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Video: Thai media call for justice as "farang knocks Thai off motorcycle" - You decide!

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Where is it that motorcycles have the right away against a vehicle?

One would hope that to be the case but...

When I see vehicles driving down a two lane road, 

they take up as much of the road as possible, 

making the motorcycle hug the curb just to get past in the opposite direction.

Vehicle giving only the smallest amount of space or in some case non at all for motorcycles to pass safely, instead of staying on the left side of the road as would be the case if two vehicles were approaching each other in the same situation.

Doesn't seem to be any consideration for people driving as one person posted, 

a small motorcycle on a road with a large truck.

Side note though,

this Mazda is a mid size pickup, 

not a full size F-150 ect.

If everyone came to a complete stop before turning left into a parking lot, 

you'd have people standing on their horns,

which would also cause issues, 

as we know how the Thai's hate to hear the sound of a horn blowing on them.

Though I have yet to witness anyone coming to a complete stop,

before making a left turn as was posted by Peterw42 to be a thai practice.

I rarely, if ever see Thai's come to a complete stop even when they are entering a main road, 

even if there's a stop sign,

they just enter at will, 

assuming that others will see them, 

and allow them to enter into the ongoing traffic.

Now with the issue of the use of indicators, 

one could state they were used, 

but since the turn was so slight, 

they were easily released by the steering wheel, 

when it the vehicle steering was straightened, 

after realizing they had been struck by a motorcycle.

So it's hard to tell for sure if the indicator was used or not from the video footage.


On 11/22/2017 at 8:18 AM, faraday said:

Car drivers fault.

Also, because motorcycles are small & cars are big, we have a greater responsibility to drive with 'due care & attention'.

The indicators weren't used.

What a load of crap.If you overtake on the inside it’s only ok if you get away with it

  • Haha 2

Motorcycle should have been more careful overtaking from wrong side. And the car should have also looked before turning to the left, we all know here people overtake from every conrner


Dont know- I must admit.  On the one hand the car appears to turn without indicating, while on the other the biker is riding fast and undertaking- 50/50.  Certainly nothing that merits outrage.  And quite possibly the biker is driving recklessly.


Overtaking on the inside is crazy and is outlawed in many European countries so if the car didn't indicate - bad driving the Thai overtaking bad riding

Both are incompetent and should both be stopped from returning to the road with vehicles


This is 1 reason I’m Leary of buying a car.   I wouldn’t feel better if it wasn’t a pickup.  The driver seems to be driving at a very safe speed.  The mo cyc is passing the truck.  Even if the driver didn’t signal, and I don’t think we know, a slowing down vehicle suggests some caution.  If the driver carries any fault it’s less than half IMO.  But really, I like the Chinese answer.  Why caution, the drivers wrong.  


I for one hope others are inspired to follow this farangs in knocking off motorcyclists.


As someone who abhors the lack of common sense shown by drivers on the roads here, it is these lessons that teach drivers to be careful


We need many many more such incidents until the motorcyclists and other drivers learn to be a little more sensible and courteous.

On 11/23/2017 at 4:36 PM, Puccini said:


I have now found the Thai text of Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 updated with amendments up to the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (No. 10) B.E. 2557 (2714) on the website of krisdika.go.th:



Together with the latest amendment, the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (No. 11) B.E. 2559 (2716), this gives a complete picture, at least with the Thai text, of the currently valid Road Traffic Act. I see that section 36 has never been amended and therefore it is clear that the law requires indicating the intention to turn left or right with hand signals or with lights, as per the English translation of section 36.

Suggest you fast forward and also give the English translation of Section 45.

10 hours ago, manchega said:

I for one hope others are inspired to follow this farangs in knocking off motorcyclists.


As someone who abhors the lack of common sense shown by drivers on the roads here, it is these lessons that teach drivers to be careful


We need many many more such incidents until the motorcyclists and other drivers learn to be a little more sensible and courteous.


Manchega, so you advocate killing people to teach others a lesson. Tell me, which uncivilized society do YOU come from? And you talk about courtesy??? 


 The video is too short to see what really happened (car driver indicating left or not) but the motorcyclist is in fault according to sections 44 and 45 of the thai Land Traffic Act http://thailaws.com/law/t_laws/tlaw0140_5.pdf for overtaking without signaling himself, and for overtaking from the left side on the same lane..  also he must pay 2000 bht to the police for those infractions + not wearing an helmet...  maybe 500 more  if his brakes were  unusable anyway.


He must know better than the farang that it's dangerous... but who cares here before something happens.. if something bad happens it's your karma.


If the driver was not a farang, would he make a fuss ?


stupid dumbass thai man wearing no helmut and not obeying road safety.   farang was indicating to turn in. thai idiot didnt look and was driving too fast inside.


som nom na


4 hours ago, pumpjack said:

stupid dumbass thai man wearing no helmut and not obeying road safety.   farang was indicating to turn in. thai idiot didnt look and was driving too fast inside.


som nom na


I agree with all you say except I can  not see any indicators being used?


