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Driver’s licence health rules to become stricter

Jonathan Fairfield

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When I renewed my first 1-year Thai DL to a new 5-year, I came with a health statement from a hospital – just like when applying first time for a Thai DL, and as one shall do in my home country when renewing a DL, which is then at age 70, however changed now to 72-years – but that was not needed. When I about two years ago renewed again for another 5-year license, I didn't bring any health certificate, and nobody asked me for one.


Just wonder how five new specified health issues, together with the previous five, so 10 health issues all together, are recorded, when no health check is needed for renewing a DL – for example diabetes (not sure if severe...), high blood pressure, brain diseases, TB, alcoholism and drug addiction; can to my knowledge occur after obtaining the first DL...:whistling:


Perhaps a health check shall be needed for renewing one's Thai DL in the future...:smile:

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It really is hard to understand what they are trying to achieve by this, it almost sounds as if they are blaming the Thai road safety debacle on certain medical conditions which anyone with any common sense knows that to be complete and utter nonsense.


None of these measures will make  any recordable difference to the carnage on Thai roads...............so what on earth is the point.


Everybody knows that the primary causes of Thailand's road carnage comes down to primarily 4 things


- driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs 

- speeding

- mobile phone use

- blatant refusal to obey traffic laws


and why does this continue to happen ?


Because there is little to stop them, police simply either don't know what their job actually is or they are just refusing to enforce the law because there is nothing in it for them, couple that with inappropriate punishment for those that are caught (usually after the fact) and there you have it - total lack of enforcement


How many accidents in the last 20 years were caused by someone having "High Blood Pressure" or "Diabetes" or even "Epilepsy" ................How many !!!!!!!!!!!!!


This country really needs to take a step back and take a long hard look at themselves - it is idiotic beyond belief.


How about getting some educated people into these jobs and put an end to this farce. 

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So much fun and so many frolics here today.


I think all agree that there is little chance that these new ideas will amount to much: it's still the way things are here. I think we also all agree that this is not good for the country.


However, it really is a hoot the way that many of you are ripping Thai driving to shreds as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouths. I see stupid, utterly stupid, farangs on motorbikes here as well as death wish Thais.


I have seen dangerous driving from farangs in motor cars too.


Then again, why not take a look at the videos on your favourite video channel online? There are some corkers from the UK, the USA and Russia in particular. I'll bet most of you have seen them. Dangerous driving, dangerous vehicles, appalling lack of judgement, trying to outrun the police and on and on.


Now you will tell me that Thailand is the RTA death capital of the world: yes it is near the top. 


The reality is that there are far too many motorbikes being ridden by far too many dreadful riders and THAT is the real problem. I've said it before and so have many others: motorbike riders are their own worst enemy here and without the skill and goodwill of vehicle drivers, many more motorcyclists would die each year.


So, accept the relative anomaly of the Thai motorcyclist and then make another assessment of Thai vehicle drivers.


I know already you will want to pick holes in everything I have said: and yes it will be easy to gainsay everything. However, look at it more rationally and you will appreciate that I am right.

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17 minutes ago, todlad said:

So much fun and so many frolics here today.


I think all agree that there is little chance that these new ideas will amount to much: it's still the way things are here. I think we also all agree that this is not good for the country.


However, it really is a hoot the way that many of you are ripping Thai driving to shreds as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouths. I see stupid, utterly stupid, farangs on motorbikes here as well as death wish Thais.


I have seen dangerous driving from farangs in motor cars too.


Then again, why not take a look at the videos on your favourite video channel online? There are some corkers from the UK, the USA and Russia in particular. I'll bet most of you have seen them. Dangerous driving, dangerous vehicles, appalling lack of judgement, trying to outrun the police and on and on.


Now you will tell me that Thailand is the RTA death capital of the world: yes it is near the top. 


The reality is that there are far too many motorbikes being ridden by far too many dreadful riders and THAT is the real problem. I've said it before and so have many others: motorbike riders are their own worst enemy here and without the skill and goodwill of vehicle drivers, many more motorcyclists would die each year.


So, accept the relative anomaly of the Thai motorcyclist and then make another assessment of Thai vehicle drivers.


I know already you will want to pick holes in everything I have said: and yes it will be easy to gainsay everything. However, look at it more rationally and you will appreciate that I am right.

Interesting point you make and I would tend to agree


Another point speaking for myself only - it is very rare were I generalise about Thai drivers, I have seen individual incidents of stupidity on Thai roads were a Thai was driving but my comments are none specific to any particular nationality, Thai roads means all people using them not just Thai people. 

