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Norwegian man says Thai wife and policeman lover framed him and got him deported

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1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

I got divorced, kept the house the car and everything


Did you now, is that a house or Condo I wonder? so that is why we get all the pro J Boy comments on here, connections then? bet it costs.


One thing that comes across on here in this story are those of you who think you are in Heaven and landed on your feet, lets face it you could not pull a bird back home so came here for a bar girl and are in love heaven until she wakes up and screws you like this guy was along with of course Ian Rance and Colin Vard plus many others. Sadly this is the new Thailand get used to it as you may be next.


Sooner or to your cost later you will realize it.


Its nice living in the sunshine, but so much nicer living where you cannot be ripped off by a law set to take as much Farang money as they can.


Blame the guy if you so wish, but don't come running for sympathy when it comes your way. The cop will get the car and land and dump her, she will go running back to him wait and see. Just hope he tells her to <deleted>. Once a Bar Girl always a lying cheating no good bar girl. As for the pension, not a chance after this just wait and see.

Well from where I come from it's alot more expensive to be in this situation even if it was legal,

You would lose upto 50% of your super (to be paid immediately ) + the house / on going child support set by the feminists till maybe 20yr old ( having to justify every year that circumstances change ) & having to survive very expensive conditions whilst also paying for kids on their visit to you whilst still paying child support 

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7 hours ago, tryasimight said:

so why bother coming here at all?


Are you serious? You can have a great time in Thailand as a single man with a bit of capital and a steady income ... why jeapordise that by investing the bulk of your assets in land that you don’t legally own? As most foreigners in Thailand are past peak earning age they might find it impossible to recover from the kind of set back experienced by the man from Norway. Your “true love” may turn out to be anything but, and once again we see another wealth transfer from the naive to the unscrupulous. If you want to take that risk ... as they say in Thailand “up to you”!

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5 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

Well from where I come from it's alot more expensive to be in this situation even if it was legal,

You would lose upto 50% of your super (to be paid immediately ) + the house / on going child support set by the feminists till maybe 20yr old ( having to justify every year that circumstances change ) & having to survive very expensive conditions whilst also paying for kids on their visit to you whilst still paying child support 

Not sure where you come from but if its where I think you come from (maybe wrong) it will not be like that, but use your head he lost the bloody lot not just 50% and his days in the sun. Come on wake up.

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5 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yes, I have lived in Thailand a long time. Also in many other countries. What I found is that when these countries pay there civil servant low wages, they are also more open into taking a bribe, 


No! No matter what he does this is not have an easy slam dunk and easy battle ahead of him. I said that already. I also said he could fight this from his home country, and not even be in Thailand. Making it far harder to bump him off if they dont know where he is living. 


I do not beleive that in your own country you have a equal chance of sueing someone rich like Bill Gates. You will run out of money and lawyers long before he would. But if this makes you feel better, I do agree with you that for this guy to win back his money, he will indeed have to be lucky to do this. To hold on long enough to do this also. 

So, in other words you agree with me?  At 68 this guy will never live long enough to see his money back.

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I have not read all of the responses but i heard all of the old cliches,

do not buy,do not bring more then you can afford to loose.

How about Do not make babies until you are really certain of your partner.


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7 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Nothing could have prevented this, even with a usufruct she had him banned from Thailand as a threat to Thai society so he can't even get back into the country even to buy a condo or rent somewhere else.

A lawyer could be instructed to dispose of the land on your behalf, tying it up for the remainder of the 30 year period.


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4 hours ago, 473geo said:

I know enough about Thailand and Thai people that I have never sought to 'protect' anything. I don't feel the need.


I do feel pity for those who cannot go into a relationship with confidence. Perhaps one of the factors in the failed unions?


Such as my friend who followed your advice......he is not living in the house he usufructed....it stands empty and is rapidly deteriorating

No! A Usufruct is not going to save a marriage nor have I ever made a claim to that. All I am saying is that a Usufruct is much better than signing everything over to your wife and having nothing at all or any claim over the property. 


I don't know your friend or his story. I do know many men even in the West who walked away from a broken marriage with only a suitcase. Not because they may have been able to walk away with more if they fought it. But only because they were tiered of fighting about it. 

