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Video: Monk lashes out on train as "Indian" racial insults ring out


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Though these very, very small men are wearing robes, it is quite obvious they are spending no time during the day, in contemplation and meditation. Two of the most basic foundations of Buddhism.


Also, that so called slap, though rude, was a bit like a mosquito swat. Pathetic, at best. All in all, examples of men who are so unimpressive, it is as if they were not even there. 



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5 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

respect the robe

not the man

How do you respect a robe? Anyone can wear it, only some deserve it. How many times have we heard respect the office if not the man in regards to Trump? My respect has to be earned.

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6 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Disgusting saffron-clad riff-raff using abusive (and slurred) speech and behaving like hooligans. It seems there nowadays are reports on this disgraceful human detritus in the news every other day. I have long ago discarded the courtesy of wai'ing monks, simply because I can never be certain whether I am standing before a decent human being or a drugged-out, corrupted thug who doesn't deserve my respect.

 I have long ago discarded courtesy to Christians, simply because I can never be certain whether I am standing before a decent human being or a greedy or corrupt, manipulative con artist (or Catholic clergyman  who fondles wee kids in his care)

Certainty?? It's usually the evidence you cherry pick to fit into your foregone conclusion, and you've come to the right place to hone your cherry picking skills.

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I rather expect their is a "silent majority" of monks doing it sincerely and correctly, and the relatively few bad apples get most of the press. After all, "Monk spends his entire day in meditation and prayer!" does not get the readership all agog.


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 Not that i'm religious. Of which I am not!

But a monk throwing a punch twice at a man, who is not a monk, and he turns away without fighting back. He is more deserved of the monks robes than the monks. Again shame shame to the monks here! Unless they can give me the winning lottery numbers LMAO

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12 minutes ago, wavemanwww said:

 Not that i'm religious. Of which I am not!

But a monk throwing a punch twice at a man, who is not a monk, and he turns away without fighting back. He is more deserved of the monks robes than the monks. Again shame shame to the monks here! Unless they can give me the winning lottery numbers LMAO

Double negative, so you are religious and giving a bias view.

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7 hours ago, mercman24 said:

the only reason they join is that they never have to work again , and people give them millions, so they can carry  on doing this, got to be the most corrupt lot out of them all,

Plenty of "christians" fall into the same category :thumbsup:

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37 minutes ago, wavemanwww said:

you a MOG trying to stir me up? To answer your question as your understanding of English is not the best. It clearly states "I am not religious!

You say not that you are religious and go on to say which you are not.  Not that not should tie you up in a knot but all I am saying is not should not be followed by not unless it is something for which you are not.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

"Khaek" is an abusive term usually used by Thais in a rude manner to refer to people from the Indian sub-continent.

They should have been feeling priviledged over that kind of comment. I knew a lot of indians that are smarter than this population.

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38 minutes ago, Get Real said:

They should have been feeling priviledged over that kind of comment. I knew a lot of indians that are smarter than this population.

and the to involved here are smart enough to be Ticket Inspectors - checking unruly Thais

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7 hours ago, Formaleins said:

Thailands monks at their finest - the lot of them should be kicked out of the temples and forced to do some real work for a change instead of sponging the life and money out of the poor farmers and such that donate to these filth to support their criminal behaviour.

Look, in Thailand there are Professional monks, Fake monks, Gay monks, Crazy monks(i mean monks who are bipolar, yes plenty of them just that they live a quiet life so they are in stable condition). I had experienced life as a novice monk for 2 months in Chiang Mai, in a temple called "Reong peong"(spelling is disastrous, I can't remember spelling right) it's about 25 minutes from Chiang Mai town by tuk tuk.  The situation in the temple is such that you don't go around sneaking up on people or even talk to other monks, talking is very much discouraged because you are expected to learn your chanting and meditation and you walk mindfully in very slow steps your whole mind is concentrated on your thoughts and your meditative mood not caring about anything or anyone. You keep very calm and you don't become a busybody. In such situation those bad monks have plenty of time to scheme and do what they like and apparently no one really check up on them except accidentally . So it is really easy for bad monks to continue their dirty works without much difficulty.

Everyone assume you are a good monk until they discover your dirty work. Some monks may know something bad going on but they don't bother to do anything because it would interrupt their meditation process.

They say "Kamathana teck" in thai language, it means my meditation is a failure- when meditation is done properly it is like a thin piece of delicate beautiful glass sheet if you are not careful it will break, the "teck" also means a glass breaks. "Kel teck"- drinking glass is broken or "Krachuk Teck"- window glass breaks.

From time to time the abbot or very senior monk will interview those novice monks on their progress of meditation. Some novice monks will admit their "Kamanthana Teck" because they mind was disturbed by thoughts on sex. And the abbot or senior monk will teach them how to avoid such thoughts. That temple gave me wonderful experience of Thai buddhism 30 years ago. I learned to speak sufficient Thai before I became a novice monk, otherwise you would be in quite a difficult situation with language problem.

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