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A knee jerk reaction to a case where no proof have yet been presented that the driver is actually an epilectic, or if he is, that he really suffered from an epilectic fit at the time of the accident.  All that is known so far about his medical condition is that his urine tested positive for amphetamines which strongly suggests he was lying about the epilepsy causing the accident.


I know a diabetic who flew around the world solo.  I don't think it is necessary to bar these people from driving if they medicate to keep their conditions under control.  


Anyway the penalty for driving without a licence is usually only a B500 fine paid into the outstretched hand of the traffic cop. 


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Having a strictly enforced driving ban on people suffering from the "Do you know who I am?" and the "Do you know who my father is?" syndromes would be far more effective at reducing traffic accidents and would be also be good for the health and longevity of traffic cops.

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Thailand has one of the highest alcoholic rates in the world....


i wonder what % of alcoholics are denied licenses?


how does DMV even get access to people's health records? It doesn't happen here let alone proper diagnosis in a timely manner....very difficult to manage

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23 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes because the certificates are too easy to get without any real health checks.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

I am blind in one eye, here in Pattaya they make sure you go to an international hospital to get certified you are fit to drive with one eye. You get a very thorough check up. I they do the checks ups the same way it will help.


Of course we know that many Thai's will ignore it anyway.

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

Ittaporn said that after many years of debate and experience learned from the United States, the European Union and Australia about health conditions affecting the issuance of driver’s licences, medical experts on the committee last year stipulated which medical conditions would preclude a person from receiving a licence.

If they did then they didn't listen.  None of these countries would suggest banning drivers with the conditions stated.  Absolute hogwash.

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9 minutes ago, HHTel said:

If they did then they didn't listen.  None of these countries would suggest banning drivers with the conditions stated.  Absolute hogwash.

I wonder how many people driving in Thailand have high blood pressure?  Driving on Thai roads is almost guaranteed to put your blood pressure up!

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Yes time to put the cost of buying a driving licence up from 500 Baht been at this price for far to long now double the price and halve the carnage on the roads its a wonder that the Junta has not thought of this remedy sooner.  

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On 12/5/2017 at 6:24 PM, kotsak said:

If the regulations were duly enforced the roads would have been almost empty :thumbsup:

True, but I read where there is move underfoot to take the Traffic Cops out from under the Police and place them under Dept of Transportation  -  who knows, it may make a difference in Traffic law enforcement.

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13 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Surely this isn't a rather prompt reaction to the epileptic guy killing and injuring many in Pattaya.... as it now appears he was also high on Ya-ba.

If there are health criteria to renewal, surely a medical report would be required.

Wasn't there a post some time back where they wanted to make Ya Baa and Kratom smoking  legal drugs that can be used by anyone??

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12 hours ago, MJKT2014 said:

There are already five diseases that prohibit a person from obtaining a driver’s licence: elephantiasis, TB, leprosy, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Alcoholism, that would disqualify 60% of Thai and Farang males  -  if they enforce all these disqualifiers - the roads will all be cleared by Sonkran 2018!!!

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On ‎05‎.‎12‎.‎2017 at 6:22 PM, robblok said:

Yes because the certificates are too easy to get without any real health checks.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

I have picked up the Health certificate several times in Connection of renewing  the driving lisence and so far never met the doctor in person...

At the clinic the lady at the front desk ask for the Passport and tell me to sit Down and wait - she disappear less than 5 minutes and then you receive the certificate signed by the doctor stating your good health at the cost of a few hundred baht...
They have a long way to go to make this check legitimate...:1zgarz5:
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4 hours ago, ttrd said:

I have picked up the Health certificate several times in Connection of renewing  the driving lisence and so far never met the doctor in person...

At the clinic the lady at the front desk ask for the Passport and tell me to sit Down and wait - she disappear less than 5 minutes and then you receive the certificate signed by the doctor stating your good health at the cost of a few hundred baht...
They have a long way to go to make this check legitimate...:1zgarz5:

That obviously depends where you live. It is a fairly thorough check up at my local clinic and all for a hundred baht. It is the same for the Thais, I went with my niece she also needed the certificate to get her 5 year licence.

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On 06/12/2017 at 8:19 AM, KiChakayan said:

"High blood pressure", ok take some viagra 90 minutes before medical. Will drop your BP by 1 or 2 cm/Hg.

So you only have a little one then 

.. 1 to 2 cm of Hg aint much ..

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1 hour ago, JAS21 said:

So you only have a little one then 

.. 1 to 2 cm of Hg aint much ..

I though it would crash it so to give room for the exercise ... blood pressure can easily increase 50-60 mmHg at certain times ...

Edited by JAS21
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