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4 hours ago, smotherb said:

While there is reason in what you say about buying land; there are, of course, exceptions. Buying property in Thailand and registering it in the name of a Thai national you can trust seems prudent. Unfortunately, too many foreigners choose the wrong Thai woman, never get close enough to know their own children, and have no Thai they can trust. Hence, I suppose your second statement about marriage should also include children.




However, I do not share those fears of marriage and children; if you have the wherewithal to make the right choices. Consequently, I think you should remain single only if you do not want a life-partner and children or if you simply cannot be trusted to choose a good woman. Your criteria for selection of the proper woman is key to a successful relationship—and key to being able to choose what you want is having something to offer a woman other than money.  




Nonetheless, I do agree that you should keep your assets private and need not broadcast your wealth or show-off like a two-week millionaire.


I’d guess a large percentage of foreigners in Thailand have been married before, and may well have children already. It surprises me that they would choose to do so again when they arrive, much older, in SE Asia. You can still have children and maintain some control over you’re asets  .... I think the biggest risk is to entrust a large percentage of your personal wealth with a new, probably much younger, bride. The famous Ted’s story, the My Thai Bride documentary, being a case in point. He was of course a very foolish man. As for selecting the right person, I’m pretty sure Ted thought he had. The problem with being an idiot is that you don’t know you are one. And the best con artists are the one’s you least suspect, many of whom play the long game. My point is why take the risk? 

Edited by AlexRich
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17 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

So, in other words you agree with me?  At 68 this guy will never live long enough to see his money back.

I didn't provide any new or different information here that I haven't already stated. So it would be more correct to say that you agree with me. 

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I have noted one thing whilst living here

Why do all the aging men (who are about to retire or are retired ) need to have another baby at their age (maybe woman has no children ) when they should be in their happiest final yrs 

If the women wants a child why not tell her to find someone younger

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1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

I got divorced, kept the house the car and everything


Did you now, is that a house or Condo I wonder? so that is why we get all the pro J Boy comments on here, connections then? bet it costs.


One thing that comes across on here in this story are those of you who think you are in Heaven and landed on your feet, lets face it you could not pull a bird back home so came here for a bar girl and are in love heaven until she wakes up and screws you like this guy was along with of course Ian Rance and Colin Vard plus many others. Sadly this is the new Thailand get used to it as you may be next.


Sooner or to your cost later you will realize it.


Its nice living in the sunshine, but so much nicer living where you cannot be ripped off by a law set to take as much Farang money as they can.


Blame the guy if you so wish, but don't come running for sympathy when it comes your way. The cop will get the car and land and dump her, she will go running back to him wait and see. Just hope he tells her to <deleted>. Once a Bar Girl always a lying cheating no good bar girl. As for the pension, not a chance after this just wait and see.


  What a birdpulling post. 




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20 hours ago, Happy enough said:

why never get married? i've been happily married for nearly 20 years thanks. but cheers for the advice anyway

It's like running across a busy highway in Thailand. Sometimes you get lucky...sometimes you lose everything!

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I feel bad for this guy because he is a victim, if what he says is true, and I believe him because I have been indirectly victimized by corrupt Thai police in the village we got married in, three times in the past ten years. Alleged YABA possession for my oldest son cost me untold thousands of baht to keep him out of prison, then two years ago, weapons possession charges against my youngest son that have netted him 2 years  in prison, and just a month before him being released, the BIB planted YABA in my wife's truck and she is in prison and might have to serve 3 years.  I cannot bribe anyone to get her out either.

As far as lawyers go, that is a terrible waste of money. They are all in collusion with the  cops and magistrates; bottom scum dwelling leeches who are totally worthless and who should be in prison with their crime partners. 

This gent forgets he never owned the land or vehicles anyway and if his wife has left him, he can just forget about ever finding her.

This sort of thing is so common I am afraid to come back to Thailand for fear of being set up by the BIB.

Thailand no longer has the appeal it used to have for me.  Corruption is rampant and foreigners are such easy targets.

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"he had lost everything - 34 rai of land, a Mercedes Benz and another car, motorbikes, cash. But worst of all he has not seen his son for two years and now he is desperate for help."


I can help.


1. 34 rai of land--you never "owned" that, since Foreigners can't own land in Thailand.  Your wife owned that land.  


2. Mercedes Benz--that just means you're "rich" as in "nouveau riche" and had "excess" money to burn.  Should have bought a Swift.  You should file a police report if the car is in your name.  If it's not, then once again you never owned it.


