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Run a red light 1000 baht - reckless driving 400 - comment rife on "new, double" Pattaya fines


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Although I love riding a bicycle because it automatically generated a breeze of magnitude equal to the velocity of the bicycle...?


And 95-99% of Drivers pass within a safe distance.


There are those 1-5% of drivers who are lazy/negligent/just don't care bear and come less than one meter away (within 3 feet)...


That just scare the shit out of me and cause me to curse them out in Spanish ?


So now I book a Grab car using my phone/app (60B for 4km ride).  It's usually here within 5 minutes.


Then I walk back on the sidewalk or right side of the road (so I can look whoever wants to hit me in the eye)...


And I feel much safer.


Thank you Grab, thank you Lord, thank you Buddha. ?


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10 hours ago, StevieAus said:

The reason being that farangs have no option but pay them otherwise you will loose your right to live here.

I read an article some time ago that the level of non payment of motoring fines is huge, I don’t know what the follow up procedure is, if any at all.

This is the Thais follow up procedure  If thai gets booked by Keystone Cop they Drive on and screw up the ticket and not pay it There is not enough jails in Thailand for holding people who dont pay there fines One good reason why Thai drivers break the road rules so much

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Sound like the same numbers I saw when last in there.


I got the 400 for illegal U-Turn... and deserved it because I did.


If fines are legally applied fine, the running a red light is one I want to see enforced better. I see 10 ton trucks hurtle through at 80kph 4-6 seconds after red is seen and obviously no attempt or intention to stop. Could wipe out dozens of bikes or minibus passengers.

Edited by jacko45k
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1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

This is the Thais follow up procedure  If thai gets booked by Keystone Cop they Drive on and screw up the ticket and not pay it There is not enough jails in Thailand for holding people who dont pay there fines One good reason why Thai drivers break the road rules so much

Yes it’s as bizarre as booking them for having no  licence or no insurance and letting them drive away.I think most countries would impound the vehicle but again there wouldn’t be enough holding yards!!

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15 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Yes it’s as bizarre as booking them for having no  licence or no insurance and letting them drive away.I think most countries would impound the vehicle but again there wouldn’t be enough holding yards!!


15 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Yes it’s as bizarre as booking them for having no  licence or no insurance and letting them drive away.I think most countries would impound the vehicle but again there wouldn’t be enough holding yards!!

Ok Stevie  You know I know this is how it goes   Car gets pulled up by the keystone cop  License please  What license? Car license? Oh i forgot to get one i get one  next week Ok Keystone cop says Make sure you do Drive on  Oh before you go 200 Baht for not having a license  How many bloody cops in other countries would let you drive away with no license? Geez even in Russia they tell you get out of the car book you and tell you to get taxi home

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19 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

A lot less than paying an annual insurance premium, and as they believe they will never be involved in an accident, many take the chance.

In reality, none of the fines are an actual deterrent, and unless the numbers are greatly increased, the mess that is on Thai roads, will continue indefinitely.

If they added a zero to the prescribed amount it may become a deterrent.  Not to forget the 100,000 baht fine for smoking on the beach!

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2 minutes ago, Prairieboy said:

If they added a zero to the prescribed amount it may become a deterrent.  Not to forget the 100,000 baht fine for smoking on the beach!

We are talking about 2 different fines here  The fines the Thais motorist gets is small because most Thais cant pay them or wont pay them and the smoking on the beach fine is huge because they know Falang can pay them and if they dont they cant leave the country Its a sure winner for making money Bit like The Thai apple tree you can shake it and no apples will fall but the falang apple tree you can shake it and lots of apples fall and are collected by the Thai gov with a big Thai smile on there face :guitar:

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2 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Ask a Thai driver most of them do it every day

You can't ask a Thai?  if you do you are asking for a fight.  Why? One has to know they are actually doing something wrong before they except the criticism and here they have been condition to drive in this manner it is normal to them and then Thais don't like to be criticized especially by foreigners.

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14 hours ago, ujayujay said:

It seems to be this List belong only Farangs. Daily l notice Motorbikes without Numberplates, extremely noisy, wreckless behaviour, don't wear Helmets. Cars parking in 2. Row and blocking traffic, ignore red Lights etc. Nobody cares. Even not the Cops.

Agree with all you say but the one thing that is really annoying is the noise pollution from the trucks . The drivers seem to take delight in hitting the gas pedal on and off to make loud exhaust blasts through a system that has no silencer and can be heard more than a mile away .

      Daily sightings of overladen pickups to large trucks ,  6 people on a motor cycle , 2 years old child only pillion passenger holding on to mums clothes ( scary ) , vehicles spewing out black smoke clouds , drivers who hog the outside lane on dual carriage ways , drivers who pull out from a side street and then drive at a snails pace holding everyone up without a care , all types of transport without lights  etc etc ,   it really is a circus out there  . 

                   Just do not understand why Thailand is number one in road fatalities .

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Yes i see.

Is this also counting for Thai national?

Why i ask, it´s so many time i see a price for white and another price for Thai.

So police and Pattaya government think this will make Thai and other to drive good?

I think many Thai just will drive same same, and give it a s**t what rule they will make.

But i can be wrong, and everyone now will drive and respect all other in the traffic.

