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Sickening kindergarten violence - more child abuse hushed up by the authorities


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Sickening kindergarten violence - more child abuse hushed up by the authorities



Picture: Thai Rath


Thai media is increasingly asking the question:


"When is the violence perpetrated against children in Thai schools going to stop?"


Thai Rath reported on a latest CCTV video saying that the violence is a "common occurrence" in Thai schools. Their headline said: Here we go again.


Netizens are again quoted as being outraged by the violence. While the education authorities predictably try to hush it up.


Abusers are let off and given ample opportunity to continue assaulting children at will.


The latest six minute video features over the top violence against a number of defenseless three and four year old children by a teaching assistant or nanny. She is referred to as a "phi liang".


Taken from a day in August it has been uploaded to the Mem Pho Dam site.


It shows a woman repeatedly pull, drag, punch and violently shake a number of children. One boy is repeatedly whacked with what appears to be a ruler just because he wants to walk around the class.


Others have their hair pulled and are yanked into line.


Other adults in the class treat it as normal - no one lifts a finger to help the children or suggest alternative approaches.


Information posted online with the video said that parents at the kindergarten had gone to the authorities and been told to drop it. The woman concerned was allowed to continue under a three strikes and you're out policy.


Parents no loner wanted to send their scared little ones to school, they said.


They posed a question to the education department: "If that was your child how would you feel?"


As is all too common in such stories, no one and no place is actually named.


Source: Thai Rath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-11-30
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guess, since these children don't receive any education by their parents and never learn to obey,  they continue to act as they like in Kindergarten or school, not listening or obeying the teacher or the nanny.


Which leads to such violent outbursts by teachers who wish to make themselves heard. A form of expressing their helplessness by playing out physical strength


If the children would just obey . . like the boy who starts wandering around, if it was for the Nanny who told him three, four times "please sit down with the others" without him reacting . . . well WHAT would you do in her place? Freak out or keep your calm? 


a difficult situation . . . if parents pass their educational responsibilities to nannies and teachers, they must be willing to accept that this education is based on learning & obeying

Edited by crazygreg44
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These people deserve to be shot, as do the govt officials trying to bury the story.

And the authorities here are there chasing 2 dickheads who bared their arse cheeks in public while actively covering up gross child abuse.


Kudos to whoever got the clip online. Again it proves to be the only way to achieve accountability here

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21 minutes ago, crazygreg44 said:

If the children would just obey . . like the boy who starts wandering around, if it was for the Nanny who told him three, four times "please sit down with the others" without him reacting . . . well WHAT would you do in her place? Freak out or keep your calm? 

They are 5 years old for God's sake ! 

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37 minutes ago, crazygreg44 said:

guess, since these children don't receive any education by their parents and never learn to obey,  they continue to act as they like in Kindergarten or school, not listening or obeying the teacher or the nanny.


Which leads to such violent outbursts by teachers who wish to make themselves heard. A form of expressing their helplessness by playing out physical strength


If the children would just obey . . like the boy who starts wandering around, if it was for the Nanny who told him three, four times "please sit down with the others" without him reacting . . . well WHAT would you do in her place? Freak out or keep your calm? 


a difficult situation . . . if parents pass their educational responsibilities to nannies and teachers, they must be willing to accept that this education is based on learning & obeying

Yeah, blame the victims.:-(

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36 minutes ago, crazygreg44 said:

If the children would just obey . . like the boy who starts wandering around, if it was for the Nanny who told him three, four times "please sit down with the others" without him reacting . . . well WHAT would you do in her place? Freak out or keep your calm? 


Don't blame the kids <deleted>.

If an adult cannot control their temper with 3 and 4 year old children they should not be in the job ! 

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This must be all the Buddhism I keep hearing about. Calm heads and all that. Never really understood how you can get angry with a child. Annoyed, sure. But it's a child. You don't like kids then don't have them and don't work with them. Simple really.


At the end of the day, it's all okay as long as you say "it's my culture". A perfect excuse for being a <deleted> which other <deleted> will agree with. 

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42 minutes ago, crazygreg44 said:

guess, since these children don't receive any education by their parents and never learn to obey,  they continue to act as they like in Kindergarten or school, not listening or obeying the teacher or the nanny.


Which leads to such violent outbursts by teachers who wish to make themselves heard. A form of expressing their helplessness by playing out physical strength


If the children would just obey . . like the boy who starts wandering around, if it was for the Nanny who told him three, four times "please sit down with the others" without him reacting . . . well WHAT would you do in her place? Freak out or keep your calm? 


a difficult situation . . . if parents pass their educational responsibilities to nannies and teachers, they must be willing to accept that this education is based on learning & obeying

The above reply is as disgusting as this news story

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WHAT would you do in her place? Freak out or keep your calm? 


Er... keep calm!


I teach 5 year old kids in Myanmar.  At that young age, some kids are bound to get restless in a class, some will want to play and some will want to be 'naughty'.  It is all part of teaching youngsters.

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59 minutes ago, crazygreg44 said:

guess, since these children don't receive any education by their parents and never learn to obey,  they continue to act as they like in Kindergarten or school, not listening or obeying the teacher or the nanny.


