang catches a stupid motorcyclist, certainly the falang's fault. The problem is they forget where they are and don't expect someone to do something so stupid. Nothing unusual here except the spotlight is being shone on a single  example in a mass of mayhem... because he is a foreigner.


Did the foreigner run away?


I drive a truck and ride a bike, the truck is easier. I am nearly knocked off or cut in front of on the bike by Thai drivers almost daily. Here in Pattaya it is Bangkok visitors and the large coaches/buses. And don't ever be on the inside or close behind of a Songtaew.



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5 hours ago, Ulic said:

Plenty of blame for both. The video is poorly edited though.

Showing from 5 seconds before the collision would help a

lot in understanding and assigning greater fault. The motorcycle

was in the correct place on the left. The car should have signaled

some distance out alerting the motorcycle to slow and not pass

on the left. That said, the scooter rider should have been aware

the truck was slowing and it may make a left turn without

signaling. I call it 80-20 against the truck driver. Not signaling his

turn knowing scooters pass on the left, it is up to a driver to

make sure turns are safe and clear to make. It is not against the

law to pass on the left or "white line" in Thailand.



allow me to adjust your bit.


If you'd follow up this thread closely, you would have noticed that the relevant Thailand Traffic Act has been cited multiple times and that it shows it is illegal for a motorcycle to pass on the left/ undertake a car on the left 


Under the exception that when in a two-lane road, the undertaking on the left is allowed.


Speaking of the "white line" : If there is a white line separating a space of about one meter from the left curb to the right, it consoles that this is a "motorcycle lane" which all motorcycles - by law - must use.


The presence of this extra lane creates a "two-lane-road" and that's when the exception comes into effect.


According to the Thailand Traffic Act, the motorcycle is allowed to pass the car on the left as this is a multi-lane road.


In the video, we can see that there is no motorcycle lane as there is no white line.  Which makes the motorcycle at fault 100% for trying to pass the car on the left.  Breaking the law.


Not signaling his intention to turn left, makes the pickup driver partially guilty, some say here. Yes it might seem that his offense is rather small compared to the "absolute no-go" for the motorcycle rider trying to undercut, but who are we to determine the percentages of "fault".  


Call & Leave that to the insurance guy would also be my best bet (if you got one!)





Edited by crazygreg44
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23 hours ago, Dave67 said:

He tried to shoot on the inside when the pick up was clearly turning in, should have slowed down, his own fault.


In the car with my wife and some <deleted> on a bike cut across us to get to a right-hand turn while we going straight no time to brake and he missed us by I would say less than 10mm

Same thing happened to me yesterday stopped at the traffic lights lights

which turned green I was going straight ahead motorbike came up on the left cut in front of me to turn right. Stood on the brakes but dont know how I didn’t squash him but I am sure I would have been blamed if I had.

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Just now, Anythingleft? said:

A sweeping statement about foreign drivers that is highly innacurate IMO

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

I'm so sorry that you're unable to understand or indeed interpret my post.


Maybe, just maybe, I needed  to s p e l l  o u t  e x a c t l y what I meant.


Then, you'll have no difficulty comprehending what I write, you won't be able to make slightly barbed comments, & indeed you might possibly provide answer.


But I doubt it.


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On ‎22‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 7:55 AM, webfact said:

No one mentioned that the motorcyclist might have been undertaking.

Or overtaking on the inside; hoping against amulet that he won't be undertaken. And frankly, motorcyclists, in general, ignore any signal indicating a manoeuvre by another vehicle.


But obviously, the media assume that, as a foreign driver, he must know better than the Thais. Can't really argue with the logic.

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I'm so sorry that you're unable to understand or indeed interpret my post.
Maybe, just maybe, I needed  to s p e l l  o u t  e x a c t l y what I meant.
Then, you'll have no difficulty comprehending what I write, you won't be able to make slightly barbed comments, & indeed you might possibly provide answer.
But I doubt it.
A sweeping statement that "farang" drivers have a better standard of driving. Not too difficult to interpret the post, but also not completely accurate IMO

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43 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:

A sweeping statement that "farang" drivers have a better standard of driving. Not too difficult to interpret the post, but also not completely accurate IMO

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Weeeell, farang drivers do have to pass a real test and answer a lot of questions correctly to get a license, they are also taught when or where you must not overtake, though that is really common sense. 

I have just been to the shops and a guy overtook me on a blind bend where I had to take evasive action because of the guys stupidity. This stuff is a daily occurrence for me, every day something daft. Last night we were out in the dark to find a bloke on a scooter, on the phone, no lights, stopped in the middle of our lane...I really cannot understand the locals attitude, just a me me me thing, nobody else exists..:sad:

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Weeeell, farang drivers do have to pass a real test and answer a lot of questions correctly to get a license, they are also taught when or where you must not overtake, though that is really common sense. 