"Sarcasm can be here":hit-the-fan::hit-the-fan::hit-the-fan:

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3 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

This is the Thais follow up procedure  If thai gets booked by Keystone Cop they Drive on and screw up the ticket and not pay it There is not enough jails in Thailand for holding people who dont pay there fines One good reason why Thai drivers break the road rules so much

Obviously you havnt been booked in Thailand, they take and hold your licenses until the fine is payed, Thai or westerner.

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1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

We are talking about 2 different fines here  The fines the Thais motorist gets is small because most Thais cant pay them or wont pay them and the smoking on the beach fine is huge because they know Falang can pay them and if they dont they cant leave the country Its a sure winner for making money Bit like The Thai apple tree you can shake it and no apples will fall but the falang apple tree you can shake it and lots of apples fall and are collected by the Thai gov with a big Thai smile on there face :guitar:

There is no 2 tier fine system, one fine for Thais and another for westerners. Motoring fines or smoking on the beach fines are the same for Thais and westerners.

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20 minutes ago, Lazybones said:

The fines can be as high as you like but unless the laws are policed and enforced it has no effect.

Yes that right, and for people with plenty of money the fines are not a deterant, only an inconvenience.

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In most countries with low accident rates there is a separation on police and judiciary.


The police report an offence and it then goes to court to be decided.

in recent years a lot of offences such as speeding are recorded accurately and electronically for the authorities to issue a  fine (sentence) by letter to the owner of the vehicle. This can still of course be disputed by the defendant in a court.


On the spot fines are seriously frowned upon in democratic countries especially if ity is the word of an officer against a member of the public...... I would say the reasons for this are obvious.


So in Thailand where although not part of any law, the police see it as their duty to be judge and  jury when it comes to motoring offences and then issue "on the spot" fines accompanied by a little chitty.    


A major part of the problem here is that quite apart from the obvious lack of observational training the state of the roads can make any "offence" quite debatable.


Without proper lane markings edges to road working traffic signs and signals, street lighting, speed limit signage, calibrated cameras and speed detecting equipment, trained operators and the ever present temptation of corruption and graft etc etc

it is impossible to effectively enforce any road traffic offences let alone follow up on electronic tickets issued.


What happens to collected fines is defined by law - in the UK it is gathered by courts NOT the police. There are now some closely monitored exceptions that are being trialed and also being questioned.

Especially the concept of using fines for a specific purpose, as that puts pressure on the "collector" to gather more fines for their cause.


It seems to me the Thailand addresses NONE of these issues so any fine whether single double or triple is doomed to failure .

Edited by Airbagwill
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21 hours ago, impulse said:


Maybe back home, where the average salary is 10x what it is here.  Compare them with the minimum wage of 300 (+/-) baht and they're pretty punitive for most locals.  Of course, for most of us, and the HiSo's they don't even register other then the PITA of paying them.  


I'd like to see fines based on annual income, or net worth so the Hi-So's wince when they violate the rules, and it doesn't devastate the average family. 


I recall reading a few years back where a wealthy Euro guy got fined over a million Euro's for speeding (or maybe that was an urban myth?).  Betcha he didn't do that again for a week or 2.


Of course, for most of us, and the HiSo's they don't even register other then the PITA of paying them.  


Speak for yourself. Income should not be the overriding consideration. Idiotic, mindless, selfish and dangerous driving should attract a fine that is a deterrent.

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10 minutes ago, glasswort said:

Of course, for most of us, and the HiSo's they don't even register other then the PITA of paying them.  


Speak for yourself. Income should not be the overriding consideration. Idiotic, mindless, selfish and dangerous driving should attract a fine that is a deterrent.


How would you set a fine that would be appropriate (and an effective deterrent) for both a Thai billionaire, and a Thai farmer making 300 baht a day without taking income into consideration?


You can't.

Edited by impulse
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2 minutes ago, impulse said:


How would you set a fine that would be appropriate (and an effective deterrent) for both a Thai billionaire, and a Thai farmer making 300 baht a day without taking income into consideration?


You can't.

You have your opinion I have mine. Leave it at that.

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Changing the amount of the fine does nothing when the rules are not enforced.  Show that you mean to enforce the rules and Thai and foreigners alike will get the message in 1-2 months.   Running a red light, driving carelessly, speeding and drunk driving are major causes of serious accidents.  Stop people for those offenses, and even the helmet use will increase.  The problem seems to be that it takes more effort to catch people with these offenses.

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On 11/28/2017 at 2:15 PM, OJAS said:

Contrast this with the zeal and gusto with which their counterparts at the local immigration office levy considerably higher fines for what are clearly regarded as major crimes in comparison of failing to submit a completed TM30 or being late with a 90-day report!

they are just having fun practicing their racism

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14 hours ago, Happyman58 said:


Ok Stevie  You know I know this is how it goes   Car gets pulled up by the keystone cop  License please  What license? Car license? Oh i forgot to get one i get one  next week Ok Keystone cop says Make sure you do Drive on  Oh before you go 200 Baht for not having a license  How many bloody cops in other countries would let you drive away with no license? Geez even in Russia they tell you get out of the car book you and tell you to get taxi home

Yes I know we are each preaching to the converted, sometimes I try to think what would be needed to fix the problem as Thailand isn’t the only country with corrupt  and incompetent police Australia has had its share in the past, but then I think it falls in the category of mission impossible and despite being an optimist I give up !!

I don’t really blame the Thai people because human nature being what it is they do it because they can I remember that a lot of people in Australia for example used to drink and drive until it was made a criminal offence with huge fines etc and sadly some still drink and drive


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