Which leads to such violent outbursts by teachers who wish to make themselves heard. A form of expressing their helplessness by playing out physical strength

It's hard to believe that anyone could defend such behaviour.


That was no "violent outburst", it was prolonged beating of helpless children, carried out by the people who should be protecting them.


It's about time that some very stiff penalties were handed out, to send a message to such people. A few weeks in prison for these two women would be a good start.

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I am in no way condoning the actions of the woman but, and it is a very big but, in how many other stories of violence, blatant disregard for laws, rules & regulations committed by apparent adults do we hear the phrase posted by members of this forum that had they had discipline installed at an early age this sort of thing wouldn't happen ?


It's a two way street. 

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2 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Yeah, blame the victims.:-(

One should not place blame on the child.  For the problem is caused by lack of a education and communication, parenting and teaching skills.

 understanding,  incorrect ways of teaching and communicating with children seems to be the norm.


For centuries there have been many many people with a lack of Parenting skills,  of course this is remembered by all of us as we grow. A child's personality is fully created by age 6, so the damage is done and takes a lot of patience to change a child by bettering their learning.

Violence and aggression is not the way.

The teachers it seems have been raised in the same violent way and do not see wrong as most of us do. 

So that leaves us with just two issues, "one," for the teachers, better education in human relationships and teaching skills. 

"Two", for the students,  a non aggressive non violent way of imparting knowledge and learning skills to the students..


But, the big question is thus, where to start???


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10 minutes ago, BORRISGOODENUF said:

One should not place blame on the child.  For the problem is caused by lack of a education and communication, parenting and teaching skills.

 understanding,  incorrect ways of teaching and communicating with children seems to be the norm.


For centuries there have been many many people with a lack of Parenting skills,  of course this is remembered by all of us as we grow. A child's personality is fully created by age 6, so the damage is done and takes a lot of patience to change a child by bettering their learning.

Violence and aggression is not the way.

The teachers it seems have been raised in the same violent way and do not see wrong as most of us do. 

So that leaves us with just two issues, "one," for the teachers, better education in human relationships and teaching skills. 

"Two", for the students,  a non aggressive non violent way of imparting knowledge and learning skills to the students..


But, the big question is thus, where to start???


This from a long previous post about a similar issue.

Too many inept teaching methods, inept teachers. Violent teachers. No psychology used, Total lack of forethought. Too many interruptions in classes. Lack of sensible syllabus. Lack of knowledge of teachers. Lack of interest by students mainly due to lack of interest by teachers. Teachers that do not understand sensible non violent disciplinary methods.  Yelling and screaming at students in class.  Lack of understanding students individual needs and requirements. teachers that only turn up to class to be a  paid a monthly wage. Authorities refusal to even suggest looking at successful teaching methods  from other countries

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2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

I am in no way condoning the actions of the woman but, and it is a very big but, in how many other stories of violence, blatant disregard for laws, rules & regulations committed by apparent adults do we hear the phrase posted by members of this forum that had they had discipline installed at an early age this sort of thing wouldn't happen ?


It's a two way street. 

I grew up with a pretty poor father. Not violent, but he simply didn't like kids and often worked overseas to get away from his own. He had very little tolerance or patience for kids. What did he teach me about being a dad? Not to do what he did. I remember all the things he did that were bad and I thought to myself, "Don't be that kind of dad when you are a father".


You can constantly blame others for your faults or imperfections, but it gets to a stage when you become an adult and you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Life would be so much better if we emphasised to people more that you are in control of your own actions. You are responsible for the detrimental things that you do. Then you can stop making excuses and build from there. 

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24 minutes ago, curtklay said:

Those kids look pretty well behaved without being beaten. In the US they'd be running all over the room in a frenzy.

That's what's so worrying.


Kindergarten children should be moving around.


Play learning is essential at this age.

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2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

I am in no way condoning the actions of the woman but, and it is a very big but, in how many other stories of violence, blatant disregard for laws, rules & regulations committed by apparent adults do we hear the phrase posted by members of this forum that had they had discipline installed at an early age this sort of thing wouldn't happen ?


It's a two way street. 

Striking a child isn't discipline.


It's violence.

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This "woman teacher" is a masochist, that is for sure.

Probably she was treated like this when she was young and now thinks its normal.

If i was the father and seeing this, i would have my ways with the teacher.

This is incredible, or is is this pre training if they want to join Thai army?

THese kids are marked now for live and ill surely hope somehow they become the better person than their teacher was. It easily can go another way and what then?

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

Striking a child isn't discipline.


It's violence.

I did say that I didn't in anyway condone the violence, and I don't disagree with what you say, but, I will reiterate again that the lack of discipline when a child is developing is what leads to irresponsible adults later in life, like the fool (on a so called big bike :giggle:) drunk and abusive to those in power, the police. He has probably never been chastised in his whole life and feels that he can do as he wishes.


As a youngster I was often smacked, hit with a leather belt and suffered restriction of privileges from my parents, at school I frequently got the cane and the slipper (pumps or plimsolls) to some of you. In the Army punishments were far harsher I can assure you, as a result I now have a very healthy respect for those in authority, if however I believe that they are in the wrong I will have no hesitation in telling them so, but politely :smile:   

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4 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

guess, since these children don't receive any education by their parents and never learn to obey,  they continue to act as they like in Kindergarten or school, not listening or obeying the teacher or the nanny.