I have just been to the shops and a guy overtook me on a blind bend where I had to take evasive action because of the guys stupidity. This stuff is a daily occurrence for me, every day something daft. Last night we were out in the dark to find a bloke on a scooter, on the phone, no lights, stopped in the middle of our lane...I really cannot understand the locals attitude, just a me me me thing, nobody else exists..:sad:

Weeeell, also had similar involvements on the road and, lo and behold, it was foreign drivers behind the wheel. My eyes have seen some pretty shocking displays by many that should know better



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12 minutes ago, transam said:

Weeeell, farang drivers do have to pass a real test and answer a lot of questions correctly to get a license, they are also taught when or where you must not overtake, though that is really common sense. 

I have just been to the shops and a guy overtook me on a blind bend where I had to take evasive action because of the guys stupidity. This stuff is a daily occurrence for me, every day something daft. Last night we were out in the dark to find a bloke on a scooter, on the phone, no lights, stopped in the middle of our lane...I really cannot understand the locals attitude, just a me me me thing, nobody else exists..:sad:


Agreed.. for the most part drivers who have passed their tests in more developed Western nations have been held to consistently higher standards in tests which many fail and are prevented from driving until they can meet the required standards. 


Those standards simply do not exist here, driving schools are few and far between, I don't know any Thai's who have actually had to take a test to drive a car.


This is not the same as saying that all 'Farang' drivers are better than all Thai drivers, but common sense suggests that in aggregate 'Farang' drivers are generally better - it would be difficult to dispute this. 




Each and every day on the roads of Bangkok I consider that I have 'saved' a motorcycle rider from injury when taking evasive action when they pull out without looking, ride the wrong way down a street etc... a lot of motorcycle riders take liberties with their own safety on the roads and rely heavily on 4-wheels vehicles to avoid them. 

Edited by richard_smith237
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5 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:

Weeeell, also had similar involvements on the road and, lo and behold, it was foreign drivers behind the wheel. My eyes have seen some pretty shocking displays by many that should know better



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I also agree with this comment. It does appear that some 'farang' drives 'go native' and try too hard to drive like locals. Unfortunately in their attempts to assimilate on the roads they draw upon the worst examples. 


The foreigners who drive (and ride) like this are simply idiots. That is not to say that we should continue driving as we would in our home countries, if we did we may in fact expose ourselves and others to greater dangers.


There is an intelligent balance in drawing upon our Western training and applying the same safety standards while also driving in a manner which safely fits in with local norms. 

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I see some judgemental car drivers in here that seem to twist things to their side...especially the idiot that complains about a bike passing him to cut him off...

Clearly this is the truck driver's fault...he passes the bike to then slow down and turn left without even signaling...

When will you mfa car and truck drivers learn to respect 2 wheel vehicles...why can you not coast behind a bike to turn instead of passing them to cut them off...then blame them because you were too stupid to use your brains...not cool

The only thing we can do is be loud...so loud that you get annoid...because its the only way for you to see us!

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1 minute ago, embarr said:

I see some judgemental car drivers in here that seem to twist things to their side...especially the idiot that complains about a bike passing him to cut him off...

Clearly this is the truck driver's fault...he passes the bike to then slow down and turn left without even signaling...

When will you mfa car and truck drivers learn to respect 2 wheel vehicles...why can you not coast behind a bike to turn instead of passing them to cut them off...then blame them because you were too stupid to use your brains...not cool

The only thing we can do is be loud...so loud that you get annoid...because its the only way for you to see us!


Where does is show that the Pickup Truck over took the bike before pulling back in, slowing down and turning left without indicating ?


We don't see any of the build up to this accident. If you are correct in your assumption then the Truck Driver is 100% at fault. IF however, the Bike was undertaking the Bike Rider is 100% at fault. 







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16 minutes ago, embarr said:

I see some judgemental car drivers in here that seem to twist things to their side...especially the idiot that complains about a bike passing him to cut him off...

Clearly this is the truck driver's fault...he passes the bike to then slow down and turn left without even signaling...

When will you mfa car and truck drivers learn to respect 2 wheel vehicles...why can you not coast behind a bike to turn instead of passing them to cut them off...then blame them because you were too stupid to use your brains...not cool

The only thing we can do is be loud...so loud that you get annoid...because its the only way for you to see us!

Pass on the right according to the law and you get respect, undertake on the left and be illegal, you might be dead.. Might throw some baht for your cremation.

Edited by Paul Catton
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