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Video: Thai restaurant customers order wheelchair bound foreign tourist to "get out" in foul mouthed rant


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Seems to me if she had asked to use the restaurant as more convenient transit route it is most likely it would had been no problem. I would wager she was going to deploy some verbal or facial expression of Entitlement which would not go over well coming from any foreigner. Surely not in America where I come from.

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9 hours ago, keith101 said:

If she wasn't in there to eat she shouldn't have been in there and i agree with the men in telling her to get out , probably trying to use the wheelchair for sympathy just to take a short cut through the hotel and what isn't said is whether she was staying in the hotel . 

Nothing to do with her being Muslim or not just not showing respect .

Respect is a 2-way street. The customer really had no business getting involved in this, the staff should have told him to go back to his table and then helped the woman get on the right track. This was a high-end hotel restaurant? Any employee training happening there? And why oh why do so many people freak out over the most trivial things?

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I have noticed that when you use extreme violence against Thais, that they seem to back off, at least temporarily until they can find another unfair advantage. Witnessing a paid group of thugs beating a couple of Thais to a pulp, showed me how the situation should be handled. Money well spent and the damage meted out to the Thai offenders was far more than needed but very effective. Broken bones and missing teeth, tend to speak much louder than words.

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4 minutes ago, Green Acres said:

Respect is a 2-way street. The customer really had no business getting involved in this, the staff should have told him to go back to his table and then helped the woman get on the right track. This was a high-end hotel restaurant? Any employee training happening there? And why oh why do so many people freak out over the most trivial things?


I don't know exactly what happened there or where the fault lay , but I agree , the stuff of the restaurant should had handled it better and deescalated the situation .

 And where is some empathy?

The inconvenience the restaurant customer experience pales in comparison   to the inconvenience the poor  lady on the wheelchair must experience getting around in Thailand every minute of her life.. 










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so maybe the wheelchair lady was taking a shortcut and was not eating but maybe she could have eaten there is the future. if this were a "known" person that does this chronically then ok to get upset. very bad business tactic to behave that way. in thailand people on trains give their seats to elderly, handicapped, and monks.  

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8 hours ago, colinneil said:

You are clearly seeing things different to other people.

How do you know he is a customer?

Why would another customer get so irate and yell at another customer to leave?

The reason that we know he is a customer is because if you read the article it clearly states 2 male customers


"The video does not show what led up to the altercation between two male customers as female staff stand by.

But the Thais are clearly furious with one saying he is there to eat and "doesn't want to hear this sort of thing". He is backed up by another customer from a different table who joins him in calls for her to "get out".

It is mentioned that "This is Thailand"."

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21 minutes ago, Green Acres said:

Respect is a 2-way street. The customer really had no business getting involved in this, the staff should have told him to go back to his table and then helped the woman get on the right track. This was a high-end hotel restaurant? Any employee training happening there? And why oh why do so many people freak out over the most trivial things?



employee training is more of a concept or abstract idea because without critical thinking all the training in the world will be difficult to invoke appropriate responses


i read reviews on tripadvisor of a very expensive high end bkk reataurant that sits on top on a hotel (recent 2 michelin stars) people recount astonishingly absurd, silly, inappropriate even outright idiotic employee behavior, and these are not isolated reviews.

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7 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

Dont know where your mixing but 15yrs being in Thailand theyve been the nicest people of any country.

May I ask where you bought your rose coloured glasses? I want to buy a pair.

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34 minutes ago, Jools said:

I have noticed that when you use extreme violence against Thais, that they seem to back off, at least temporarily until they can find another unfair advantage. Witnessing a paid group of thugs beating a couple of Thais to a pulp, showed me how the situation should be handled. Money well spent and the damage meted out to the Thai offenders was far more than needed but very effective. Broken bones and missing teeth, tend to speak much louder than words.

You paid for someone to get beaten?

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9 hours ago, mok199 said:

we all know thais can be the rudest of all...I have seen very very little professionalism here...Thailand would be well advised to make it mandatory for all, in the tourism industry to take classes on how to respect a customer..but hey when you pay peanuts expect monkeys

But according to the report the Muslim woman was not a customer. I felt sorry for the staff caught between the altercation. According to many Thais I have spoken with, Thais don`t particularly like middle easterners, they think they`re loud, rude and obnoxious. 

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1 minute ago, henry15 said:

believe me, its make  a big difference. One of the most arrogant and  rude customers are muslim women.  I've 22 years with them


NO it does not make a difference. I also know many Muslims and the ones that I know are very nice people both the men and the women but they are not from the middle east so please do not judge all the Muslims the same or you may be judge the same as all the other bigots and racist trash. There is good and bad in all races and religions.