Which leads to such violent outbursts by teachers who wish to make themselves heard. A form of expressing their helplessness by playing out physical strength


If the children would just obey . . like the boy who starts wandering around, if it was for the Nanny who told him three, four times "please sit down with the others" without him reacting . . . well WHAT would you do in her place? Freak out or keep your calm? 


a difficult situation . . . if parents pass their educational responsibilities to nannies and teachers, they must be willing to accept that this education is based on learning & obeying

" crazygregg44 "  your name says it all , i hope to god your not teaching in thailand !! 

dear god my heart breaks when i see this shit !!

children are innocent little creatures who need love and care and understanding ,  anyone who lifts their hands to a little child should be jailed and violated whilst in jail.

Edited by pumpjack
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9 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I did say that I didn't in anyway condone the violence, and I don't disagree with what you say, but, I will reiterate again that the lack of discipline when a child is developing is what leads to irresponsible adults later in life, like the fool (on a so called big bike :giggle:) drunk and abusive to those in power, the police. He has probably never been chastised in his whole life and feels that he can do as he wishes.


As a youngster I was often smacked, hit with a leather belt and suffered restriction of privileges from my parents, at school I frequently got the cane and the slipper (pumps or plimsolls) to some of you. In the Army punishments were far harsher I can assure you, as a result I now have a very healthy respect for those in authority, if however I believe that they are in the wrong I will have no hesitation in telling them so, but politely :smile:   

You mean you now bow before authority, seems it didn't teach you much. 

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12 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I did say that I didn't in anyway condone the violence, and I don't disagree with what you say, but, I will reiterate again that the lack of discipline when a child is developing is what leads to irresponsible adults later in life, like the fool (on a so called big bike :giggle:) drunk and abusive to those in power, the police. He has probably never been chastised in his whole life and feels that he can do as he wishes.


As a youngster I was often smacked, hit with a leather belt and suffered restriction of privileges from my parents, at school I frequently got the cane and the slipper (pumps or plimsolls) to some of you. In the Army punishments were far harsher I can assure you, as a result I now have a very healthy respect for those in authority, if however I believe that they are in the wrong I will have no hesitation in telling them so, but politely :smile:   

I agree you need children to teach discipline, however in this movie, you see the teacher going again and again. That is masochism ! Abusing your authority and strength. You should know that as you lived it. Sadly this abusive behaviour comes up again later with the child and can make him even so an irresponsible person, as you dont tell me anything anymore and otherwise ill kick your ass.

Raising a child is difficult and you should start young to program and being consistent, which many parents lack.  

But abuse will remain in the memories for ever, you know that. And those make you go bad or wrong, same as never been disciplined. 

In this movie i dont call it discipline teaching, but pure physical abuse, masochism.

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4 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

Which leads to such violent outbursts by teachers who wish to make themselves heard. A form of expressing their helplessness by playing out physical strength


If the children would just obey . . like the boy who starts wandering around, if it was for the Nanny who told him three, four times "please sit down with the others" without him reacting . . . well WHAT would you do in her place? Freak out or keep your calm? 

if a teacher or nanny cannot handle those situations, they're obviously in the wrong profession. harming children as young as those in the video can never be justified. in what way can they harm anyone?

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Don't blame the kids <deleted>.

If an adult cannot control their temper with 3 and 4 year old children they should not be in the job ! 

And if adult Generals/Prime Ministers cannot control their temper in public they also should not be in the job.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Information posted online with the video said that parents at the kindergarten had gone to the authorities and been told to drop it. The woman concerned was allowed to continue under a three strikes and you're out policy.

Until something is changed with the above attitudes, nothing regarding the well being and safety for the children will be applied. Time for educational facilities to become completely transparent, no more saving school's reputations if the board cannot control their teachers.


Although unclear in the OP as to what 'authority' the parents complained to, every complaint should be addressed and closed out. Make it official, no 'bribes' from teachers or school boards to parents should be accepted to cover an incident. It should be made illegal to even approach a parent once a complaint has been lodged.


And as for the 'three strikes and you are out'; I can only imagine the day when a teacher gets off with delivering violence to a child twice, only to have the same violence causing death or grievous bodily harm the third time even though a violent pattern has been recorded.


Needs to be changed people........................:thumbsup:

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I'm not an expert on child development, but age 3 or 4 seems a bit too early to try and get kids to sit still and start getting with the marching and regimentation program. I remember my own day care center back in the day and we never did much else than play and sing songs, kindergarten not much different. I remember by kindergarten they started getting us to sit at a table, but for not much more than art projects or more songs. Seems like a large part of the problem is that the school is trying to force 3-4 year olds to be 6 year olds. And then I imagine they take another short cut on hiring people who aren't up to managing the futility of that. "Hurry hurry! Can you start work tomorrow! OMG! We need someone now! The school year starts tomorrow! Sorry we cannot pay more than 300 baht a day!"

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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