I do see the point in motorcyclists though.


When I am aggressing my way thorugh traffic, I use motorcycles to stop traffic in adjacent lanes, if you weave between motorcyclists you can often get them to spread into all alnes giving you free passage to accelerate.


So I am not totally anti them.

On 11/28/2017 at 3:15 PM, sambum said:

Suggest you fast forward and also give the English translation of Section 45.


From the PDF file at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B34mNX-szfYVVmNQVnFNRzk0UDQ:




Section  45.
No driver shall overtake other conveyance by the left side of the overtaken conveyance, except in the following cases:

(1) the conveyance which is going to  be overtaken is  turning right, or gives right turning signal;

(2) such road is divided into two or more lanes of the same direction. The overtaking by the left side of the overtaken conveyance under (1) or (2) may be done only when there is no other conveyance following behind.



Section 45.
No driver shall overtake other conveyance by the left
side of the overtaken conveyance
, except
in the following cases:
the conveyance whi
ch is going to be overtaken is turning right, or
gives right turning signal;
such road is divided into two or more lanes of the same direction.
The overtaking
by the left side of the overtaken conveyance under (1)
or (2) may be done only when
there is no other conveyance following behind.
14 hours ago, Puccini said:


From the PDF file at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B34mNX-szfYVVmNQVnFNRzk0UDQ:



Section 45.
No driver shall overtake other conveyance by the left
side of the overtaken conveyance
, except
in the following cases:
the conveyance whi
ch is going to be overtaken is turning right, or
gives right turning signal;
such road is divided into two or more lanes of the same direction.
The overtaking
by the left side of the overtaken conveyance under (1)
or (2) may be done only when
there is no other conveyance following behind.

Thanks, but didn't need it twice!

On 11/23/2017 at 2:51 PM, TonyClifton said:

I will ask again: how do you know he didn't signal?

I watched video that accompanied the story

and could see no indicator flashing on the pickup  


You can argue the legality side, but as someone who's been driving in Thailand for 5 yrs I have to say the truck driver lost situational awareness. He should have taken a second glance in his mirrors before turning.

4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

You can argue the legality side, but as someone who's been driving in Thailand for 5 yrs I have to say the truck driver lost situational awareness. He should have taken a second glance in his mirrors before turning.


Yes, agreed, but the same can be said for the biker.


50/50 I guess.


Bet it doesn't pan out that way!

  • 2 months later...

Legally it’s the motorcyclists fault. Morally, the pickup driver should have done a shoulder check. The pickup driver probably did a side-mirror check but as the cyclist was in his blind spot at that crucial moment, he wouldn’t have seen anything. In this case it might have been prudent for the pickup to use his blinkers, which might have led to the cyclist slowing down. But that’s a big MIGHT HAVE. Ultimately it’s the cyclist at fault. Don’t drive like an idiot. 

On 12/2/2017 at 12:39 PM, pumpjack said:

stupid dumbass thai man wearing no helmut and not obeying road safety.   farang was indicating to turn in. thai idiot didnt look and was driving too fast inside.


som nom na


You know Apple phones are not selling well at the moment... I was wondering, if they could make a helmet hands free with visor augmentation then the sales of helmets might rocket and Apple would be the Belle of the ball in this country, saving more lives than they destroy with digital DNA damage.

Just one of those random thoughts that are not really thought out.

Same goes for cars too.  They should have 'smart' driving glasses so you don't spend time looking at the centre console how to connect your bluetooth device to it at >0Km/h.

Oh how I miss the days of drum brakes, having to change gears yourself and never having to take your eyes of the road, and tetrasil in a rust hole was an upgrade.

On 16/02/2018 at 2:21 PM, theanimaster said:

Legally it’s the motorcyclists fault. Morally, the pickup driver should have done a shoulder check. The pickup driver probably did a side-mirror check but as the cyclist was in his blind spot at that crucial moment, he wouldn’t have seen anything. In this case it might have been prudent for the pickup to use his blinkers, which might have led to the cyclist slowing down. But that’s a big MIGHT HAVE. Ultimately it’s the cyclist at fault. Don’t drive like an idiot. 

Cars do have a blind spot on either side, that's true, but many motorcyle riders have a blind spot that covers 350 degrees and the remaing 10 degrees is sometimes restricted by a hand phone or the umbrella they are holding when it rains.

  • Haha 2
3 hours ago, overherebc said:

Cars do have a blind spot on either side, that's true, but many motorcyle riders have a blind spot that covers 350 degrees and the remaing 10 degrees is sometimes restricted by a hand phone or the umbrella they are holding when it rains.

Yes I think I remember that video, I could be wrong but was it the one where she had her purse nicked

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