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Lately along the Eastern seaboard everyone is jumping on the 'my place has doubled in value' train.

No doubt to an extent true.

I have a new idea to make the value of houses and the bits of land you want to sell in the area worth a little bit more and be more attractive to out of town buyers who it seems are the main buyers.

Stop burning your rubbish in the back gardens and in the soi outside your houses every day.

It might add another 10% to the value.

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I think there's a difference between land values, which are rising, and house prices, which aren't. I regard houses here  more like cars, people would rather buy a new one, and there's such a massive amount of new building that existing houses don't attract a premium over their original purchase price, they may even go at a considerable discount if the owners are desperate to sell.

And if an area goes downhill and you're stuck among the rubbish-burners and the soi dogs etc., then you'll wait a very long time to get your original purchase price back.

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10 hours ago, Eff1n2ret said:

I think there's a difference between land values, which are rising, and house prices, which aren't. I regard houses here  more like cars, people would rather buy a new one, and there's such a massive amount of new building that existing houses don't attract a premium over their original purchase price, they may even go at a considerable discount if the owners are desperate to sell.

And if an area goes downhill and you're stuck among the rubbish-burners and the soi dogs etc., then you'll wait a very long time to get your original purchase price back.

The area I'm in is now being bought up and a good few new houses being built but for a few of the older residents it's still common practice to burn your household rubbish in the back garden rather than walk 5 metres to put it in the bin for collection.

That's not our reason for selling, most of the cost of the house came from housing allowances paid to both of us while working contract as we are really Bangkok based so I'm not too bothered about selling under market value.

It, the post, was just a comment about people burning crap instead of putting it in the bin.


Strangely enough we really don't have soi dogs.

Edited by overherebc
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18 hours ago, Eff1n2ret said:

There has been loads of hyperbole recently about Thailand's Eastern Economic Corridor, which is what I think the OP is referring to.

Appreciate the clarification. I was at a complete loss to understand the connection between the European Economic Community (as was) and Eastern Thailand!

Edited by OJAS
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