3. and another car--that means the thief had an accomplice, as one person can't drive two cars at once.  Ask your neighbors if they saw anything unusual.  You do speak Thai fluently, correct?


4.motorbikes--two or three accomplices.  Either that or you've been gone a long time, not watching "the store".


5. cash--how much cash do you need laying around?  Never heard of an ATM, or is there something we need to know about some kind activity that generates lots of "cash'?


6. he has not seen his son for two years--tragic.  But again, why leave all that and be gone so long?


Seems like a case of neglect, more than anything else?!?!?

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3 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

I feel bad for this guy because he is a victim, if what he says is true, and I believe him because I have been indirectly victimized by corrupt Thai police in the village we got married in, three times in the past ten years. Alleged YABA possession for my oldest son cost me untold thousands of baht to keep him out of prison, then two years ago, weapons possession charges against my youngest son that have netted him 2 years  in prison, and just a month before him being released, the BIB planted YABA in my wife's truck and she is in prison and might have to serve 3 years.  I cannot bribe anyone to get her out either.

As far as lawyers go, that is a terrible waste of money. They are all in collusion with the  cops and magistrates; bottom scum dwelling leeches who are totally worthless and who should be in prison with their crime partners. 

This gent forgets he never owned the land or vehicles anyway and if his wife has left him, he can just forget about ever finding her.

This sort of thing is so common I am afraid to come back to Thailand for fear of being set up by the BIB.

Thailand no longer has the appeal it used to have for me.  Corruption is rampant and foreigners are such easy targets.

Now we have a guy who tells it as it really is and full credit to him. Thais themselves are being ripped off by those at the top so in turn think ripping off Farangs is ok because those at the top do it to them.


But still we have those who say life is great here, they bloody have to as all the cash has gone and they cannot go home as will loose face or be living in a hostel. I just wish the UK would make all Thais here do as they make all Brits do there. and that is living in fear of that knock on the door. Yes they did it to me but I did it back in the end and a lot worse and will continue too do it until I die. that website I have been promising is coming, just have to finish another project first. Your know it when it hits, any stories just send them I will print that is for sure.


Mr angry at seeing another Farang suffer has spoken. It should not be this way and you know it.

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I been married to a thai 11 years..2 kids together..she divorced me after 5 years in norway where she and our kids stay now..i built a house in Surin and bougth a car..she paid half..the house i built cost only 300.000 bath..car 720.000 bath...she learned me to speak thai and kamer...not all girls are the same..some is genuine and honest..her new bf is a thai from Surin..he asking her for money all the time for this and that..i think the money goes to him and his thaiwife..rigth..he is still married to a thailady...he visit her this year here in norway but run back to Surin after 5 weeks here..we share custody of our kids..so no childsupport involved...she have a good paid job here..shes a former bargirl..but that doesnt matter for me because we who buy sex is not better then them...she bougth her own house in norway last year..stay only 400 m from my home...the story the guy telling here have 2 sides i think...weapon in his car?????im sure there is more to this story 

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1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

I have noted one thing whilst living here

Why do all the aging men (who are about to retire or are retired ) need to have another baby at their age (maybe woman has no children ) when they should be in their happiest final yrs 

If the women wants a child why not tell her to find someone younger

You didn't get it. Babies come naturally when you have sex. I am still having a lot of it.


Edited by KiChakayan
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59 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

I’d guess a large percentage of foreigners in Thailand have been married before, and may well have children already. It surprises me that they would choose to do so again when they arrive, much older, in SE Asia. You can still have children and maintain some control over you’re asets  .... I think the biggest risk is to entrust a large percentage of your personal wealth with a new, probably much younger, bride. The famous Ted’s story, the My Thai Bride documentary, being a case in point. He was of course a very foolish man. As for selecting the right person, I’m pretty sure Ted thought he had. The problem with being an idiot is that you don’t know you are one. And the best con artists are the one’s you least suspect, many of whom play the long game. My point is why take the risk? 

Well, there you go again with your aversion to marriage based on your opinion that it will end poorly. Yours seems the typical lament I hear from so many foreign men; you just can't trust them women; they will lie, cheat, and steal. I think it matters little how old the man or the woman are; if they are compatible. As it is in any good relationship, there has to be more to it than just money for sex.   The problem I see is that too many men, young and old, use their little heads for thinking.

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