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I don't know what she said to provoke this response, but not long ago I was in a child's clothing shop, and a Muslim family with an elderly mother were speaking to the Thai shop staff like they were dogs.

I was tempted to say the same type of thing as that Thai man, I didn't due to many children being around. I do not put it down to them being Muslim, but I have noticed many Arabs speaking very disrespectfully to service staff.

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1 minute ago, henry15 said:

believe me, its make  a big difference. One of the most arrogant and  rude customers are muslim women.  I've 22 years with them


I don't believe you.

I live and work in NYC and Florida where I come in contact with many Muslims, I never found them to be any more or less reasonable than other people. 

IMO people find what they are looking for, and if one goes in predisposed because of personal biases  looking for rudnes.............

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1 minute ago, puffy said:

I don't know what she said to provoke this response, but not long ago I was in a child's clothing shop, and a Muslim family with an elderly mother were speaking to the Thai shop staff like they were dogs.

I was tempted to say the same type of thing as that Thai man, I didn't due to many children being around. I do not put it down to them being Muslim, but I have noticed many Arabs speaking very disrespectfully to service staff.

For every anecdote of a rude muslim person , I can counter with an other of a rude non Muslim person

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11 hours ago, keith101 said:

If she wasn't in there to eat she shouldn't have been in there and i agree with the men in telling her to get out , probably trying to use the wheelchair for sympathy just to take a short cut through the hotel and what isn't said is whether she was staying in the hotel . 

Nothing to do with her being Muslim or not just not showing respect .

I always use the restroom before i eat. So does this put me in the same place as the man? Because i am eating yet


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Everyone  in that Hotel needs to be trained on how to handle difficult customers.


1.  Did the Hotel have a handicapped ramp that met the needs of the wheelchair bound person to be mobile. If not- then the customer had to find their own .

2.  Everyone is saying the customer is wealthy how do we know- her wheelchair is not self powered but appears to be a push type- hardly one that a wealthy person could be seen to use

3.  The hotel staff and restaurant staff should have allowed the disabled lady to pass through- how long could it take- a few seconds.  It is the restaurant staff that started the confrontation trying to dissuade the disabled customer from going through the restaurant- to what end-  and if the disabled lady said something ruse- too bad- the customer is always right. Had she been allowed to pass no one would have hardly noticed.

4. The restaurant customers would have never noticed had the restaurant staff not antagonized the customer. However- once  the situation escalated- the restaurant customers should have been told by the restaurant manager to please go on with their lunch and that the manager would  handle everything- at that point the disabled lady should have been apologized to and escorted to her destination. Then the Manager should have apologized to the restaurant patrons.

5.  There is absolutely no excuse for this type of situation to occur and if it was based upon the fact that the disabled lady had been rude prior- that's tough- when you are involved in a profit making business you have got to be able to handle 'tough' customers- that's how you make money.


If I was the Hotel Manager- I would have called my unit managers in for a confab and told them one more incident and I would fire them all.  Stop thinking about Muslims- Middle Easterners- and any other extraneous info that means nothing. You handle rude customers by smiling and making sure they spend their money.


It's called business.!!



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8 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

Clearly this woman in the wheelchair aggravated the Thai people ,never would Thais react like this otherwise . Just right kick her out.

It doesn't take much to set some of them off. Any little excuse will do. When you hear "This is Thailand", the point of no return has been crossed and there's no talking after that.

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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

You are clearly seeing things different to other people.

How do you know he is a customer?

Why would another customer get so irate and yell at another customer to leave?

How do you know he is a customer?

Maybe because he reads properly:?  "with one saying he is there to eat and "doesn't want to hear this sort of thing". He is backed up by another customer from a different table who joins him in calls for her to "get out".

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36 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

 You handle rude customers by smiling and making sure they spend their money.


It's called business.!!




Not in Thailand. If you're rude here, you'll pay dearly. "Face" trumps any thoughts of profit (nearly) every time. Thai people seem quite adept at shooting their own feet.

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7 hours ago, Simons3 said:

bugger me!!  good point!

A walking person probably wouldn't have demanded right-of-way and abused the staff. 

From my understanding from a Thai person, the woman was abusive and threatening to the point towards the end she was threatening to call her "bodyguard/security".

It's not only Thai's who have hi-so's who think they are above the plebs, and don't have any second thoughts about reverting to violence. 

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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

You are clearly seeing things different to other people.

How do you know he is a customer?

Why would another customer get so irate and yell at another customer to leave?


"Thai TV showed an angry and foul mouthed rant as Thai customers in a hotel restaurant ordered a wealthy tourist in a wheelchair to "get out".


Did you miss that bit in the OP Colin?


Seems like an entitled wealthy tourist and an entitled wealthy local both think they're entitled to behave as they wish.

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